
kiss me at midnight
kiss me at midnight
Penulis: Duchess Dandelion

*Sorry* doesn't fix anything.

Zenith pov

"I can't believe she actually came to school today..."

My chest rose as I took a generous gulp of air, then my fingers tightened around the arms of my back pack as I tried to ignore the whispers in the hall ways.

I was already use to them.

My eyes were fixed on the door of my class room.

"Are you even surprised?"

"Not really, but gosh if it was me I'd crawl into a hole and never-EVER-comeout."

"Well not everyone has shame you know,"

Almost there...just ignore them.

"Come on guys there's no need to be so mean, she might start crying."

"Ugh, and she always cries like a baby!"

Just...pretend they don't even exist, Don't stoop down to their level.As I was repeating this I bumped into someone and I fell on my back and my books spilled all over the floor as laughter followed it flooding the hallway.

"Watch where you are going!Stupid can't you even zip up your bag?..."

Without looking up after I fed my books back to my bag and adjusted my spectacles I already knew who-not what- I had bumped into and wasn't in the mood to deal with him at all.

"Such a dumb klutz."

I didn't say anything knowing that no matter what i said, My words would be twisted and shot back at me in the end.

"Hey, don't you have any manners ? won't you apologize for bumping into me?"

This guy...

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

I said from the corner of my mouth hoping that he would pick up some decency as I was picking up my books at the moment.

"Sorry?! what's your worthless *sorry* going to do about this?"

His booth came under my chin and tipped it making me to look up, At that moment I was already feeling the heat of cameras on my back as people took pictures and videos. They lifted their hands with such ease to record this but not to help me.

People...they all made me sick.

On his white T shirt was a prominate chocolate stain, And the source was explained by the plastic cup in his left hand.

"I'll pay for the drycleaning,"

I said trying to brush off his filthy booth from the bottom of my chin but then he just shoved me away and I fell again for the secound time in less than two minutes.

"That's so you Zenith, you think your the little money your daddy gives you can fix anything if you slap it in the right people's faces..."

Then he crouched, waving his finger.

"Not today, doll, you are washing this with those pretty little manicured fingers of yours..."

Then he grabbed my wrist and began to pull me like he was trying to pop the bone right of it's socket, And i looked around for a teacher to stop this madness but there was none in sight.

What a freaking surprise!

Nobody was there to question the Alpha's son.

Nobody to stop him as he dragged me like i was his freaking property and not a person.

He dragged me till we got to the Janitor's closet and stripped off his shirt and flung in my face.

"There are cleaning supplies in here, So start washing it now!"

I peeled the shirt off my face to look straight at his washboard abs and then quickly looked away and made it look like i was searching for a bucket or something...anything.

"Can't you just ask someone for their shirt?"

I asked him, then suddenly a silence that could be sliced through entered the closet.

What was i thinking?Now that i had suggested it, there was no way he would actually agree to ask one of his friends for a shi-

"Give me your shirt then,"

If someone else had said that, I would have thought that they were making some kind of sick joke, that they didn't really mean it.

But this was Cole.

And I knew-all too well- that he meant every single word.

My heart fell to the floor as I backed away from him.He had blocked the door with his giant frame and there was no leaving here without utilising force.

But getting into a fight with the Alpha's son was a fight with the pack and everyone wasn't all that fond of me already...I didn't want to get any more bad blood.

"Have you gone deaf now?!"

I shook my head as a mop slipped into my fingers as I was backing away.

But...but how long would I have to keep enduring this?I had made a mistake, everyone does...could nobody forgive me at least this once?


I called out his name like he was a million miles away and in a way he was, despite the fact that his bare chest was slammed against my clothed one that his racing heart was beating so fast and it felt like someone was practicing playing the drums on my chest.

"Don't call my name like that, don't you shameless b*t-"


I called again.

"When did we get here?this isn't us...this was never meant to be us..."

I shook as he shot out his fist and I hit the wall, caging both of us in that position as his hand did not move.

"Tell me, What were we suppose to be?"

He looked straight into my emerald eyes and asked again, "No, Tell me, What were we suppose to be?"

I couldn't keep his gaze and was about to lose it when his plastic cup still in hid hand after all the chaos budged my face back to it.

"After all you have done, you really think that anything can be right again?"

I bit my lip as unshed tears surrounded by eyelids and pooled up like two lakes begging to spill.

"But I have a right to fix what i've broken, don't i?"

A scoff came past his lips.

"You? what could you possibly do?"

My eyes fell again, "I don't know, But I know I am ready to do anything necessary..."

His eyes got darker.

"You can't fix anything, stupid b*tch...the only thing you are good at is wreaking what others have...and that is why..."

At this point he had gotten so close that i thought his scent would suffocate me

in that stuffy closet.

"...I hate it so f*cking much that it drives me mad when you cry..."

As he said that silence enveloped the closet again, a silence that was only cut by our hearts beating together in a wild rhythm and his breath-

"Am I interrupting something?"

Standing at the door with crossed arms and a look that could cut through glass was Kate aka school queen ak-


Cole's fated mate.

Just when I thought this day couldn't get any better.

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