

Amelthia felt cold spread around her. She felt everything turn icy, becoming numb. The white blanket she wrapped around her, after hearing the news, was the only protection she had but still she shivered as a thick gust of cold air whirls around her.

She buried her face in the blanket clinging on it as the only source of comfort left for her. Felix's words blurring her mind.

Chief got shot and now he's in hospital.

She gritted her teeth shaking her head at the thoughts seeping in her head. She was already heartbroken but all of this made her more broken. She felt the weakest.

Her whole body screaming in agony for a little peace and comfort she needed.

She blamed herself for the current situation. Neither had she told chief about he 3 brothers and nor would have this situation come up. She felt helpless.

Meanwhile Felix kept softly knocking on the door to tell the whole thing to Amelthia.

"Amelthia. Open up the door."

Felix gave a last knock.

"Fine. Then I am coming in."

Amelthia didn
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