
a disgusting touch

She entered inside the house which looks as beautiful as a palace.

Mr.Harper belongs to a very rich family. The only house in the village with such an ambiance, Zia is surprised.

He walked her to a room on the first floor and opened the door.

It is a large room with a bed in the middle of the room along with the wardrobe to the left and a mirror to the right.

And there is a connecting door to the next room.

"I will be in the next room. you can call me if you need anything" he said while closing the door and leaving the room.

she laid down on the mattress which felt as soft as her mother's lap

Tears ran down her face wetting the pillow

After crying for a long time, she slowly drifted to sleep.


The sun was so bright that the sunlight is adding a shine to the green plants in the forest. It is hot yet cool sitting down in a tree

Ariana and Zia are picking some wild berries

"Zia, remember don't taste anything no matter how tempting they look okay?

the most tempting ones are the most poisonous ones" she shouted loud enough to be heard crystal clear to Zia

Zia glanced at her mom and slammed a berry in her mouth fastly. Her eyes glowed as she can taste the juices of the berry as she is chewing.

"Now you have done it" she heard her mom and froze in her place ...

she saw her mom with innocent eyes like a small puppy.

Ariana pinched Zia's ears

"What did I tell you?"

**rustle rustle**

they both heard the sounds of something moving in the bushes...

"Zia, it may be a boar so stand behind me," she said pulling Zia's hand to make her stand behind her. It became silent suddenly

so peaceful that they are not hearing any sound.

Suddenly there was a large roar.

"Zia run" she shouted as she caught Zia's hands pulling her into running ...

that was a tiger's roar ...

As they were running the tiger suddenly jumped out of nowhere onto them



Zia opened her eyes with a flinch

she is sweating and trembling all over but still, she felt a little cold in the lower part of the body

she got up and saw that her undergarments were removed

she covered herself completely with the blanket not understanding anything.

[what happened]

[I..I am sure I wore my underwear]

she looked all around and found Mr.Harper sitting on a chair facing the bed in the dark.

"Why do you have to wake up so fast *sigh* do you have sleeping issues darling?" he said as he stood up walking near her.

Zia moved back a little as she saw his eyes

the eyes of a person looking down on another

thinking that they own them

like a slave

[I am scared]

those are the eyes Mr.Harper has exactly right now

He moved his hand front to touch her leg

she pulled her leg up immediately wrapping herself in the blanket

"Don't be afraid darling. It is cold so this old man needs the warmth of a young body" he came climbing onto her bed.

He pulled the blanket by force and threw it away.

Zia trembled trying to close her legs with her frock

He moved forward and slammed her down on the bed catching her both hands with his single hand.

[d..don't touch me]

she wanted to scream but she can't

she struggled to get free

he touched her thigh and slowly moved his hands up


he groped her breasts hard and she shouted in pain and kicked him hard with her legs ..

he loosened his grip a little for the pain enough for her to push him down the bed

and she ran out of the house

she ran inside her home and locked herself inside as she sat down crying in the corner.

she didn't exactly understand what happened but she know that she have to run and hide from him


Early morning,

The sun is yet to raise,

the fog is covering the whole area

the sounds of the morning birds are being heard

Zia woke up with the sounds of murmuring being heard

she opened the door of her house to see Mr.Harper standing outside her house and all the villagers surrounding him like crows.

she came outside completely and stood before her door

she glanced at him

he was wearing a band on his head which have a blood Mark at the edge of his forehead

[might have got it from the time I pushed him] she thought as she clenched on her dress

"Mr.Harper what looks like a large wound" a lady spoke concernedly

[did he really got hurt that badly just falling down the bed? ]

"looks like he lost so much blood"

"why is he standing before that cursed child's door"

"Maybe she hit him?"

there are many people whispering around her

making her head spin

Mr.Harper moved his hand forward and Zia flinched taking a step back

"be my daughter" he spoke making all the people in the village surprised

He is smiling at her making her feel like a million insects crawling on her body enough for her to make nauseous

He moved front and was about to touch her face and she slapped his hand away

"How shameless" a lady in the group shouted

"Are you okay Mr.harper," she asked holding his hand

"Why do you want to adopt her ? she is cursed" another lady spoke

"She has a pride of nothing"

the voices are making her feel like their hands of them are tightening around her neck in a dark room making her unable to breathe

she shut her eyes hard closing her ears

[Please go away]

Harper moved near her ear as her eyes are closed

"then how are you going to pay for the firewood I lend you" he whispered

she opened her eyes fast and pushed him away and he fell down

"How dare you" a lady raised her hand to Zia

in anger

Zia shut her eyes hard

[i am going to get hit]

while a tall large man stopped it

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