
Trapped By The Mafia Don
Trapped By The Mafia Don
Penulis: Lili Drea

Set up.

It was a pleasant and breezy evening. Helen’s cheek was brushed against by a strong gust of wind. 

As Helen drove her car, the clouds were dark and foggy, and she grinned with happiness.

It was her boyfriend's birthday, and she had intended to surprise him. She planned to surprise him by showing up at his house late at night.

She was driving her car at full speed on a deserted road some few minutes after 10 o'clock

She was excited to see the man of her dreams, the one she wished she would spend her entire life with.

She nodded at the rhyme of the song playing on her car stereo and suddenly noticed something flat in the middle of the road. 

Helen slowed her car and stuck her head out the car window to see what was on the road.  

As her car moved closer, she saw the figure was a male, and as her car light shone on his body, she went frozen.

The man was surrounded by mounds of blood, and from what Helen could see, he appeared to be lifeless.

Why was he covered in blood?

The only light that could be seen was the light emitted by her car.

She exhaled as she chomped her bottom lips before parking along the road, as she hurriedly stepped out of her car.

She runs as fast as her little legs can carry her because she needs to save him and get him to the hospital for adequate care.

Helen was a lady with a good heart, and all she could think about right now was saving the life of the man who was laying on the road.

Her heart sank as she approached the lifeless man because she instantly felt pity for him, and tears welled up in her eyes.

'Is he still alive?' She questioned herself but didn't bother answering because she had other things on her mind.

The wind blasted through her body, and because her clothing didn't have long sleeves, she was a little cold. "Mister," Helen said as she knelt on the floor and grabbed his hands.

Her voice was a little teary as she pleaded for him. "Mister. Can you hear me?" She  questioned.

She was about to place her head on his chest to see if he was breathing or not when something unexpected happened.

The guy she believed was dying suddenly opened his eyes, and he forcefully grabbed her shoulder, moving her face away from his chest.

His eyes were sapphire blue, but because of his murderous glare, they appeared dark, as if he were dead.

His dark sapphire eyes gleamed brightly as he locked his gaze on Helen. His eyes were poisonous and seemed to glower, prompting Helen to feel her spirit leave her body.

Time remained still as she returned the man's gaze.

She grasped the use of the light provided by her car to inspect the man's face while avoiding his deadly eyes.

He had brown crew-cut hair that was meticulously kept, and it had a rippling quality, a symptom of his poor health.

The intriguing young man's eyes were almond-shaped, and they burned with deadly passion.

His once-dark eyes were flecked, and they abruptly changed from dark sapphire to their original sapphire mariner-blue hue. It darted around and around, gleaming with horror and the vigor of youth.

His eyes shone brightly like two sapphires dipped in milky pools. They were unlike anything Helen had ever seen.

He has bristly eyebrows, a well built hawkish nose, high cheekbones, and a solid jaw. His brows were delicate and narrow, like a crescent moon.

He had an aquiline nose that complemented his prominent cheekbones, a basalt jaw, and spartan shoulder that spoke of strength.

He had an imperious nose and angular cheekbones that carved down to a flinty jaw.

His lips were rough, but they were pink, like a baby's.

Helen was taken aback by his beauty because she had never seen anyone as attractive as him.

They say that beauty was in the eyes of the beholder, but Helen feels that anyone who sees him will be awed by his lovely features.

Why does his face look familiar?

The man right before her was surprisingly and strikingly gorgeous despite his cold demeanor. 

She was still admiring his features and she felt something.

He raised his knee and struck Helen's waist with power, catching her off guard.

"Arrr." She cried out, and because he was still holding her shoulder, she tried to pull away from him.

"You bitch!" He jibed and hit her again with his knees.

His voice was cold and sent shivers down her spine. 

He shoved Helene away from him, causing her body to collide with the cold road.

As the young man rose from where he was lying down on, Helen crawled backwards, her right hand by the side of her waist.

She was terrified. 

Helen had no idea why he had hit her, but she could tell from his murderous glare and his dark sapphire eyes that things weren't going to end up well for her.

His white shirt was stained with blood, and he was wearing black slacks underneath.

"Please… please don't hurt me. I'm... please don't hurt me, sir." Helen stuttered as she crawled backwards, tears flowing down her cheeks from the pain from where he had smacked her.

"Why was he mad?" She questioned herself but was unable to respond.

The mysterious young man exhibited a latent, leonine power, and he strode with authority. Helen's heart sank even further as each step he took echoed.

She was doomed.

He glided with the elegance of a leopard.

They were a dazzle that moved over a deadly aura.

As he moved closer to her, he grabbed her by the neck and yanked her off the floor with one hand.

He slammed his fist into her cheek with his other hand.


He smirked devilishly as Helen struggled, as she tried to wiggle free from him.

As she struggled to take his hand from around her neck, a droplet of tears streamed down her cheeks.

The more she wiggles her legs and pinches his hands around her neck, the more the man grips around her neck tightened  

He was determined to kill her right then and there.

"Let her go!" A deep hypnotic voice announced.

Helen shifted her gaze to the source of the speaker, as well as the man who was currently strangling her.

"Let her go." The voice was commanding and lethal.

Because of the other man's command, the man who was holding Helen threw her to the ground.

Helen coughed, wrapping her right hand around her neck.

'Thank God he sent me a savior.' Helen mumbled quietly to herself, unaware that things were not as they seemed to be.

The young man who had recently spoken up made his way towards the man who had been holding Helen a while ago, and his gaze was fierce and deadly as he approached the man who was stained with blood.

Helen crawled backward, thinking they were going to fight, but as the other man got closer, they stared at each other with deadly gaze.

"What the hell have you been doing, Steven?" 

Helen's eyes shot open as the man who had just arrived asked the other man with an authoritative voice. 

She believed the man who had just arrived was coming to save her, but when she saw that he knew the name of the man who was beating her up, she realized she was in a lot of trouble.

She rose swiftly from the floor, but her legs were so weak that she dropped back to the ground, sobbing.

All she wanted to do was help a lifeless man, and now she was in trouble for it.

The man whose name was Steven scuffed his foot. 

"What the heck? Can't you see that you're attempting to drag me backwards? It's great that we just escaped from prison, but we need to get out of here before someone finds us." Steven stated.

He was the man who had previously smacked Helen on the cheek.

His voice was deep and devoid of emotion. He seemed serious, which made goosebumps fill Helen's entire body.

The other man breathed out. "Sorry, capo degli capi. I... I don't have an excuse, but let's stick to our original plan. Don, I'm not going to slack off again." Steven's friend declared.

Steven's best friend was the person who had just arrived, and they had both escaped from prison.

Helen, who was attempting to rise off the floor, skidded to a halt when she heard the name 'capo degli capi.'

She had heard of such a name in the news, and it was an Italian name that referred to a Mafia boss.

She pondered and suddenly remembered that the reason Steven's face looked familiar to her was because she had seen him in the news.

He was the most powerful and notorious mafia boss of the Phantom underworld who had lately been arrested for a crime he had committed.

She forced herself not to cry out loud by putting her entire finger inside her mouth.

'Don't worry, Helen; you didn't commit a crime, so there's nothing to worry about.' As she breathed, she counseled herself.

Helen was so terrified that she had a searing pain in her head.

With her hands on her chest, she breathes in and out for a few seconds.

Helen had expected this night to be the best night of her life because she was going to surprise her boyfriend, but it turned out to be the worst night of her life.

Beads of tears continued to fall from her eyes, and she trembled while trying her best not to draw their attention while crying, so she refused to sob aloud.

Helen prayed deep down that Steven would forget about her presence since she knew he was the most lethal mafia Don and from what she had heard in the news about how he kills for pleasure. He was a bloodthirsty mafia, Don.

The cold she had previously felt had been replaced by heat. She was terrified for her life, but she kept her cool and prayed that all would work out well for her.

Helen felt trapped on the ground because the more she attempted to get up, the more her leg made it impossible for her to move.

She would have called the cops if she had brought her phone with her.

"The cops will not notice our escape for the next fifteen minutes, so we must rush to our hiding place. We don't have time to waste, and my clan is waiting for me..."

"Then we need to find a car to get out of here." Steven's friend who was a member of his clan declared as he cut Steven off from finishing his sentence.

"I've already gotten a car." Steven stated coldly before diverting his focus to the car that was providing light for them.

His companion smiles and nods. "And I noticed we got a bonus as well." He murmured as he approached Helen, who was sitting on the floor.

She swallowed her saliva after holding her breath for a second.

"Well. Well. Well. Look at what we've got here, Steven."

Steven was almost on his way to Helen's car when he heard his friend shout out to him.

He turned around and approached his friend. "Kill her." Steven spat, and his words were a command.

Helen's calm self began to panic. Her frail leg suddenly gained power, and she knelt on the floor, both hands clasped together.

"Don Stev... Don Steven, I didn't hear any…"

Helen was unable to finish her sentence since Steven's eyes had turned dark like the sky, which creeped her out.

Tears rolled down her cheeks. "No... no. What I'm trying to say is that I honestly didn't hear anything. I didn't… I didn't hear anything you were saying, so please understand that I'm simply a young lady attempting to meet her boyfriend for his... Please… please don't kill me since I'm only trying to meet my lover. (Sniff her nose) I still have to live my life, so please don't murder me, sir." Helen cried as she pleaded with Steven as she continued to tremble, her face soaked with tears snot.

Her eyes were welling up with tears, and her body was sweating profusely.

Steve sneered, and his best friend intervened just as he was about to place his hands on her hair. "Steven. Hold on." His friend stated.

Steven waited as instructed by his friend.

His friend took advantage of the moment to examine Helen, and he smiled with delight. 

Helen was dressed in a crimson floral gown that reached her knees. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, and the gown had a V-neck that exposed her chest and part of her petite exquisite boobs.

Steven's friend wanted her because she was sexy. 

He felt compelled to kiss her pink lips as he stared at them. "Don Steven. I'd like to sleep with her."

Steven and Helen were both taken aback by his outburst.

"I'm hard, and she's fucking hot, so why don't I release myself?"

Steven gave his best friend a lethal look. "I said we only had fifteen minutes. We've already spent three minutes, therefore we only have twelve minutes left." Steven declared, cautioning his companion not to think about anything dumb.

"I promise to use only five minutes, Don, and believe me, I'll only release myself within her, and then we can both drive the car to our hideout." He said this in an attempt to persuade Steven.

Steven breathed out. "Make it snappy." He shrugged.

Helen saw her world crumbling before her eyes. "No… please don't do this to me, Steven... no, sir…. I apologize, but please spare my life and..."

"You know what to do," Steven replied to his friend, who nodded gleefully.

Helen cogitated on her boyfriend Lance, whom she loves. She intended to give Lance her virginity on their wedding night because he was everything to her.

She thought of her parents and how traumatized they would be if they found out something awful had happened to her. 

What on earth has she gotten herself into?

"Okay... okay. I will give… I'll give myself to you on one condition." 

She tried to sound bold and brave, but she was as terrified as a kitten, and unaware of her cruel fate.

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