Semua Bab Alpha's Mage: Bab 81 - Bab 90
119 Bab
14. Xavier’s Bane
[Erica]There comes a time when one suddenly feels lost, when suddenly everything from them is snatched away and all they can do is mourn the loss, helpless and devasted. Erica was numb. What had she done? How did she do this without knowing about the consequences? Was Elias angry for this reason? Was this the reason told her his past? Hundreds of questions swirled in her mind making her dizzy. Her tears had dried up. This grief will not even let her shed tears. "But...but there's...there has to be a way right? We could...", she wracked her brain to come up with a solution. This simply couldn't be. Xavier can't go feral. This man....she still saw him as her mate, he can't be cursed with such a fate, not because of her. Not because of anyone. "We could mate? Like bond?" she suggested, her gaze searching his tired eyes, the dimmed orbs stared back. His lips curved into a rueful smile. He pulled away a little and averted his gaze.Rejection? Or was he just giving up?His arms still loo
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15. Unforeseen
[Erica]"You are un-fucking-believable", Jade cursed loudly, throwing up her hands exasperatedly. Erica, on the other hand, did not whether to cry or slap him. She was still reeling from the fact that Xavier, who asked her why she had rejected him, who seemed heartbroken by the loss is not willing to save himself. Just to save her? She pulled away from him, not missing the hurt that surfaced in his gaze.She turned to fully face him and glared, "What do you mean by 'no'?" She was not letting Xavier throw away his life for her and while she knew the chances of Jade coming to know about her were high, she didn't care. After all. Elias and Lucien had some explaining to do. Jade came and stood beside her, crossing her arms, she too demanded, "Yes, what the fuck do you mean by 'no'?" She could see the distressed look on his face but how could he just throw away the one chance that they had? The one chance that could mend the mistakes she had committed just a little, the one chance that w
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16. Incomparable Happiness
[Xavier]His assent had brightened Erica's whole face and his heart warmed up at the sight. When he had refused to go forward with the plan it was because he wanted to protect Erica at all costs. He had seen his father's eyes become completely black with the need to destroy Aldred and mages in general. Introducing Erica to everyone would not only endanger her but also others if her words were anything to go by then definitely there were others. But the fact that Erica would go to the extent of giving away her identity to Jade just so that she could know and he could accept? He did not imagine this at all. The love for her had increased even more. He smiled at her nonetheless and moments later Erica's palms left his face and her arms wrapped around his torso as she hugged him again and who was he to refuse it? He encircled his arms around her and rested his chin on the top of her head. He could feel Leikos stirring slowly at the back of his mind and now that he had almost got back hi
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17. Trepidation
[Erica]"Elias!" she bellowed the moment she arrived at the mansion. There were very few people at the living area and all of them looked equally startled by her sudden hostility. Lucien who was talking to one of the younger mages asked in a concerned tone, "Erica? What happened?" He walked up to her and grasped her shoulders. Erica to his shock and surprise pulled away from that grasp and glared at him. "I need to speak to you as well", she gritted. Lucien nodded jerkily."Now where is Elias?" she muttered. Vrisha who had suddenly emerged from the corridor informed, "He is in the library". Her eyes clouded with worry as Erica stalked past her towards the library with Lucien trailing behind. "So what else are you concealing?" she demanded as she stomped into the room. Elias who was reading looked up, surprised. Erica saw his gaze travelling behind her towards Lucien no doubt, but she wasn't having any of it.She sat on the other chair and quizzed, "Why did you not tell me the conseq
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18. Conversations
[Erica]Once again she found herself in the office. This time even though Xavier wasn't startled by her sudden appearance, however, he did not move for a while, merely staring at her. She concluded that it might be due to the fact that she had visited him so soon. Jade was not in the office so she was a little grateful for that. She greeted him with a short wave, "Hey". But the cheerfulness that she tried to pull off fell flat. The smile looked more strained. Wasn't he expecting her? Sudden reluctance crept up as it started to nibble on her insecurities.Xavier seemed to come out of his stupor then. He cleared his throat, slightly embarrassed, "Hey. I thought you will take more time. But nonetheless you're here and that has blessed my anxiousness". Erica sighed in relief. So he too was anxious to meet her again? Xavier then asked, "Ah...did" Erica nodded as she walked up to the desk. "Won't you ask...who?" she prodded. She was sure that Xavier wanted to know. But he was
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19. Queries…Lots of them
[Xavier]"Well..." Xavier began to bridge the awkward silence. The beta had completely frozen, his eyes wide with disbelief. "How?" he breathed. He couldn't even fault his friend for being dumbfounded, after all, he must have been guarding the door since the morning and he hadn't let in anyone other than Jade. "She...teleported", Xavier tightened his hold when he heard Erica gasp inaudibly. She must not have been expecting such a clear-cut explanation from Xavier. But he trusted Arnold, trusted him like no other and while he would not give away her identity, he had to make him aware of his mate's abilities. "Oh", his beta exhaled, still dazed. However, it did not take him long to recover and soon he was also asking the most predictable question, "Where have you been?" His tone held reproach and subdued anger.Although Xavier wanted to make him submit for talking to his mate in such a way, but he did not have the heart to. He merely let out a low growl which snapped Arnold's attenti
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20. Cold Reunions
[Erica]Sir Leon. The name immediately rattled her brain. Could he be? She had momentarily stiffened on Xavier's lap before forcing herself to relax. They had finally decided to leave the office and meet others. Her heart was pounding at the thought of meeting her family again. What will the others say? Will they react in the same Arnold did? Maybe. She felt Xavier grasp her hand lightly, giving it a soft squeeze of reassurance as they walked side by side. Jade had been called back for some urgent meeting and while Erica wanted to know more she knew that Jade had been missing on her Queenly duties to help Xavier out. "Don't be so nervous. It's just your parents and brother", Xavier mumbled as they left the building. The moment they stepped out, she noticed many people turning their gazes towards them. Some looked angry while others were merely curious ones. She forced herself to look indifferent. She tightened her hold on Xavier's hand and swiftly glanced at him. He was glaring back
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21. Family Dynamic
[Erica]The last thing she wanted to hear was this. But she was also apprehending this accusation She knew she couldn't forever escape such accusations. Xavier's aunt and Arnold were too modest but the Luna Queen definitely wasn't as forgiving. Erica clenched her jaw, bracing herself for more onslaught of accusation. Alpha Samuel was already glaring daggers at her. She felt Xavier's grasp around her shoulder tighten. "I guess that is not how you should thank her", her gaze flickered to her mate's direction who was staring resolutely at his parents. She could already feel the tension in the air. She threw a glance at her parents who looked as if they wanted to protest but their hands were tied. Their ranks were after all, beneath the Royals. "What do you mean?" Alpha Samuel gritted. "Had she not rejected me, you wouldn't have been able to see your beloved elder son. Ever", Xavier replied simply. Erica saw their anger turn into disbelief. "What?" Luna Freida asked, her voice an octa
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22. A Special Nook
[Xavier]He knew the reason behind Erica's abrupt retreat. He could sense her anger, simmering. But he chose to ignore it. He has stopped caring about what his family thinks about him and he wasn't letting the bitterness get to Erica anytime soon. His 'perfect from the outside but dysfunctional and broken from the inside' family wasn't going to deter and dampen his happiness that he had found once again. But when Erica asked him if she could meet Leikos, his guts twisted. It's been a day since Erica came back in his life yet he had hardly felt Leikos' presence. It was stronger than it was before but still feeble. He averted his gaze, disappointment seeping in like icy water, soaking his entire being. "Huh?" Erica's unintelligible bafflement made him even more helpless. He took a deep breath, "I...can feel his presence but-" he paused, his gaze gravitating towards his mat again who looked apprehensive, "-but I can't change". The truth tumbled out of his mouth and he noticed, Erica's
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23. Making Happy Memories
[Erica]How a person could carry so much grief within his heart but move forward in life was beyond her. She was thankful for having a loving family. She now understood how much she had been living a sheltered and how well-loved she was. The feeling was followed by that of guilt. How can she feel like this when her mate was hurting? had been living under a constant sense of inferiority all his life? She felt like thanking him again for sharing such a special thing with her but refrained herself."This is my kind of place", Erica comments, diverting the topic. She will work on Xavier's advise and try to ignore unnecessary negativities in her life as well as Xavier's. She stood up and walked around. The shelves weren't stacked with books. They weren't bound or anything, some looked tattered and yellowed. "Did you finish reading them?" she asked as she took out one thin book. She flipped open the page carefully. Her brows furrowed when she realised that none of the words was recognizabl
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