

"So he is my new assistant?" Mr. Baker asked.

"Yes Mr. Baker. I can do cooking and cleaning if you ask." Sam said then salute to Mr. Baker.

Mr. Baker laughed and I. Sam is very energetic unlike me.

"Okay you are hired since Harris brought you here." Mr. Baker said.

"Oh thank you Mr." Sam said.

"I have to go to school Mr. Baker." I interrupt to them.

"Oh sure but wait. Here is your lunch and snacks." Mr. Baker said and gave me the small bag again.

I smiled while accepting the small bag.

"Thank you is not enough for those delicious foods that you gave to me." I said.

"Haha you funny kid. Go to school now and don't be late." He said.

"Wait? What about me Mr. Baker? Does my lunch and snacks here is free too?" Sam said thats why we laughed.

"Yes I can give you three breads a day." Mr. Baker joked to him.

"What? Only bread?" Sam said dissapointedly.

"Yes bread only."

I left them talking about bread because I don't want to be late.

When I arrived to school. I saw the car of Winslet and I saw her getting out in the car.

"Hi Harris." She greeted.

She is really bubbly, nice and cute.

"Hi." I replied.

"Can we walk together inside the campus?" She asked.

Who am I to reject her?

"Of course yes." I said and she was surprised because I carry her shoulder bag.

"I will carry this for you." I said while smiling and I saw her blushed.

"What is your section by the way?" I asked because I do not know about her so much.

"Ahm section D." She replied.

"If you will ask me why, its simple. My brain is too slow and I'm so lazy to study hard." She said ang giggle.

"You're so cute." I said and she blushed again.

"Wait what? Does Harris is courting Winslet?"

"Oh no! What should we do now?"

"Our fafa Harris is now occupied."


"Your fans are crying." Winslet laughed a little.

"And you are happy with that?" I asked.

"Ahm no no. I'm just oh wow you're so handsome that every woman will likes you." She said while blushing and looked away.

"Do you like me too?" I asked directly.

"Haha are you kidding me? I just want to be friends with you haha." She said and laughed.

I was rejected. Nice move Harris.

"Here we are." I said when we stop in front of her classroom.

"Everyone is looking at us, aren't they?" She asked me while smiling.

"So you are enjoying it?" I asked and smiled at her too.

"Of course being with you is like a famous celebrity." She said and giggle.

"Can I have lunch with you?" I sincerely ask.

She bit her lower lips and answered me.

"Yes of course." She said and turned her back and go inside to her room.

I just smiled secretly when I was walking. Even her perfume leaves a mark on my polo shirt and skin.

I felt that I'm still with her even though its just the smell of her perfume.


"What do you want to eat?" I asked Winslet while we are walking.

"I want to eat pasta." She replied.

"Why pasta? Don't you eat rice?" I asked.

She looked at me and shrugged her shoulders.

"I just don't want to get fat." She said and we laughed.

"Very conscious to your body huh?" I said.

"Of course. My parents trained me not to eat a lot even though I want to."

"Then you followed them?"

"Yes sometimes err! Haha I can't resist the food when its delicious." She said and giggle.

I just smiled at her and about to buy something when she stopped me.

"Why?" I asked her.

"They don't accept cash here." She said.

My eyebrows met when she said that.

"What? This is your first time to purchase here?" She said while stopping herself to laugh.

"What is the problem if I say yes?" I asked seriously thats why she fixed herself and cleared her throat.

"Ahm never mind, come on today is my treat." She said and took her  wallet inside her bag and get the small card and she gave it to the cashier.

"Two carbonara pasta, two apple juice and one rice with fried chicken and vegetable soup." She said to the cashier.

"Oh and add some water please, two bottles of mineral." She added.

My eyes widened in surprised because of what the cashier said.

"1,500 pesos ma'am, just wait your order." The cashier said.

"Come on let us sit." Winslet said.

"Wait Winslet."

"What?" She said while looking at me.

"Our lunch is too much expensive." I said seriously.

She laughed before she could answer me.

"Are you kidding me? Those 1,500 pesos is just a small amount to me. Their food is so much delicous just enjoy it." She said while smiling.

I moved the chair to make her sit and I sit in front of her.

"What do you prefer? Ice cream or pizza?" I asked while we are starting to eat our food.

"Haha why are you asking?" She said.

"I just wanna talk ramdom things with you." I said and swallow my food.

"Haha I like both. How about you?" She asked me.

"Uhm. For me I want ice cream." I said.

"And why?" She asked me again.

"I just don't like pizza. It is too much expensive than ice cream." I answered.

"Haha really? You are afraid to buy expensive foods?" She said unbelievably.

"Of course so whats the problem in that?" I asked to her.

"Uhm no. I was raised and trained to be a classy, because this is where I belong." She answered that made me stop eating.

"Hey are you okay?" She asked.

"Uhm yes, I just don't know what to say." I said seriously I don't know why, maybe I got hurt of what she say. She belongs to the group of rich people why me? I'm not.

"How about you?" She asked me.

"I'm poor." I said sincerely.

"Really?" She asked in surprised.


"Then what is the job of your father? Your mother?" She asked continuosly.

"My father is the famous CEO here in the Philippines----" I didn't finish my sentence when she interrupt me.

"What? Your father? Who?" She asked in surprised.

"Nah. I don't want to talk about him. We're not close." I said then continue eating.

"Its normal to the rich family that you are not close to each other." She replied.

"But I'm not rich Winslet." I said.

"Yes you are. Your father is rich so was you, just understand him, maybe he has a lot of things to do." She said.


"No more buts, now I know, you're such a good man with a good heart and mind." She said then smiled at me.

"You are mistaken me---" I didn't finish my words again when the bells rang.

"Oh come on. Our next subject is starting to begin." She said and pulled me up.

I sent her to her classroom and went to my room.

Why am I feeling this? I don't know why she can't understand me. Hays. Maybe if she knows that I am really a poor guy and have nothing she will snob me.

Do I need to pretend rich just to get close with her?

My head is shaking and its aching. I don't want hurt her, because of one lie.

My biological father will laughed at me if he knows that I use him, and I hate to think of that.

But? How? Winslet can't understand me.


After the class its dismissal time. I packed my things and go home without seeing Winslet. I need to think a plan on how can I explain my side to her.

Thank goodness that out path didn't cross. While I was walking someone grabs my arm. When I turned around I was shocked when I saw him.

"Nathan?" I said in surprised. I didn't expect him to see me.

"Brother. I'm so glad that I met you." He said and hugged me tight.

No way...

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