
Chapter 8

The next few weeks were hard on me. I threw myself into work. I did at least 3 double shifts every week on top of my regular schedule. In one pay period I went from my regular 80 hour work period to almost a 130 hour work period.

I was exhausted. Too exhausted to do anything besides sleep and eat. Dad didn’t say anything because he knew that I was almost exactly like him. When he was troubled, he would throw himself into work. I knew he would have stopped me if this all got too out of hand.

It was almost six weeks later that I was told that I needed to take time off of work. I was given a week of paid vacation. When I asked why I had to do this, they told me to look at my ankles. They were swollen. I hadn’t been eating right and I was on my feet all day. I had even complained a bit about being exhausted.

When I complained about a painful lower back, they sent me home without completing my shift. My patient was overweight and would not cooperate and use the lift we had to help him up. The stubborn jerk didn’t even look sorry when I walked out holding my back. While my employer appreciated the dedication I was showing, I needed to take a step back and take care of myself.

It was on my first day off that I had noticed that I hadn’t spoken to Nikki since we had that little fight. She hadn’t called me or left any messages. She didn’t even make Mike call me. She was actually giving me the time she thought I needed. I knew that I was going to have to be the one to make the first move. It was, after all, my fault that we weren’t talking.

It was the longest we had ever gone without talking and it was entirely my fault. It was Saturday morning, so I knew she’d be home and probably be a bit mad at me for not talking to her. I had to catch her before she left to the lake. If I didn’t catch her before then, I couldn’t show up to the lake. It would be weird and people would stare. Plus, if Nikki and I yelled, I didn’t want there to be a scene.

I packed a beach bag just in case Nikki and I made up and went to the lake. I had to dress in my workout pants because my jeans wouldn’t button. They were borderline fitting before, so when they didn’t button, I wasn’t mad that I had gained weight. Plus, I had been eating crap while I was working so much, so it wouldn’t have surprised me if I’d gained a pound or two. This would just end up being an excuse to go buy new clothes. It had been so long since I’ve really gone shopping.

It was the last Saturday in August, so it’d start getting cold soon, but that wouldn’t stop the wolves. They were like impervious to the cold. They’d go to the lake if it were snowing. I was the only one who had to pay attention to the weather.

When I got to her home, Nikki opened the door before I could even knock. Before I could even say anything, she wrapped me up in a bone crushing hug.

“I missed you so much!” She rocked us back and forth. “I don’t want to go so long without talking again.”

“I missed you too.” I chuckled and wrapped my arms around her too. “I’m sorry I didn’t call. I just got so caught up in work.”

She nodded. “I know. I’ve been calling your dad.”

I couldn’t help but laugh a little. “You would.”

“Are we okay?” she asked as she pulled away.

I nodded. “I think we both overreacted a little bit.”

She smiled and nodded in agreement. “I think so too.”

A throat cleared behind us. Mike was in his swim trunks and a cotton tee. “You two ready to go? We’re going to miss the food.”

“I need to change!” I grabbed the bag from my car and ran into the house to change.

We ended up being a little late for the food, but no one had gone for seconds yet, so there was still plenty of it.

This time the lake wasn't so painful. It still hurt to see them together, but no one threw it in my face. No one even gave me those looks that I hated. It was almost back to normal. Nikki and I floated on our rafts for most of the day. We only went to shore to eat and grab sun block. I didn't want to get sunburns out here.

Everything seemed to be leveling out now. I couldn't feel the massive tension which had been there the last time I had come to the lake. The pack members were contented that I wasn't going to make a massive scene, and that made everyone happy.

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