Unlicensed Babysitter

Unlicensed Babysitter

By:  Deprintos  Completed
Language: English
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Cas, a government experiment, is used to being sent out to commit blind violence. But a new project is on the roster, one that has her world turned completely upside down.

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19 Chapters
If you've never seen an accident up close, you should try, if simply out of morbid curiosity. It's so gross that you can't tear your eyes away from what's in front of you. It's so hard to stop looking. A piece of you wants to study the damage, see what's been done, while another part of you wants to watch the wreckage from a far to see what happens next.And I've gone with the former.Just a few feet ahead of me is some poor woman half engulfed by a car. It looks like its eating her, metal hungry for flesh. The woman's legs are hidden underneath, presumably, her overturned car. I dip my head to peek inside a shattered window and see her things scattered about. A coffee cup, some pens, receipts, a purse, and even some extra clothes. Perhaps she was going somewhere? Whatever the case, she's not moving and won't be arriving anywhere. In the back of the car are the normal things people keep with them- things that help them in times of accidents. None of them would help in this situation.M
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Red File
Surprisingly, I wake up by my own volition, and I stretch cattily atop my bed. The fact that Mariam didn't wake me up means something, but I'm too tired to care. I yawn loudly and run a hand through my messy hair, already moving to get out of bed.From the living room I hear the TV switch on and the volume lower, not that that stops me from listening in. Mariam's watching the news, local if my ears are right, which they are. Only a stickler like Mariam would want to watch the news in the morning instead of cartoons. Her parents must be so proud.Groaning, I decide to take a shower. I want to wash the stink of old blood off me, and if i'm in the bathroom, Mariam won't bother me. Lucky for me, the bathroom is in the opposite direction of the living room, so she won't see me. I quickly grab a towel and a change of clothes then pad over to bathroom. I shut the door, lock it, and place my belongings on the sink. The news is still running at the same volume as when I woke up so Mariam hasn't
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Hospital Visit
A random suit I don't remember ever meeting drops Mariam and I off at SaDian Hospital, where Emma is being treated. Even someone untrained could tell that the place is crawling with men in black. There are even a few guys with navy blue suits, and I wonder if that was on purpose or because their attire didn't matter. Maybe they were special and could wear whatever color they wanted. Perhaps they were from a different faction from the men in black and had a different set of skills. Either way, their presence did not go unnoticed. Neither did mine or Mariam's.The suits follow Mariam and I with their eyes, not even attempting to be discrete about it. To be fair, Mariam and I do look a bit odd. We don't look sad or have flowers or cards to say were visiting a friend or relative. We don't even look happy to say that were visiting someone who's recovering fabulously. If anything, we look a mother and daughter on a mission. I would find us suspicious, too. Their looks make me wonder, though.
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Mariam and Richard, unfortunately, leave Emma and I alone in her room. Mariam said it was so that we could get to know each other better but I was a little suspicious. Mariam wouldn't leave alone with an inanimate object, much less a living person. She was a stickler like that. But the she gave me a very specific look, and I let it all slide. She wants to be alone with Richard, for what I could guess, but I wasn't going to get in her way. At least one of us will be having fun. Kinda sucks that it's not me.Huffing in defeat, I drag two chairs next to Emma's bed, one to sit in and the other to hold my resting feet. All I have to do is sit here and make sure she doesn't die so why not be comfortable while doing it? I doubt anyone will try anything here, anyway. The place is crawling with guys looking for an excuse to body check someone. I would probably think twice before attempting an assault. Probably. I'm not so smart when it comes to assault tactics. Mariam says I'm more of an 'attac
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Step Light
Mariam plops down next to me and crosses her legs at the knee. We watch as a bodybag is taken away to be disposed of properly, and I wonder if the guards will put it in the morgue area of the hospital or if they have other plans for the body. I can't imagine they'd want the body to be discovered."He was, in fact, trying to kill Emma," Mariam murmers. She shakes out her arm and tufts of air like dandelions make my nose scrunch. "He had a gun on him, plus a few other nasty weapons. We checked his other belongings for anything to identify him but we didn't find anything. How did you know what he was going to do?"I rub my nose. "I talked to him and described Emma as a red head. He didn't correct me. Then I told him how much she hates reading and he agreed with me." I shrug and stifle a sneeze."Smart. Good job."Sure, it was, until I lost control. But there's no point in bringing that point up. It's over. "Should we tell Emma?" I ask instead.Mariam sighs. "Richard is doing it right now.
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It takes a bit of time for Emma's internal bruising to heal properly enough for the doctors to feel safe enough to let her leave. The wounds on her face healed nicely with no scarring to be worried about, according to the doctors. The only thing that would leave any type of mark was a wound on the back of her leg that was so deep. It goes from her knee to her heel, but Emma didnt seem to mind all that much so it put everyone at ease. The days in hopital leaving up to when we could leave passed incredibly slowly. There were no other attempts on Emma's life so it was just a bunch of trained people waiting for the other shoe to drop. Sometimes it was tense, but mostly it seemed everyone was bored. There wasnt much to do except for gossip with the nurses and order food on someone elses dime. I could have anything I wanted delivered to me. Some days the whole floor would order from the same place and it would be like e family dinner, but other days we all would want something different so
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Mariam didn't bring up the book thing as we drove, nor did she ask any questions about it. I know she's never seen me read outside of facility and books was never something I asked for when we moved into the apartment. But she still didnt push. She's always known whether or not to talk about something, especially with me. Despite it being her job to keep an eye on me and make sure I dont step out of line, she has also always been hyper aware of what might or might not be good for me more than I have. If she notices something and doesnt talk about it then she's definitely keeping an eye on it.For the rest of the ride Richard is on his phone, Mariam is as well, Emma is reading another book, and I'm staring out the window at the scenery. The cityscape had left pretty early into our trip and was replaced with a few barren lands and then a quieter, more peaceful woody area. After all of the nature civilization eventually came back but this time it wasnt a well used, slightly dirty city. T
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Unfamiliar Territory
I'm outside Emma's bedroom door, pacing, while Mariam is inside talking to Emma. I hope that they work out Emma's problem so that I don't have to be worried that Emma will explode again. The first time was enough for me.I'm so confident that Mariam will solve this that I don't listen in on their conversation. Also, it would be rude to be in on such a private conversation. I probably wouldn't comprehend all of Emma's feelings, anyway. I just have to wait and see what happens.So I do. I wait.And I begin to get nervous when Mariam and Emma don't come out of the room for over an hour. I gnaw on my bottom lip and sit on the ground, my foot jiggling. Richard comes around to see if everything is okay and I have to wave him off. He understands and says he'll come back later if things are still unresolved.But things eventually do get resolved. Excited, though I'm not entirely sure why, I jump up from the ground as Emma's door finally opens. Mariam steps out of the room and holds out her ha
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The next few days pass as if there's a fog over the household. We're all forced to stay indoors, by Richard's insistence, and with every day I grow agitated. There are more guards around, more experienced guards, and security is up to oar. There are periodic check ins through earbuds and Steve has really come out of his shell. Though security is tighter than ever, and it's a good thing, I feel like an animal in a cage. Mariam tries to hang out with me but her presence only makes me feel more suffocated.Wisely, Richard offered the gym for me to use to get rid of my excess energy, and I used it while Emma read silently in the corner of the room. Her and I managed to come to a mutual agreement that we'll be together at all times but stay out of each other's business. It worked, but I still got the feeling that something was bothering Emma. She'd give me odd looks over her book while I worked out and would quickly avert her eyes when I turned to her. It frustrated me to no end but I didn
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tip toe
My laces are tight and I've adorned my favorite jacket. Emma and her friends are putting on warm clothes and shoes while I move the cameras in the backyard to give me a blind spot that I can sneak the girls out through. It's too easy and I promise myself to tell Richard about it when I come back. By the time I'm ready to go, so are the girls. I shut off the lights then usher them all into the darkness of the backyard. All we have to do is make it to the privacy trees and we'll be free.Adrenaline makes me giddy. I haven't snuck out of a place in forever, and I have to admit that doing it now is a little exciting. Nodding, I push the girls into a straight line and motion for them to follow me. We give the pool a wide birth so the pools lights donate catch us, and we hurry to the other end of the yard, nearer to the trees. All of the guards posted here are near the hedges and nowhere else, so it's relatively easy to run about without getting seen. Another thing to tell Richard when I ge
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