
new house

"Found you" she heard a voice.

She raised her head to see will' sitting down on his knees in front of her ...

He observed the wounds on her forehead and leg

"just a few minutes we got separated, and you got hurt this badly? " He asked surprised.

She remained quiet looking at her feet fidgeting

"How troublesome" Zia flinched as she heard that.

Will sat on his knees and pulled a small bottle of whiskey out of his sock

"it stings a bit," he said and poured the whiskey in small portions two times on her knee

Zia bit her lip hardly shutting her eyes

He took a cloth out of his pocket and tied it to her knee.

"Do you have a small cloth ?" he asked, and she opened her bag and gave a small cloth to him.

He dipped the cloth in the alcohol a bit and pressed it to the wound on her forehead.

She hissed in pain and moved back a little.

"Stay still," he said pulling her to the front and continued pressing slowly on the wound

he finished dressing her wounds.

"Can you walk?" he asked, and she nodded her head.

She tried standing up and fell down


he lifts her up in his arms and carried her bags on the back

"How light," he said and started walking.

The cool breeze is hitting her face and the forest is so calm...

Inside his arms, it was warm that Zia went to sleep.


Will laid her on the bed inside his house

Zia woke up after 30 minutes of lying down ...

She looked at all sides of the house and walked outside ...

It was a wooden house he built himself.

Two small rooms, a kitchen and a bedroom with a small space at the entrance like a hall cushions laid on the ground with a small table in the hall.

There are many knives in the kitchen with pans and plates

the bedroom contains one bed and a small place to keep his clothes.

It is a small yet comfortable house.

The house is located on top of the mountain

to the left of the house, there is the washroom built slightly to the edge

to the right of the house, there is a groundwater bore

In the front, there is a way to climb down the mountain which was closed with thorn bushes by will' for the wild animals not to enter at night ...

At the back of the house.

There is a huge steep with slight traces of a way which is used for getting down before

at the end of the steep, there is the "WALL OF DEATH"

Will pumped the water into the bucket and placed it in the bathroom

"you wash up, in the meantime, I will bring something to eat," he said and went down the mountain.


He started picking some raw berries when he heard

**rustle rustle**

he took his dagger out immediately while a boar jumped outside a bush

He became silent not even letting his breath sound be heard.

It is a wild boar

it is equipped with thick skin, and razor tusks and wild boars are intelligent animals

It looked like it weighed approximately 500lbs

they can kill a person with just a kick

it will break the bones causing internal blood loss and finally resulting in death...

[I can't deal with a boar now] he thought and slowly started taking back steps.

**crack** he stepped on a branch making a small sound and the boar saw his musty figurine and charged at him at full speed.

He jumped from the way just before getting hit.

[close call]

The boar shook its head looking for him and ran towards his side again.

He used the tree branch and jumped up a little and as the boar moved past him, he jumped at the back of it and stabbed it in its stomach

It started shouting in pain.

[damn, that didn't go deep]

the boar was running aimlessly in pain ... Will suddenly remembered that he made a trap nearby

he ran towards the trap which is a sharp tooth jaw machinery that activates when an animal steps inside.

It closes as soon as a leg is entered and the sharp tooth stabs in the feet making it unable to move.

And succeeded, but the boar got stuck.

It is struggling to get free while its moments make its skin peeled by the sharp tooth of the machinery.

It's squeaking in pain, being heard all over the forest.

"It's your fault provoked me.

Whatever it is …you are 2 days' worth of meat" he said and stabbed its heart from the back

again and again, until it stopped moving



Zia washed up and went back into the house.

In the hall, she saw some pictures hanging around.

There is a picture of a small boy with the same features as well, but there is no scar on his face

[This must be when he is small]

She looked around and saw another pic where Will is in between two people a man to the right with blonde hair and violet eyes and to the right, there is a woman with dark brown long hair and emerald eyes

[she looks so similar yet so different to my mom]

will look so small in age compared to the other two in the pic, and he looked smiling with a sad expression on his face ...

The man to the left felt awfully familiar to Zia, yet she doesn't remember ever seeing him.

She walked inside the bedroom and saw many papers on the table which is present in the corner of the room.

She walked to it and started seeing them.

She saw many circle images on many papers...and some symbols are engraved in middle.

She has never seen any symbols like that before and she got curious.

She saw a paper with a rough sketch of the same man who is present in the picture with [Eren!!]written on it.

[went miss---]before she could see what was written

"what are you doing?" Will asked, and she turned back to see him in clothes covered in blood.

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