Semua Bab Scars is Also Beautiful: Bab 21 - Bab 30
134 Bab
Few weeks passed after Khalid has left Eve. Adam though still busy as usual, he made sure that Eve is always occupied and make sure she knows that by loving her every single night. Eve finally had a smile after so long. Though she still misses Zara and her family, she decides to distract herself by knitting in her room. It wasn’t the most fun hobby she had but it was enough to avoid being sad thinking about her family and friends back home.She never complains when doing that as she continually creating a blanket, something easy Ariadne had taught her. Perhaps when she has successfully created that blanket, she would move on to a dress or something pretty for Adam. A sharp pa
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As soon as Eve woken up, she felt pain all over her body. Her stomach still aches and her dress was soaked with her sweat. Her head was pounding painfully. She groaned when she tries to move her body but Ariadne gently hold her down, urging her to stay still.Though her eyes were too blurry and she can barely see what is going on, Eve noticed a man in black cloak and long silky hair with white streaks on the front of his head was putting his palm on her stomach. His lip was chanting unknown words but the glow beaming from his hands made the pain in her body subside a little. Not entirely but enough energy for her to speak.
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Eve thought that the pain in which the warlock has mention was just a little twinge inside her body but the pain which is now coursing every vein in her skin is throbbing ever so painfully. It feels like her body had been stung by thousands, no, millions of bees. Invisible bees that creates invisible wound in which even the slightest touch becomes too much to bear. Ariadne had given her some medicine to ease the pain but having her body immune system fighting the poison is like a war itself is going on in her body. It made her feel sick and her body
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One windy night, Eve had a dream. It started with her and Adam chasing each other around the flower garden at their secret meadow. In her dream, they were just a child, playing around with no worries clouding their thoughts. They were happy. They were fearless. She never wanted the dream to end. While she was running towards the apple tree near the large pond, she hears a sharp scream echoes from her back. The sound of someone gurgling liquid in their throat was so clear that it made her turn around in distress. Her knees dropped on the floor seeing the love of her life now an adult has a knife protruding from his chest. Blood oozes down his chest alongside the pool of blood beneath him, slowly taki
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Three months have passed after Adam has left the castle. He had left Damien to take care of her with Mikael. The only companion Eve had was Ariadne and Damien who is always by her side to create beautiful dresses for her unborn daughter. It was the only thing that could distract her from thinking too much about Adam. She would knit bunch of shoes, colourful head cover, frilly skirts fit for her little princess. Ariadne was kind enough to accompany her every single second, seeing she did have troubled creating all of it for her daughter.With her magic
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Three days have passed but her abuse remains. Eve was had by Mikael for countless of times. Repeatedly, over and over again without mercy that she has a hard time remembering what day it was. Her body now lays on the bed she had shared with her husband with bruises covering her every inch of her exposed skin. While Mikael stands at the balcony, closing his eyes and inhale the cool night air brushing his face. Wallowing in his victory while Eve was quietly sobbing on the pillow that was covering her face. Her heart shatters at what had happen.The friend that she had though she knew had raped her without mercy. He was ruthless, cruel and his heart was made of stone. No matter how many times she had be
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Eve lean on the wall of the dungeon where she resides now. When she tilts her head towards the high window on top of her, the chains around her neck, wrist and ankles made a clinking sound. The white thin strap dress which flows down her knees is now dirtied from the dusty floor. Her head still holds its curl but they look almost lifeless as she was. The dungeon was dark, the only light which enters her space was the light from day time and the moon. If it starts to rain, the dungeon would be stark black and her body would shiver from the cold wind. Now that her magic is gone, her body could not regulate as much heat as they use too.
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“I’m so sorry Eve. I swear, I never meant to fail you. I didn’t know he would have tried to hurt you after my warning. Please. Please talk to me. I can’t bear to hear your silence.” Mikael begged her repeatedly. He sounds like he was crying but a man such as him would be too proud for such emotion. Eve continues to stare to at the ceiling above her. Such a pretty white colour. After being trapped in a place so dark, the brightness of the room with its balcony and comfy surrounding has such an aesthetic feeling but what others end up seeing when looking into her eyes was nothing.
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Reaching Kyarakhi forest and standing by the border heading towards Zhatiera, Eve breath stops seeing shards of ice scattered on the floor. The invisible dome surrounding Zhatiera has been broken. Eve’s shivers of what it would meant. Without wasting any time, she ran to the pathway she had used as a kid and seeing so many foot prints of both wolves and humans scares her even more. She only hoped that nothing bad has happen to her family.Her worst nightmare has been realized seeing the scene in front of her. Her heart broke and she cried seeing so many dead Zhatierians laying on the pure white snow. Red blood staining the snow around their body. Furs from the wolves scattered on the ground the
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After all the body of Zhatierians was carried and placed properly on the castle ground, the rose garden behind the castle wall, Eve knelt down, followed by only 88 Zhatierians survivor. Many were man while the small number which remains are woman and children. The ambush Zhatiera went through was too brutal, leaving the weaker of these individual laying in front of them. None could understand why their magic has betrayed them, as if they have never existed in the first place. Wolves bodies was burned at the side of the forest while dead bodies of husbands, brothers, grandfathers with few remaining children and mothers in Zhatiera laid beside each other. Their body surrounding their loved ones as if they were still alive. Sounds of weeping fills the air. Surging pain pounds th
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