

"What were you thinking ha? What crossed your mind and you did that?" Yoshiko scolded me when I woke up.  Can't paint the anger that was building up in him while I was sitting and confused while looking at him.

"Finally," Kline said as if she is relieved when she entered the chamber.

"Can you let it out your cousin, I just woke up and my head still hurts, and then I feel dizzy and can't understand what I'm feeling now and then he suddenly gets angry there, it's a nice morning to start with energy like that so nice really" I sarcastically grouch.

"Who would not get angry at what you had done hmm? And it is already noon nearly night not morning" she said in a high pitch much like it will concurrent to Yoshiko's anger.

"What on earth are you saying?" I do not understand why are they getting mad.

"Damn Sachiko, we found you on top of the mountain unconscious" Kline yelled at me. Mountain? Unconscious?

"Okay I do understand, what mountain are you saying?" I changed my word. Yoshiko tugged at his hair before looking at me badly. I suddenly felt a fear that I could only feel once. Probably maybe due to his being nobility and it screams his personality to be feared.

"Sachiko you have wounded again and this time it was a silver knife" he screamed at me so I was folded under the blanket and sideways on the bed away from him. Silver knife? Oh fool, now I remember I tried to take my own life yesterday when I was on the mountain after I release the resentments I feel.

"Sachiko, what are you thinking? Do you think that your friends at Evergreen will be happy with what you did? We said you were not to blame for what happened. Why is it so hard for you to understand?" Kline scolded tore.

"I think you are wrong" I don't know but that is what came out of my mouth.

"I am not mistaken Sachiko, I know you are still blaming yourself for what happened but please Sachiko I am begging you to think about it" she cried and I looked at the door so I could not see them. But the pain is very hard to accept, it is even harder than when Ralf did not accept me.

"You still don't understand the events today because being a blooded human prevails over you but once your wolf comes out and only then will you understand. You can easily avoid and forget the pains you are going through now but while you are not yet a complete wolf, please take care of yourself" Kline begged.

"Do not ever do that thing again I am the one begging Sachiko, we do not want to lose you again" I looked at Yoshiko confused.

"What are you talking about huh?" Lose you? I think there is something wrong with his brain.

"I have a cousin and she is Yoshiko's sister but she has been missing for a long time.  You name him and they think you are him, only peeling like a wolf can answer if you are the missing child of the queen "explained, Kline.

Son of the queen?  I don’t know if I’ll be happy or not.  There seems to be something wrong with what I hear now.

"Are you so kind to me?  What if I'm not him?  Are you going to consider me a rogue? "I asked gently

I felt like that is the wrong I am feeling while hearing about those, missing child of the queen.

"You missed the point Sachiko and one more thing we are not treating you as a rogue. Whether you are the one we are looking for or not we still accept you here wholeheartedly" Yoshiko defended. Yoshiko, Sachiko, and even the name have a similarity.

"Sorry maybe I am just being paranoid," I ask for forgiveness before looking out the window.

Clear sky, new sunshine. A granted life still struggling with events. Confused heart, how to tread the path to its enlightenment?

"Wow, you know how to convey your feelings into a poem" Kline praised which made me look at her. Did I recite that loudly? I thought I did silently through my mind.

"Just learned it from someone" because of that someone that I learned and understand poetry.

"You seem like Eiji super addicted reciting a poem that is hard to understand sometimes" Kline plaint. Speaking of him he has the same name as someone I am talking about a while ago.

"Uh, where is he anyway?" I thought that guy is here every day?

"Maybe he is in the river again, he likes to go there if he came here. That is his way not to forget his childhood playmate" childhood playmate?

"Oh I did not know he has another friend aside from the two of you since he looks so serious"

"The truth is you got the same name as that childhood friend of his but he calls her Chichi instead of Sachiko, Achiko, or Sachi" whoa what a coincidence.

"Like me, he is hoping that you are his friend when he learned that your name is the same as her when you wake up before that is why he gave you some signs but you just take it as some crack words" explains Yoshiko. I remember he is saying some words at that time but I do not have any memories of that time too so I do not understand what he is trying to tell that is why I philosophize what he says.

"This world has a lot of kaleidoscope of bewitching backdrop sphere as you are and also mixed-blood soundlessly hang into your hat. Do you understand what the message is hidden in that poem?" I ask them both.

"Kaleidoscope of bewitching backdrop sphere means a beautiful scenery," said Kline.

"Mixed-blood soundlessly hanging into your hat means someone out there is waiting for you" Yoshiko added also.

"Uh, I still don't get it" I complained.

"Someone is waiting out there to show you the beauty of this world" Yoshiko pointed to what he and Kline said. Now I get what that means how can I so fool not to understand that. All this time he is waiting and did not forget all the promises.

"Where is Eiji? I want to talk to him?" I ask while getting off of the bed.

"Why?" I look at Yoshiko because of his question. Is that the answer to my question? Asking me one?

"What do you mean why? I just wanted to talk to him is it wrong?" I ask him.

"No" then why ask if not?

"Then where is he?"

"I said it a while ago he is in the river" Kline answered so I walked towards the doors to go and see him.

"Eiji" I shouted his name after I get into the river but I did not see him there so I called again but there is no response. Is Kline playing with me? I thought he is here?

"Eiji are you here?" But still no response or what, maybe he is not here. Since I do not see the reason I came here I decided to go to the mountain where I went yesterday.

While standing here on top of the mountain still I can not get over the beauty of the whole kingdom. A huge question went through my mind as I stared at the palace itself. A chance to be the queen's daughter is on the queue, Kline said it herself. I am an alpha's daughter and not royal blooded. Vinson Montromey is a king, someone higher than alpha and with that, he can not be my father so the queen is not my mother who gives birth to me.


Sachiko was about to go down the mountain when she felt dizziness and a strange sensation in her body as if it was absorbing her energy and weakening her body. He tried to step forward but he only fainted causing him to fall and fall to the ground and then lost consciousness.

A few hours unconscious Sachiko was at the top of the mountain, the atmosphere was already dark and only the light in the sky was clear.

"Sachiko" her name echoed as Kline called out for her. They are looking for her knowing she might do unwanted things again.

"Sachiko where are you?" Kline called out again as she approached her whereabouts.

"Oh my goodness Sachiko" she worriedly approached her when she saw that Sachiko was unconscious.

The stone as clean as the glass that Sachiko wearing from Idris gradually shines and it meets the light coming from the moon that is why Kline was stunned to move toward Sachiko.

Slowly Sachiko floats in the air and from being a human being her form changes and becomes a silver-gray wolf thorning her clothes into pieces while the moon distorts its color and turns red.

The whole continental of Arsel witnessed this red blood moon but some of them knew the reason why? Only a few knew the history of the moon turning red blood and they knew that this event will flip history again in this era. On the other side, a pack leader burst into tears watching the moon telling its praise to the goddess of the moon.

"You goddess of the moon, a goddess who gave great blessings to your subjects now gives new hope again. You will be blessed and we will not be forsaken."

Could it be that this is a sign of new hope for the continent of Arsel?

While Sachiko is floating in the air like a wolf some air creatures like ravens, eagles and owls were swooping around the mountain circling her. Kline was stunned to witness this kind of event in front of her, she can not move or speak all she can do is keep an eye on them. After a few moments from a silver-gray wolf slowly Sachiko turns back into her human form naked. Kline tore her dress getting a piece of it to cover Sachiko's clothes.

"Sachiko? Kline?" Queen Hearst's voice reached their whereabouts.

"She is here" Kline shouted getting the attention of the others who are looking down the mountain.  As they hear Kline's voice coming from the top they did not waste any seconds and followed.

"Kline?" Yoshiko called his cousin after reaching the top together with his mother. Kline pointed to Sachiko using her head.

"Did she--"

"She did not" Kline responded cutting off Yoshiko's question.

"She is unconscious when I reached her here and she just transformed. Sachiko is a silver-gray wolf" Kline explained looking at Sachiko.

"You mean what happened a while ago is because she transformed?" The queen asks in disbelief.

Kline looked up at the moon that had just turned back to its original color and nodded her head. Water started to stream down to the queen's cheek as she look at Sachiko.

"My daughter" she mumbled just enough for Kline and Yoshiko to hear making them look into each other.

They knew what that means so they did not bother to ask. Sachiko is queen Hearst's daughter meaning she is Yoshiko's missing sister and Kline's cousin. The moon's changing color is one of the only ways to determine whether Sachiko is the queen's daughter or not. Queen Hearst slowly approached Sachiko and held her head into her lap tugging some of her messed hair into her ear backchecking something out there. There is a small mark in the shape of a diamond behind her right ear.

"The pair of your mark is finally found," the queen said looking at Yoshiko with her eyes on the water. Yoshiko immediately check Sachiko's right ear and saw the same mark he has on his left ear.

"She is my sister" he whispered.

Yoshiko slowly and carefully carried Sachiko as they go down the mountain back to the castle.

"The long search and wait are over, thank you goddess of moon" Kline utters her gratitude.

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