Semua Bab Reclaim the Ice Crown (Blue Triangle Series #1): Bab 31 - Bab 40
68 Bab
  After breakfast, the whole team started on their daily chores. Luna went out to replace Janshai, Robert left to harvest more woods, and Alice worked with the laundry.   As everyone was pretty much occupied with their tasks, Arth just stayed outside the hideout, waiting for his cold-blooded mentor to arrive. He was feeling uneasy, so he tried walking in circle, shaking his hands.   'This is a bad idea,' Arth thought. 'How in the world am I gonna work with that … that rude guy?'   A few minutes later, he finally spotted Janshai walking from afar, appearing amidst the white snow and trees. He still wore his black coat from last night, with his hands hidden inside his pockets. Even though Janshai had been up all night, it was surprising to see him still actively moving.   “He really is not human,” Arth concluded in a soft whisper.  
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  “Desoland?!” Arth yelled, holding his head, his eyes wide open. He tried his best not to panic, because the air was much harder to breathe in, and he would die early if he did.   It was more than strange to experience a hot environment without the sun. The wind had triggered a slight irritation, as if it was intoxicating his skin, good thing he was wearing a sleeved cloak.   “Wait … what exactly is the Desoland?” Arth asked Janshai. “Is this the Underworld they’ve been talking about?”   Janshai took a few seconds, giving Arth a cold stare before answering. “This land is beyond the borders of the Underworld. Desolated as what it is, no single demon has lived here. There are, however, powerful demonic beasts that inhabit this … wretched land.”   “Wait, how in the world do you know all of this?” Arth sharpened his eyes suspiciously. “Is it because of what that summoner said earlier … that
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  “What do you mean something awaits us there?!”   “Enough talking … just walk.”   Arth crossed his arms, biting his lower lip to prevent himself from speaking further. He just saved all of his curses inside his mind.   As they reached the foot of the high mountains, Arth had to use Glacies Materia to have the tools for climbing the steep mountain. It took them almost an hour to finally reach the top. From there, the Blood Tower Janshai had mentioned could be spotted ahead.   Arth wondered why it was called the Blood Tower, as it was only made of black slab of stones. But asking the question to Janshai would be out of the option.   It was a dark circular tower. The top could not be seen as still it soared through the dark clouds. There were no arch windows or loopholes in the walls. The inside was indeed completely sealed.   “This i
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  A red beam of light pierced through the afternoon skies, coming from amidst White Forest. It blasted out blinding light energy, brighter than the white clouds that everything else went dark as the beam flashed.   “That’s our signal. Let’s move,” Kael ordered to the group of five Grand Knights behind him. They had been waiting for almost an hour outside the western entrance of the forest. And now, they trotted through the trees, and then galloped.   Kael was dressed on his cerulean cloak, his enchanted sword sheathed on its white scabbard, hanging on his belt. He had planned to bring all members of the Grand Knights’ Order, but unfortunately, some of them had emergency cases to attend to from His Highness. So he could only bring five Grand Knights with him.   The ambiance in White Forest was darker than what Kael had remembered. It was still noon, but the thick branches from the tall trees had completely co
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  The wrath of the hellish Underworld had come upon them. Swirling red fire blasted towards Arth like a tornado, coming from the dragon’s breath. Everywhere it was burning.   Arth raised both hands into the air, casting ice materialization, blue light illuminating above him. A wide shield made of ice instantly appeared as the light faded. Despite its massive weight, he managed to use it to block the raging fire blast from the red dragon.   “Gods, help me!” Arth grunted as the shield was melting so quickly from the tornado of fire, wilder than any catastrophe. Clearly, mere ice weapons wouldn’t stand a chance against its weakness element. But he had no other choice, as there were no ways he could dodge the dragon fire in time.   Arth stood hard against ground to keep himself from getting blown away, his entire body washed by the water dripping from the melting ice. With all luck, the blazing fire had stopped
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  Arth furrowed his brows, looking worriedly at Janshai’s bloody wrist. He had already suffered enough, but he knew Janshai had dealt much worse. He couldn’t just let his friend fight this powerful dragon alone.   “But your wrist—”   “Just get to the portal already, idiot!” said Janshai before he leaped to swiftly evade the dragon’s other claw.   Arth wrenched his aching muscles, forcing himself to walk fast towards the red portal. His knees were shaking, but he exerted all of his remaining strength to get out of this wretched place. With every step, he felt more guilt of running away and not helping his friend. Janshai had been a very important person in his life already, and he would even sacrifice himself just to save his comrade. But despite all of that, he knew better. So he could not stop now. All of Janshai’s efforts would go to waste if he would not make haste.   As Arth was fina
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  It had been a long night of traveling nonstop, as the Frostguarde might have tried to chase them. Good thing, Alice managed to hide their tracks with her magic. Heading far north of White Forest, they finally arrived in the village of Winterrun.   It was a cold dawn with an early snow fall. The group stopped at the gate entrance of the village where several armed guards stood on the path. The high walls were made of stone, and two archer towers stood on both sides of the gates. Several bowmen could be seen at the top, aiming their bows towards the unidentified group below.   “State your name and your business here,” one of the guards called out.   Lucas, who had a mask and a hood on to avoid being recognized, reined his horse forward and then handed the guard a scroll. It only took the man a few seconds to read before he turned his back, signaling the men on the other side to open the gates.  
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Stepping inside, the room was dark and quiet, but bigger than what Arth had expected. He was used to living in small compartments alone, so staying here with the boys would totally be a whole new experience.   Arth paused shortly the moment he spotted Janshai, squatting on one of the beds. His head and back was leaning on the wall, with his eyes closed. Arth could not remember when Janshai had his rest, as he had been fully awake for two nights straight. Plus, he just lost a huge amount of blood.   Quietly and carefully, Arth entered, gazing around the dark room. It had four single beds and two wooden desks. There was a bottle of milk lying on the floor, so Arth picked it up. It was half-full, causing him to look at Janshai. He shook his head and then placed the bottle on the desk beside the bed of the sleeping guy.   Arth went to the other bed beside Janshai’s. It made a squeaking sound as he sat on the side of the soft
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Arth awoke by Robert’s loud voice in their room. He grunted in frustration, rubbing his sleepy eyes. “I told you. Arth’s still not awake yet!” Robert said, who appeared to be talking to someone through the door. “Oh, he’s awake now!” “Yeah, I’m awake now because of you, dammit.” Arth eyed him sharply. “My bad,” Robert said, smiling apologetically, scratching his brown hair. “Alice is here looking for you. Should I—” Arth sprang out of his bed right after hearing her name. He almost stumbled as he hurried towards the door, making Robert laugh out loud. “Move,” Arth said, pushing Robert’s face away. “Yes, what is it?” He raised his eyebrows, smiling with his teeth while looking at Alice. She was dressed on her white cloak, standing outside the door. “Uh … Are you going somewhere?” he asked. Alice surveyed him from head to toe before she spoke. Her cheeks blushed, eyes looking away. “Dress up. We’re going on a mission.” Then she walked away all of a sudden. That was when Arth took
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  “Arth! Hey, listen to me!” Alice said, poking him to get his attention. But Arth had been staring at the paper for how long already. He didn’t even notice his tears dropping to the paper he was holding.   “The Chief is … taken to the capital …” Arth’s voice broke, his eyes wide open.   “Hey …” Alice came in front of him, held his cheeks to make him face her, then wiped the tears on his face.   “This is all my fault,” Arth bit his lip to prevent himself from crying, “Gods, this is my entire fault.” His chest tightened, as hard as stone, where inside was a shot of pain throbbing, killing him. He couldn’t believe it. Why would they bring the Chief into this mess?   “Hey, this isn’t your fault, okay?” Alice tried to calm him down. “Listen, it’s gonna be alright. We just have to tell the boss first.”   Arth crumpled the paper, sobbing.   “We’ll resc
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