All Chapters of Reversed: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
44 Chapters
t w e n t y - o n e : i can't swim
June 2040Kara's POV:It's staring at me, like literally staring. I shouldn't have done it. Why did I take the stupid book?I hope to God he doesn't notice, but what if he does? I highly doubt that he writes in a diary every day.But then again, I shouldn't assume.I'm tempted to read it. I should read it, or else what the hell was the point in taking it? It's a thick black leather book. It looks somewhat worn, but largely unused. It's probably just filled with gaming or sports stuff.I should try to return it--ASAP. Like right now."Kara!", mom calls from behind the door. "Open up!""Here I come", I reply. Oh lord.I open the door to see her standing with her arms crossed, sporting a disapproving look. She's holding something: a rectangular pink and white box.Wait."Mom, are you serious?", I slap my forehead. She can't be serious
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t w e n t y - t w o : i feel so close to you
I look around frantically because it could be anywhere around the bag. Maybe when I changed out of my regular clothes, it fell? I don't know."Are you good?", Shawn asks.I guess I look pretty insane, scraping at the inside of my bag like a crazy person."Uh, yeah", I take a deep breath, "fine".Who the hell could have taken it? Or maybe I left it at home? Or misplaced it? No. I checked my bag three times just to be sure. It has to be here.Just as my luck is about to expire, Jack walks up, "Can we talk?""Now's not a good time", I huff, still scraping hopelessly at the bag."But I need to talk to you", he looks me and Shawn up and down, "And you don't look too busy", he reaffirms."Well, I am", I say, frustrated."I just", he runs his hands through his hair."She doesn't want to talk to you", Shawn interjects."I don't remember asking you", Jack inches closer."Alright, alright", I raise my voice, I
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t w e n t y - t h r e e : hewey and dewey
Shawn's POV:"Did you really have to hit her?", I ask with my arms crossed. Rochel can get a bad temper, and she's pretty controlling. Now, I don't like to be controlled, but it's hot when she does it.She just grunts in response.
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t w e n t y - f o u r : perception
Lacey's POV: Cracking down these radical factions has gotten easier since the beginning of the Reversal. In the beginning, I remember receiving so much backlash. About 40% of the population was on board. 50% resented it, but they were willing to comply. And the last 10% was the minority of radical (mostly men) people trying to win back their misogynistic society. We repressed that immediately. But naturally, as those weeds were plucked, more arose, which is why our loyal "Societal Coordinator" Harry is in charge of burning them. We use "Societal Coordin
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t w e n t y - f i v e : perception pt.2
"I don't even know. I've never been busted by the police before." "Come inside. We need to create a plan." I plop down on his couch and turn on the tv. 
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t w e n t y - s i x : side characters
Shawn's POV:What the hell would I want with Tiana? I don't want to be an instrument for her control. I pity anyone who's had to suffer that role. Honestly. Why would Kara want me with her? The whole thing is confusing. I barely know if I have any feelings for Kara--and we've spent a lot more time together. There's something I don't know. Maybe it's their chance to use the quiet kid as a pawn in some game. What if this whole thing was a game? I know who she hangs around. She literally had to force herself to do this with me. I'm fucking stupid for thinking other than the obvious. She probably told them all about our--my--plan. They're all laughing at me, I bet. All these thoughts are making my mellow expression sour by the second. But then I turn to her, with her head rested on my shoulder, and I don't want to believe that all this was just a joke to her. I had never even thought of Kara in that way before she randomly kissed me at the party--then Rochel slap
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t w e n t y - s e v e n : a fish on land
Kara's POV:"You really need to clean up in here.""Put that down," I slowly remove a glass snowglobe from her grasp. She's literally rearranging my room, and calling her commands suggestions. I know I don't actually have a choice in the matter."I think it's pretty neat, actually."She lifts an eyebrow, "In what world?""Wait, why do I have to clean? It's not like anyone's gonna be in here.""The cookout," she rolls her eyes, "Remember?""Oh, right," I slap my forehead. I almost forgot. Another event where we discuss the success of the New World and stocks. Yay. My parents' friends, whose children also happen to be my friends, come over to eat good food (courtesy of my dad) and listen to music.The idea of this cookout could not be more excruciating right now. Jack's dad will be there. Tiana will be there. Usually Andrew and his parents attend, but who knows where he even is?I wonder if mom knows about
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t w e n t y - n i n e : communication (the lack of)
"I-I," I stutter. "How did you even know how to get here? I've literally never told you--""Please," she holds up her phone. Find my iPhone. Who would have guessed? I'm stupid. Well, not necessarily. It wasn't a secret: where I've been. Well, it was today, but on the other days it wasn't. He's just a friend, and hanging out with him should be like my other friends. She shouldn't care."A little stalkerish, mom."She rolls her eyes, "Please. I'm a mother. I have a right to be stalkerish. Did you think I would let you hang out with new people without knowing who they were--or where they live?""Good point, I guess.""What I want to know is why you left the cookout--your favorite event of the summer."Not anymore. "I just felt a little... cluttered."She looks confused. "It's just the same people, in the same place, doing the same thing--every year. The monotony got to me. And Shawn, he's--""A distraction.""Could we maybe
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