

She kept repeating two sentences, then, after scolding me, she left without paying any more attention to me.

It was the police station intern who finally took pity on me, poured me some hot water, and gave me candies.

She even brought a warm towel to soothe my swollen cheeks.

"Thank you, officer."

I lay on the hard bed, feeling uneasy for the first time.

Something was off about my mom's reaction to Laura.

There had to be something fishy going on.

But I didn't expect to be released the very next day.

The person who helped me get out was the boy who sold breakfast.

As it turns out, he wasn't a poor boy at all, he was William Blair, from the affluent and prominent Blair family in the capital.

I went with him, and when I tried to leave, he grabbed my hand and led me to his luxurious car.

It was my first time in such an extravagant car. I couldn't bring myself to enjoy the ride, and I still couldn't believe that he was from the Blair family.

"Is your cheek still in pain?"

It was the first time I heard him speak, his voice slightly hoarse but pleasant.

I shook my head and looked out the window. Through the glass, I could sense him looking at me, but he didn't say anything, probably because of the presence of others.

The car stopped in front of a modest house, and he led me inside.

"I didn't mean to deceive you. I had a disagreement with my family before, so I came to stay at my grandmother's."

He seemed worried that I might misunderstand, explaining frantically. His face turned red from his cheeks to his neck.

"I know you don't like people of our status, so I didn't say anything. Will you... forgive me?"

I shook my head as I sat in the chair.

It wasn't his fault. I hadn't asked for his name or his background, and he had no reason to tell me.

Besides, I needed to thank him for helping me get out of jail.

I sat there for a long time, until my legs went numb, before I finally got up to leave.

"Where are you going?"

William grabbed my wrist, trying to keep me with him.

I turned to look at him. "To find some answers. Thanks for your help today. If you ever need my help in the future, feel free to ask."

I pulled away from his grasp and returned home, but my mom wasn't there.

She was either out shopping or doing something else.

I reached into my pocket, trying to piece together the broken pendant, but no matter how I tried, I couldn't succeed.

I would have to find someone to restore it properly when I had the money.

While my mom was still away, I went into her room.

Her room was neat and tidy, and I began searching every corner, starting with the drawers.

To my surprise, I found a mobile phone and a few photographs.

The mobile phone had a password, and after two unsuccessful attempts, I decided to give up.

But when I saw the photos, I was completely stunned, tears streaming down my face.

Every single photo was of Laura.

The locations seemed to be from birthday parties Laura's family had arranged, which were then captured by the press and uploaded online. I flipped through them and noticed some handwritten words in black ink.

"To my dearest Laura: Happy 16th Birthday! You're growing more beautiful with each passing day, radiating such grace in your lovely princess dress, with a towering cake, and loving parents. Mommy is delighted for you, and when you're happy, I’m happy too."

Behind each photo were messages of blessings, each one so sincere, and something I had never heard before.

I had never celebrated a birthday, didn't know what birthday cake tasted like, or what it felt like to receive well-wishes.

I returned the photos and the mobilephone to their rightful place and collected my mom’s hair strands from her bed.

It all made sense now!

Everything was clear.

If that's the case, Laura, for your 18th birthday, I'm going to give you a grand and unforgettable gift!

In the evening, my mom came back and was surprised to see the lights on.

We didn't exchange a word, she was just curious why I'd come back from school so soon.

I didn't answer her, and she didn't press further, but she kept muttering, "Don't anger Laura again when you return to school this time. How can you even compare to a young lady like her? Do you realize your own status? Do you know how much effort it took for you to attend that school?"

I blinked at her but didn't respond, heading straight to my room.

If I wasn't mistaken, Laura was her biological daughter? Then, whose daughter was I?

I had already guessed it. I was almost certain. I was the true daughter of the Scott family, while Laura was just an imposter.

If it were in the past, I might have gone to my mom and asked her what was happening, why she did this.

Maybe I would have gone to Laura's family or even just told Laura.

But I had matured rapidly during this time.

I no longer yearned for family ties, family was no longer my weak spot, and no one could threaten me.

The next day when I returned to school, Laura was clearly shocked.

Her friends had all taken leave to go to the hospital, leaving her alone.

I raised an eyebrow at her.

What's wrong?

Scared now that I'm back?

Don't worry, you won't be spared.

I knew her birthday, and I was surprised when I first found out.

I never thought our birthdays were on the same day, let alone such a coincidence.

The whole real vs. fake rich heiress thing happening to me was also quite the twist of fate.

Speaking of which, her birthday was just two weeks away, right before the college exams.

I lowered my head to study, not planning to pay her any attention.

In the afternoon, the classroom was empty, with only me studying while everyone else had left.

After a while, I walked to Laura's seat and found two strands of hair neatly placed in transparent tape.

I left the school and took a taxi to the hospital.

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