All Chapters of Mated to the Alpha Knight: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
136 Chapters
98. Restless
*Emrys’ POV* Slamming the sharpened blade that glinted off the lighted sun above forward and knowing it hit the bastard by the way ice shards had come back and slashing my cheeks quite harshly, I let out a growl that was enough to vibrate the solid ground… Celeste was right, I should’ve let her known about these vile creatures before an attack like this was to be made, even if no one thought that these bastards would come so far down south compared to their normal climate; yes, they had taken refugee on our cities outer mountains and King Anton and I were coming up with plans on how to rid them, only coming up short, but it was against their norm to be in a climate this warm. If it was in the deadset middle of our harsh winter then maybe I’d be able to understand it a bit better on why they were down
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99. Ostana, Where Are You?
Tonight was anything but relaxing. Focusing my attention on the mythical and powerful inky water in front of me, I took a deep breath as I tried to let my thoughts find their own home in the void of confusion which nestled inside of me; my hands laid over my baby bump comfortingly and it was as if I was still searching for those damn questions. It was pointless. All of the researching in books for hours upon end, question after never ending question, my vision, this damned power - everything that had led up to this moment seemed so utterly useless and now with Emrys’ high blood pressure?  Goddess above. * 
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100. Fallen
The hardest part of this all was getting out of the hole… I had walked around the spacey room and tried to find some other way out, anything from a door, stairs, or even another hole that could lead me out easier, only to come up empty.  In the far left corner of this abandoned room, broken glass littered the stone flooring and blood the color of dark oak stained an old and matted rug; I wondered what kind of stories did this room hold? Whose blood was shed here and why? What secrets were kept here?  My hands trembled as they held onto dear life, I prayed the roots which now tangled themselves between my pale fingers painfully would hold their own and myself, my feet pushing up on the bookshelf I had moved and climbed atop of; Cassandra growled at me, angry
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101. 100% Agree
“Now that we know our pup is going great, I’m ready to take action Celeste… We’ve waited too long to do anything and I feel like a failure,” Emrys filled me in as we continued our way down the corridor, our friends and colleagues waited for us in Emrys’ office. “But there's no use in talking about the subject if we’re never going to take charge,” I nodded in agreement and spoke. “Rhys, I don’t want your blood pressure to soar anymore than it already has though. You haven’t taken your needed rest -” “Baby,” Emrys came to a halt and bent down to eye level, both him and Atticus present as he spoke. “I understand your concern for me but we have to understand our people are in great danger, our pup
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102. Maybe
It was not too surprising that the cold up in the northern mountains was bone chilling, even with the suburban’s heater on full blast, goosebumps painted my ivory skin and holding my baby bump as we drove, I let out a sigh only to have Emrys put a comforting hand on my thigh; sparks of love kissed my skin.  Looking over to my mate who met my eye contact, he smiled lovingly and even though I could see the hesitation in those half stormy, half silver, and as I smiled back with my own hesitation, the thought crossed my mind. I cannot believe we are actually doing this… But I am glad we are doing this. &ldqu
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103. The Trees
The first two weeks upon the mountains ground full of ice and snow had passed quickly, everyone compiling correctly to their designated tasks, meetings, watch schedules, and to be honest, there was nothing more I could ask of my pack; they were amazing people and giving them tasks which not only highlighted but embraced their individual talents made each day easier. There were no sightings or anything that alerted us of those icy bastards but everyone was on their toes… Letters had come once a week, as there was no internet or cell service up here, and Celeste had worried me in her first letter as she explained how she had felt cramps and there had been spotting of blood during her shower one day; Ostana had rushed her to the palaces medical emergency wing. The doctor had fiddled over her and had happily expressed that it -for some odd reason or another- was normal, as I had found out
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104. Gold Message
Eating nowadays was harder than ever as I felt too sick to eat, both from the pregnancy but also the feeling of homesickness without Emrys here; Chelsa and Ostana have been more than helpful. Ostana was busy with her own pregnancy and lately we had spent so much time at her and Laker’s newly designed apartment in the palace so she could be both comfortable and have the scent of her mate to ease her worrying of both him and the upcoming labour.  I finished washing my hands at Ostana’s kitchen sink which was stained gold, orange and emerald green flowers in a small glass vase decorated the area, and drying my hands, I looked out the single sliding window; the pale crescent moon illuminated the ground below, sending delicate moonbeams into the otherwise dark room. My breathing came calm as I closed my eyes and began to
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105. My Baby
“Read into the moon,” Chelsa moved her finger along the gold words, words that I didn’t even know she possessed the knowledge to know but it didn’t surprise me; Chelsa always had hidden intelligence. She always knew more than she let on.  Always. “Read into the moon?” Arrow interrupted. “What does that even mean?” Chelsa shrugged as I began to speak. “Maybe if we read the entire message, we’ll understand,” I spoke pointedly towards my friend who squinted his eyes towards me before rolling them with a smile. “Read into the moon to spark the knowledge.” Silence passed through u
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106. No Mail
Snow seemed to want to bless us upon the mountain this morning as it kept itself in the clouds, probably becoming rain whenever these clouds reached my mate, and as I took the first morning step out of my tent, I breathed in that fresh mountain air. In front of me sat my usual view of members of my pack going about their business, fires lit, and as they all talked and laughed together, I realized that not only did I miss my mate immensely, but I also missed Laker; secretly I envied him… He was back home, in a warm home, food available hot and ready at all times, and most of all, he was with Ostana.  His mate. And his baby. I hadn’t received any word that their baby had come yet, which maybe the mai
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107. Murder Problem
“If the Northern Whispers did not cause this murder, then what did?” A member of the pack spoke out, eyes turning to them as mumbles and whispers started to fill the cold air; by now the sun had started to take its rest.  Songbirds and squirrels retreated into their homes of the trees as golden rays laid over the snow and ice, making everything seem so magnificent that I wish Celeste was here to witness it. I wish she could take in the smell of evergreens that seemed to be paused in time as ice shimmered upon its needles only to drip slowly downwards, like honey upon white marble stairs, or the streams near us which provided the freshest and crispest water that you couldn’t find anywhere else in this dimming world…  I wish she was here, right next to me. 
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