

Three days passed, I'm still busy finding another worker for the Bakery shop. I don't know-how.

"Harris." Someone called me.

"Winslet?" I said when I saw her walking towards me.

"I thought you are sleeping here again." She said and sit beside me.

I'm here on the rooftop again. Eating the lunch that Mr. Baker gave me and he continues giving me lunch and snacks everyday.

"No, I'm just thinking about how to hire another worker," I said.

"You think about your business again?"

"It's not about my business."

"Yes, it is. Just post on the website that your company is hiring. That's it very easy." She said.

I just sighed. She thinks that I am rich and I have my own business.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble last night. I feel shy whenever I see you," she sincerely said.

I looked at her but she refused to look at me.

"It is my fault, not yours."

"Ahm yeah, by the way, my Nanny wants to thank you and. . ."

"And, what?" I asked her when she didn't continue what she wanted to say.

"She asked for your cellphone number."

"For what?"

"Ahm, I don't know. Maybe she wanted to say something or in case of emergency. You are the one she will call." She's biting her lower lip while blushing.

"But, I don't have a cellphone," I honestly said.

"Haha, funny! You are very rich, but couldn't afford a cellphone?" She's laughing while saying those words.

"I'm not---" I'm about to speak but the bell rings. It's a sign that our next class will start soon.

"Our next subject is starting to begin," she said and waved goodbye before she walks away from me.

I fixed my things and went to my next class.

Why do I need a cellphone anyway? I don't have a person to call nor text.

After two subjects it's our dismissal time and I'm still thinking about where to hire someone who needs the job. I already posted a note outside the bakery shop but until now there is no one interested at all.

As I was walking. I saw an old man shouting at the guy in the street.

"You must pay what you've done to my business." An old man shouted to the guy.

"I'm sorry sir but I don't have money," the guy answered.

"What? You broke my mirror but you don't have money to pay for it? I will hire you as my worker."

"I don't want to be your worker."

"What the hell!" The old man shouted in anger. He really looks pissed off because of the guy in front of him.

"I told you, I don't have money, but you are insisting me to be your slave for one week without a salary because of that mirror? I could find another job and pay my damages," the guy defense his self. He has a point. Why do this old man want to hire this guy to become his slave without a salary?

"You, idiot kid. Teenagers these days don't know how to respect old people," an old man said and hit the guy in his head, but the guy doesn't move or fight against the old man.

I looked around and there's a lot of people watching them including me. I pity him. I don't know what did I do when I saw the old man was about to punch the guy. I stopped him by holding his close fist and bring it down slowly.

"Calm down, sir. You don't need to hit this poor guy like that," I said calmly and politely.

"And, who are you? Do you want me to hit you too?" He angrily asked me.

"No, I don't want. And, you don't have to know my name. I just wanted to know how much is the cost of your mirror?" I asked calmly.

"2,000 pesos, will you pay for it?" He asked me, gritted his teeth.

"You said a while ago that it's 700 pesos only," the poor guy behind me said.

"Oh, I hear it too." The Lady behind the old man said and blushed when I looked at her.

I get my wallet inside my pocket and took 700 pesos and handed it to the old man.

"I'll pay for it," I said. He accepted the money while still blushing in anger. He looked at the guy behind me to talk to him instead of saying thank you to me.

"Don't feel relieved, because I'm still going to hire you no matter what," the old man said. I don't like his idea thats why I entered to their situation again.

"I was the one who has rights to say that since I paid his mess," I said to the old man.

He was about to say something but I cut him off.

"I will call the police if you insisted," I said which makes him quiet.

I turned around and walk away.

I lost 700 pesos because of that mess.

I am walking when someone walks beside me.

"Hey, bro! Thank you for saving my life." The guy a while ago said. I didn't notice him when he follows me.

"You are a man but don't know how to handle your mess?" I said to him.

"Definitely yes, but I don't have the power to do that. Money is power for those greed people." He answers.

"Losing one mirror is also losing his business," I said.

"But still, he is greedy. He wants me to hire and make me his slave for seven days without salary? Oh, come on. Then he said his mirror cost 700 pesos, but when you came up it's already 2,000 pesos? He is a piece of shit." He said in his annoying tone.

"You are a piece of shit too. That 700 pesos is my two days salary."

"Thanks to that sexy chick," he added, reffering to the lady who save him a while ago.


"By the way you are working?" He asked in surprise.

"Ow, yes."

"I thought you are rich."

"Everyone has mistaken me for being rich," I replied.

"You are studying at the famous school. Lavern Academy," he spoke again while pointing my uniform.

"I am a scholar to that school. I only paid 1/4 of my tuition fee," I said with my lazy tone. I don't know why this guy still following me.

"Wow, you just got a smart brain." He said.

"What about you?" I asked

"I don't have."

"What do you mean?" I asked again.

"I don't have a smart brain that's why I don't go to school," he answered. I don't care about him but there is something inside me that keep on pushing me to ask more questions so I can get to know him. For what?

"Where are your parents?"

"I don't have one. They got into a car accident when I was 6 years old. My relatives continue to support my studies, but they abused me so I stopped last year and do part-time jobs. I'm still young and I don't want to go to school since I don't have a smart brain like you." I was amazed when he explained his side. We have some similarities.

"What is your part-time job now?" I asked.

"I just kicked out yesterday to that cafeteria, haha! I always ask for a cash advance because I have a lot of debts to pay."



"Where do you live right now?" I asked again.

"I don't know where to live. The landlady kicked me out too because of unpaid debts," he said while laughing. He's hiding his problems through his laugh and happy face.

"I pity you," I honestly said.

"How about you? Where do you work?" He asked me. This time I'm the new topic.

"Bakery shop."

"Can I join there?"

"Oh, yes, it's a good timing. I am finding a new worker to help Mr. Baker," I said while smiling because I already found a new apprentice for Mr. Baker.

"Mr. Baker?"

"That's what I called him."

"And, where do you live right now?" He asked.

"Here." I'll stop at the gate and get my key and open it so I can go to my apartment.

We are a lot of neighbors here that's why we have our keys.

"Can I join there?" He said.

I'll stop entering the gate because I forgot his existence.


"Hey, I am not a burden to you. I promise," he said. I can't believe this guy. Now, I'm the one who's pissed off.

"My answer is no."

"Don't you pity me?"

"Yes, I pity you but I lose 700 pesos because of you."

"I will repay you."

"You have a lot of debts."

"But, still I will repay you please I don't know somewhere to live in."

"Then live in your relative's house."

"Maybe you don't feel the same way. You don't know what was the feeling of being alone without someone and have nothing," he said with his sad tone and turned his back to me.

He started to walk away and I feel the guilt inside of me. I am also like him. How can I push someone who has nothing like me?

"Okay, it's a yes. Don't be so dramatic---" I didn't finish my words when he went inside the gate and smiled at me.

"Come on!" He said with a biggest smile to his face and started to find my apartment.

"The room 08," I said, and rolled my eyes to him.

When we went inside he asked someone as if there is someone out there.

"Hello? We're home?"

"I'm alone here," I said.

"Wow. Where are your parents?"

"Just like you."

"They also died?"


"Then, what?"

"I don't want to talk about them. I'm so tired," I said and lied to my bed.

I was shocked when he lied on my bed too.

"Hey, I don't want to share my bed to you!" I said while pushing him away.

"Why is your bed is too small," he complaint while looking at my bed.

"Then buy a big one, sir!" I rolled my eyes as I said those words to him.

"Maybe you should let me lie here to make the bed suits me."

"Hey, I already find you a job and let you live for a while here." I really don't like his attitude. He's not ashamed and his face is thick as bricks.

"Oh, thank you. My body is aching will you massage it for me?"

"You are so funny, didn't you?"

"Haha. I'm just kidding. Have you eaten?"

"Not yet."

"Then I'll cook for you."

"You know how to cook?" I asked with amazement.

"You do not?" He smirks.

"TSS. Get out!"

"I'm just kidding. So this is what you eat when you are alone? Noodles and can goods? What the heck? How can you have a good brain when you are eating this?" He said and can't believe me.

"Just cook. I'm hungry," I shut him while removing my polo shirt.

"Okay, I'll cook your favorite noodles," he said sarcastically.

I went to my bathroom and to take a shower. It's too hot. I need cold water to pour into my body.

I'll stop taking a shower when I think about Winslet and how we've met in the middle of the rain.

I look into the mirror and sees myself. I got looks. My body is too hot and I got a smart brain, and I won't deny it because everyone says it.

"I have nothing," I said to myself.

I'm just a stone to her and she is like a diamond that I cannot afford.

I stopped daydreaming when someone knocks at the door.


"Hey, Mr. Brainy. I already cooked your favorite noodles. Stop daydreaming about chicks, yow!" The annoying guy said.

Ohh. This is what will happen if I live with someone else?

I finished taking a bath and went outside wearing a boxer only.

"Oh, god! Where did you get that beautiful body? Oh, wow, six-pack abs?" He said while lying on my bed.

"You are too noisy. My neighbors will think that I live with a gay. Stop worshipping me."

"I'm Sam Perez and I'm not gay," he introduce himself, feeling at home in my house.

"It's good to hear."

"You are Harris Hernandez?"

"How did you know my name?"

"I saw your I.D," he replied.

I just rolled my eyes at him and started to eat.

"I do not have clothes can you give me some?" He suddenly said while reading some comics on my mini bookshelf.

"Oh, I forgot I got a homeless kid," I joke to him.

"Okay keep on insulting me but give me some clothes," he said while still reading the comics.

"Okay, I'll find some tomorrow just sleep and do not disturb me," I said while eating the noodles that he cooked.


I can't sleep. Sam keeps on snoring like what the hell? Is he the owner of this house?

I tried to sleep but I can't. He was too loud.

Tomorrow morning I woke up at 4:00 am.

"Whoah! I got enough sleep how about you?" Sam asked me while stretching his arms.

"What do you think?" I asked sarcastically showing my eyebags to him.

"You didn't sleep well, didn't you?" He asked while smiling like a devil.

I throw my pillow at him and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After 30 minutes of preparing...

"Are you ready?" I asked him while we are walking. We are going to the bakery shop and this is his first day.

"Oh, yes. So, I can feed myself, buy myself clothes and rent my apartment so I can't disturb you anymore," he said while smiling but he keeps on pissing me off.

"It's good to know. I do not want to adopt someone, because I have nothing too," I said.

He stopped walking so was I.

"What?" I asked.

"You see yourself as nothing?" He seriously asked and this was the first time I saw his expression.

"Ahm, yeah?" I replied.

"Do not. If you have nothing you won't help me to kick that old man, you won't feed me, give me some clothes and let me stay at your home even if you are poor. Yes, you are poor but in your heart and mind you are rich," he said while smiling and tap my shoulder. He turned his back and continue to walk while me. I remain silent and keep memorizing his words.

I got hope for the message that he said to me. I can't believe that this guy can give me that kind of message.

Maybe this is what I want to hear that I can't hear from anyone. Everyone thinks I am rich because of my appearance. Maybe if I had bad look they will think that I am a beggar.

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