Semua Bab Ellie Parkinson and The Realm of Evil: Bab 21 - Bab 30
43 Bab
The Ancestral House
We reached the forest of Dracon after about three hours. It appeared eminently ancient, and unlike any other forest, I had seen or been camping with my parents. It emitted an aura of substantial murkiness, despite being enlightened with the sunlight. The trees looked like beings who had been cursed and doomed for a prolonged time. Moreover, as soon as we came in sight of the forest, a sort of creepiness conquered me, blurry white images of trees and woods flashed all over my mind and then an image of a blurred female figure sprinting away through the woods flashed past my brain, which felt like
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Queen Malena and The Ancient Castle
 Darkness spread across my surroundings, no ray of light was visible and I found myself standing on solid ground in an unrecognizable and unearthly area. A figure in jet black robes was pacing towards me; the same tenebrous creature I had encountered in the water, which I recognized through its razor-sharp vampire teeth which were sparkling and the only source of luminescence there which in turn enlightened my way through the blackness. I began sprinting away in terror nowhere, in absolute darkness. I tripped and fell on the ground as the murkily re
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The Tale of Princess Talia
The entire place appeared one large mystery to me despite what Malena said. My mind ached with the events of the night. What exactly was this perplexing place? I thought, glancing around weirdly, and why and how was I magnetically gravitated towards it. In addition to that, there was something very odd about that young woman Malena as realization struck me. She had hardly even asked my name, let alone enquire about me or my activities lately. Another very bizarre action of hers that came to my notice was her strangely typical medieval manner of conversing. That was simply not a piece of tradition she was following, I thought humorously. I didn’t go inside the room that Malena showed me, instead, I decided to take a tour of the place.
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The Face of Evil
In the interim, my eyes searched desperately for Gerald all over the castle. The young gentleman had played some serious magic over me such that, I felt, that I had fallen for him; love at first dance. My heart began craving for his masked face such that, I sort of felt betrayed by him. “Coward!” I scoffed under my breath, with clenched teeth as a tiny tear escaped my left eye, leaving me broken-hearted. 
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The Hiking
My eyes opened almost instantaneously, the blood trickling across my cheek had soaked but my head still throbbed abysmally. My feelings were going haywire, the ground underneath me seemed to have vanished. The illusion or dream or whatever it was, seemed to have restored memories of a life I lived hundreds of years ago. Vengeful feelings had slowly begun to overtake me, channelling my veins with hot blood, I felt as though I was going to erupt like a volcano. I looked at my painting again, it felt so weird, as though I had travelled through time and had been brought to this era. A sudden ray det
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The Magical Love Ignites
“Help me!” Alex roared, knocking us off our senses, as he ran like a mad dog. He let out a growl of fear, raced past us and dived insanely into the river, going out of sight. Utterly horrified and perplexed, we called out his name loudly, but no answer arrived. There were tears in Judy’s eyes and she was about to let out a squeal when Alex burst off the water and started laughing maniacally. His prank had worked perfectly on us, but he was more successful in annoying us, especially Judy, as she marched towards him with a furious red face and starting punching his chest, while he laughed crazily.
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The Towering Mountain
We began marching towards the mountain, which was about two miles away from the riverside, following Alex’s lead. The entire journey he annoyed us totally by treating roughly as though we were soldiers marching off towards the battle arena. Whenever any of us got exhausted, he would criticize us and even pass a few taunts. It was highly unusual and odd for him to display this sort of behaviour. Nevertheless, we bore him patiently and walked with the burdensome bags on our backs. He led us using a compass, and his navigation skills were so accurate that we didn’t astray even for a single moment. 
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The Twin Beasts
I woke up with a shudder, sweating profusely, my heart thumped as though it was going to burst out of my chest in the flick of a second. The night felt as chilly as it did in the nightmare, causing my insides to freeze spontaneously. The thick blanket I had pulled over provided no help in diminishing the tormenting frost. My teeth chattered overpoweringly, leaving me with no strength to call, let alone shout out to anyone. At that point, my tent was unzipped and Judy came in, wearing a sweater she had perhaps packed predicting the considerable degree of chilliness that would be present on a mountain. I jumped over her and hugged her immediately, hoping to obtain some warmth.
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The Night of Cold-blood
The darkness of the forest that had so irreversibly filled my retina subsided, and the familiar glow of luminescent torchlights filled my eyelids as they opened irritably, revealing to me the enormous hall of Windsor Castle.My hands and legs felt numb and immovable as I had been tied against the great hall wall, except that no ropes were used. Malena stood facing me right underneath the chandelier.  
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The Vicious Witch
My eyes opened in a flash and I was back, my hands feeling the clasp of the invisible ropes again."How can you be so despicable?” I wept, feeling defeated, while the witch laughed viciously with exultation."That's a compliment dear. Well, not just your dear father, but I might also enlighten you with the fact that I murdered your lovely mum too. I released her from her misery while she wa
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