
Chapter four

(Nakesha POV)

My head felt fogy as I wake up wrapped in warmth that smelled of black tea and citrus. Something that I enjoyed waking up to every morning. When I try to get out of bed not only do I realize this isn’t my bed nor am I in my room, but I can’t seem to be able to get up. I then realize the reason I couldn’t get up and that was because there is an arm wrapped around my waist. The arm wrapped around me tighter, as it brought me closer to someone sleeping behind me. I almost thought what happened last night was just a dream, but the pain my neck is in really tells me that it wasn’t a dream. That guy bit me, no, that guy marked me as his mate but why. I need to get out of here and get home, but how will I get away from this guy. I started to try to lift his arm off without waking him up, but he’s a werewolf so it’s going to be hard to do.

“Dark angel, what are you doing? You should go back to sleep, please you really should rest.”

No, I need to get out of here and away from you as fast as I can, but how?

“I really need to pee, and I’d also like to take a hot shower to help try to get rid of this headache.”

I can feel him moving around behind me, and then I realize he removed his arm around my waist.

“Alright, just try to make it fast. You should get as much rest as you can. Getting marked is going to put a lot of stress on your body.”


I hurried to the bathroom that was in the room, and the first thing I do was look for any windows that I can get out of. When I do find a good size window that I’ll be able to get out of, that when I realize that I had no clothes on. I then looked to see if there was anything I will be able to put on to cover myself up. As I looked around that’s when I realize that I was in luck because there was a clothes hamper in there. I looked in it hoping there be something that I’ll be able to wear to get out of here with, and the good thing is that there were some sweatpants and a shirt I can wear. After getting dressed I realized that I need him to believe that I’m still in the bathroom as I’m getting out. I decide to run the shower as I put a towel on the head to make it sound like that, I’m in the shower. It’s a good thing I had lots of practice sneaking out of windows when I was younger and to get out of the coven’s house to spend time outside to play with my wolf friend.

I get down to the ground easily, but I can’t stop till I’m far away from this place as I possibly can. My bike was still in the front yard, and I’m glad I always keep a spare key in a small bag that I tucked under the seat. In no time I was taking off being careful because I never rode my bike without shoes before, but I don’t have a choice at this moment. It takes a while for me to get home, and longer for me to sneak into the house without anyone seeing me. The first thing I do when I get to my room was to grab my clothes and straight to my bathroom to wash up. I grabbed my black knitted shirt that will help me to hide the bite mark from Zack, and I also decide to wear my ripped stone washed jeans.

As the water from the shower hits my neck the bite mark not only felt like it was burning but it was also throbbing like crazy. Is this how it feels when you’re marked as someone’s mate. It hurts so much that it’s making me sick, and not to say how it’s making my head feel funny but not funny in a good way. I wanted to talk to Zack about this but I’m afraid of what he’ll say to my mother about this. What am I going to do about this.

‘We need to get back to our mate, or this is only going to get worse.’

“What, what are you talking about?”

‘Why don’t you ever listen to me? Why are you always shutting me out?’

“I don’t even know who you are, or even what you are. Your just a stupid voice in my head that won’t shut up and leave me alone. I don’t want to be crazy like my father, and I don’t need to die like him either.”

‘Who told you that our father is crazy?’

“Please just shut up!”

I might need to take that meds because the voice is getting worse, and the earing that my mother has given to me when I was 12 years old is burning my ear. All I wanted to do was lay down even thought a part of me was really hunger for some reason. I lay there was only seconds when I hear a knock on the door to find out that it was Cyra. She walked to my room sitting next to me on my bed.

“How did last night go with the POS?”

She looks closer to my face and didn’t look happy.

“What the hell happen last night? I’m sorry but you look like shit girl. What the hell did he do to you? Please tell me that he smart enough to use a condom.”

“I didn’t have sex with Daquan.”

“Why not? Don’t get me wrong, I’m so happy that you didn’t, but why do I have a bad feeling something happen.”

“When I got to his place to surprise him, that I find out that I was the one that was surprise. I found him in his room having sex with My Aunt Raphaela.”

“I’m so sorry pet, but I had a bad feeling he been doing this for a long time to you.”

“But how could he do this to me with her? She’s someone from my coven, and she a lot older than he is.”

“I know she’s older than a hundred, but there are some guys who has a thing for older women for one reason or another. Can I ask you something though?”

All I can do at this moment was nod my head.

“Why do you still look like shit even though you didn’t have sex last night?”

I wasn’t sure how I was going to answer that question. She looked at me closer, and she didn’t look happy.

“What happened last night?”

“Remember that party that you said that you’re going to.”

“Yes, but when I was just about to leave to the party, Zack decide that’s when he wanted to get home. He told me that he didn’t want me to go to the party because these bikers unlike the others have werewolves, vampires, and some immortals in it. He told me that the President of the MC is a royal werewolf.”

“Why would a royal be a President of a MC?”

“He wouldn’t say anything more than that, but what happen? Did you make it to the party?”


“What happen Nakesha? I know you, and I can see that there is something wrong with you as soon I walked in here.”

“If I tell you, will you promise to keep it between you and I. You can’t even tell Zack about it.”

I watched as I can tell that she’s not liking the idea of not being able to tell Zack something. I know that he’s like family to her, and she feels she owe him a lot for taking her in when she had no other place to go, but I also know she loves me like a little sister.

“Alright, I won’t tell Zack, but you really should open up to him as well. He loves you like you were his child, hell half the time he will tell others that you are his.”

I know what she says is true, but I also know he will never keep this information from my mom being her familiar. I sat up on my bed so I’ll be able to show her, and when I showed her the mark that he made on my neck, and I can see her eyes widen in fear. I can tell she was at lost for words.

“Nakesha, do you understand what that mark on your neck means? Who the hell marked you?”

“A guy at the party, and now after talking to you I believe that the guy now is the President of the MC.”

“Are you talking about Phoenix?”

“I don’t know the guy’s name.”

“No, but my friend Gene knows him. I hear that he’s the hottest guy there that all the girls are trying to get him to make them his old lady. Wow, he’s a werewolf, and that would explain why he never showed any interest in any of the girls there.”

“Why is that?”

“Werewolves will only want to be with their mates, and no other person will do for them, but why did he mark you. I never heard of a wolf having a witch as their mate, and if you weren’t his mate that mark would have killed you.”

I know that we witches have something like mates, but ours is a different way of doing things. There is a ritual that two will go through to see if the two souls will unite. Vampires go through a different way, but I’m not sure on all the details about that.

“It may not had killed me but why is it hurting so much?”

“Usually when they mark their mates, they attend to stay near each other for some reason that I’m not sure why, but sadly Zack would know more about this. We really should talk to him about this, your life still could be at risk.”

I’m not sure if telling Zack is a good idea, but what if Cyra is right and my life could be at risk over this mark. Maybe I can convince him not to get a hold of my mom, because she would kill that guy who marked me, and I can’t let her hurt him. Why am I so protective over a guy I don’t even know his real name.

‘He’s our mate, and we need to protect him.’

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