Semua Bab The Lonely God: Bab 11 - Bab 20
66 Bab
-HER-Being so close to him, I feel so cold and scared. It’s as if he’s made of ice and the dangerous amount of energy oozing off him isn’t labelling him as friendly either.“Your first task is...” He trails off. Silence follows his words and only the haunting sound of the twists and turns of the wind against my window could be heard.“You have to come with me in order to know your first task.” He says and I could only shiver thinking of which hellhole he’d take me.“Now.” He snaps and I get up from my bed and walk into my closet to get my warmest jacket. I chose the one with black fur and ensure that Oculus Carver is wrapped securely around my arm so that I could use it whenever I am in need. I walk out of my closet to find him standing by my window.He stands tall, his hood is shadowing majority of his face. There’s this haunting and regal air about his presence that rakes my inside. It causes havoc to my senses and my mind seems to b
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-HER-After several steps, I feel wet in my feet and soon, the sound of water echoes throughout the cave, reaching my ears and haunting me.Fvck!Since I cannot see anything due to the darkness in the cave, I decide to rely on my other senses. With slow steps, I move forward in the darkness while my hands are levitated in the air before me so that I could find a wall or anything that’d guide me through this darkness. My nose is up in the air, sniffing and trying to find any scent.I am constantly shivering due to the low temperature here. Outside seemed warmer than here. The cave is eerily silent. Only the water splashes due to my boots and the chattering of my teeth echoes throughout it with occasional sounds of my shaky breaths.“You’re going the wrong way.” A deep voice resonates throughout the cave and I jump back in surprise and shock. Did I really head someone speak or am I wondering voices? I shake my head and take a deep breath
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-HER-Without thinking next, I jump right into the green water. The freezing cold water hits me like a wrecking ball, knocking all the breath out of me. The torch in my hand sizzles as the water eats the fire, drowning me and the whole place in darkness.A roar echoes throughout the cave, making my bones shiver as if the cold water itself wasn’t enough. I pump my legs through the dense water and sense commotion right behind me. I didn’t have to turn around to confirm its presence. I could simply feel it. The tremendous amount of power surging over me through the water and the stale smell that arose from it is enough to call my attention.I pump my legs in the dense and cold water as fast as I can. Since I didn’t get the chance to fill my lungs with sufficient air, they’re screaming at me to feed them some air or my body will be shut down. But I couldn’t afford to mend their needs. Either way, my life is in danger.I swim through the lake and
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-HER-A deafening roar rings throughout the caves before I feel the basilisk near me. With all my might, I step forward and whip my whip. I feel it hit the roaring basilisk and instantly its roar of victory converts into a cry of pain.A small smile stretches over my lips before I step forward and start to whip my whip without any halt and mercy. I could feel it back off and try to dodge my whip but I am experienced with this weapon. It’s like a part of me, I know where am I striking.One after another its cries of pains echo throughout the cave before I hear it disappear under the water with a loud splash. I stop whipping and listen intently for its whereabouts. I cannot risk opening my eyes because it could emerge out of nowhere. The sound of my harsh breaths resonates in the cave and my heart drums in my chest.Adrenaline is rushing in my veins along my blood and the undertone of my chattering teeth due to the coldness accompanies the meek
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-HER-The night wind angrily brushes my skin and the snowflakes that it brought along, sticks to my midnight black hair like bright stars twinkling in the darkest night. My arms are wrapped around me in a desperate attempt to keep my body warm in this cold night. The constant throbbing of pain continues on the left side of my body. I had to drag my body through the snow due to the injuries that I sustained.The fact that I am drenched wet isn’t helping me at all and the probability of me suffering from pneumonia is constantly rising every passing minute. Along with angry hushes of the wind and the crushing sound of the snow beneath my feet, the chattering of my teeth echoes in the night.Goosebumps the size of small thrones adorn my skin which is turning paler every second. My heart threatens to stop beating in my chest and my lungs deny to fill themselves with as much air that I need. I’ve never felt something like this.Tiredness is taking
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NEFRET meaning: Stunning, beautiful.~-HER-Suddenly, I am being tugged back by my jacket and turned around roughly. I tug my jacket back from his hold before growling at him. He growls at me and black flames ooze off his body. That’s when I come to my senses and realize that I just growled at a god.Well done, Nefret.“Who’re you talking to Nefret?” Mom asks and I could literally feel my grave being dug deeper than six feet.With mom constantly rapping on the door and his presence in my room, I seemed to have lost my ability to conjure any thoughts.I look at Arles. Black flames are oozing off his body and there’s this guttural air to his presence that makes my bones shiver. His head turns towards the door before he lifts his hand and point it towards it. Black fire emits from his hand and hits the door making mom go silent instantly.My eyes grow bigger than saucers and my
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- HER-How am I going to do it?This question occupied most of my thoughts as I walked home back through the eerie and dark forest. My mind has been trying to come up with ways to catch that deer.Faster than an arrow. Sacred to Artemis.I cannot kill it or I’ll have to face Artemis. I am already on the bad side of one god, I don’t want to cross another and make this harder for me.My nose wrinkled at the sight of the building I call home. With a deep sigh, I get in. I am greeted with Phoebe and Grace, both lingering in the living room couch, watching tv.“Where were you at?” Phoebe asks as soon as she sees me enter the room. Grace’s attention is bought to me as well.“Friend’s house.” I mutter under my breath as I stalk towards the stairs to go to my room.“But you don’t have any friend!” Grace exclaims behind me and I ignore her as I start to climb the stairs. My mind is set on the second task. I have to complete it,
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- HER-“I want your Golden Hind.”Silence follows my words while she continues to look at me passively. She raises an eyebrow at me before scanning me with her piercing eyes.“You want me to give you my Golden Hind?” She asks tilting her head.“I want to have your Golden Hind, yes,” I say nodding.“And why shall I give it to you...” She trails off before I see her put the arrow in the bow and point it towards me, “Nefret?”“Because I will return it to you.” I manage to speak clearly with my heart racing in my chest. My head is throbbing and my mouth is dry as a desert.She keeps the arrow pointed at me while looking down at me pensively. For a moment, I forget to breathe, waiting for her next move. She has all the power to kill me now. It will be all over if she pulls the string.“You, Nefret...” She continues before lowering her bow, “are impressive.” I let out a shaky breath in relief when I see her put down the weap
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Vesta: The virgin goddess of hearth~-HER-There’s this unknown force that’s compelling me towards the direction of brightness. I walk through the darkness, the hunger for light and the thirst for power lighting my insides with eternal fire. I am in a forest, walking through the trees, pushing the branches away from my way while my eyes are set on the brightness emerging from the distant bush.Finally, when I reach the bush and push its leaves aside, my eyes find hers. I couldn’t help but step out of the bush and into the clearing in whose middle she stood, waiting for me, watching me.Her vibrant blue eyes gazed into mine. They’re similar to mine in every way.A wolf.Majestic and powerful. Her auburn fur appears to be golden as the light emanates from her. Throwing her head back, she let out a howl before charging towards me. I stood there, unable to move my fe
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-HIM-How did she do it? How was she able to survive my deadliest of blows? I have immense power. I have the capability to destroy half the world in just a blink but she survived it, how?How could a mortal like her survive my power? I must find out. I head towards the pack she belongs to. After reaching the Alpha’s house, I climb into her room through the window to find it empty but as soon as I step inside, this particular scent hits my nose that makes my wolf lose control.He’s pacing impatiently inside me to find out the source of this scent. It excites him, it calms him. It’s making him lose control. He wants to take over me and follow the scent to find out its source. I have come to this room before as well, but I didn’t find this scent then.I try to fill my lungs to the brim with it, it’s so addicting. I can’t help myself. I want more of it. If I get the source of this scent then I am going to keep it. Listening to my wolf, I follow i
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