
Date 2

"Are you for real? How could you say no to him. How could you refuse to go on a date with Jason. He is a hardworking guy, has his own company, and he is very handsome. He has a lot of  girls asking him out. And here you had a chance to go out with him and you dared say no!!." Okay, you guess right. That's no one else but my bestfriend Alice. For someone who is in her honeymoon, she does know everything about what's going on in my life.

"And that is a much more reason for him to leave me the heck alone. I am sure, that those girls asking him out, are all slim and much more beautiful than me. So he should date one of them." 

"Come on Juliet. How many times do I have to tell you, that you are beautiful and you should stop looking down on yourself. You are not just beautiful, but you also have a beautiful heart. Any man would be lucky to date you." 

I sighed and rolled my eyes. Why would any man be lucky to date me. Just take a look at me, I'm afraid that I would be more of a burden to him than a luck asset.

"Alice, I'm not going on that date and that's final." I said deadpan. I won't let her change my mind on this.

"Fine, you don't want to go right?. That's okay with me. But seriously, you have to give love a chance again, not every man would be like all your ex's. Just give Jason a chance." With that said she hung up, not waiting for my reply.

Ugh, what did I ever do to her. Geez.

I was able to get off work early, and i ended up spending the remaining day in the jacuzzi. 

One of this days, I would make sure to visit the spa. My body needs some beautiful relaxing message.

I got out of the jacuzzi when I heard my phone ring. Hmm, I wonder who is calling. As the withdrawn lady that I am, I only have about five people calling me. And that is - Alice, Simone, my mum and dad, and of course my ever loving sister(she only calls me once in a blue moon, and that's just to borrow money from me). So yeah, this are the only people who calls me.

I have a different line for my business, so I don't have to worry about any of my customers calling me.

I sighed tiredly, getting out from the jacuzzi. Right now, I wouldn't mind killing whoever is calling. Just because of that person, my jacuzzi time has been cut short. I took a white towel, and tied round my big fat body then walked into my room.

The phone has already stopped ringing by the time I got there, so I only looked at the number and it's an unknown number. I was about going back into the bathroom, when my phone rang again. Oh fuck! I guess there's no alone jacuzzi time right?.

I picked up the phone from my bed and swiped the green button, I placed the phone on my ear and said, "Hello." 

"Hi love, was wondering if..." I removed the phone from my ear and stared at the number, was that Jason voice I heard just na?.

I placed the phone back on my ear, "Hey babe, are you still there. Hello."

"Jason?." I called surprised.

"Yes, it's me your one and only." He said in a charming manner. 

"How did you get my number?." I asked him sighing. I shouldn't really have asked him that question, how could I have easily forgotten that my bestfriend gave him my number. She's a betrayal.

"A little birdie whispered it in my ear." 

Does he really think, that I don't know who the little *birdie* is. 

"What do you want Jason, if you want to order cake then you would have to call the bakery business line." I drawled uninterested.

"I'm here to remind you about our date, I'm glad you decided to change your mind." 

Wait what? I changed my mind, when exactly did I do that. I do not remember changing my mind, so what the fuck is he talking about. 

"I don't know what rubbish you just ranted, but I didn't change my mind. My answer is still a no."

"What, but Alice told me that you changed your mind and that you have agreed to the date." I could tell from his voice tone, that he is shock.

"Well, Alice was obviously lying to you. I didn't agree to the date, and I'm telling you right now that I have no interest in the date. So please, do not disturb me ever again, thank you." With that said I hung up.

Argh, I could really end up killing alice at the moment. How dare she do such a thing to me, ugh.

I walked back to the jacuzzi and continued with my jacuzzi time. Jason did call again, but I didn't pick up and Alice, also called but I also didn't pick up. I'm sure she's calling because of Jason.



It's another day at my bakery, it's actually getting late, and am so god-damned tired.

"Good evening Julie, aren't you going home yet?." Simone asked strolling into my office in a very casual manner. What am I going to do with him.

"What happened to *knock before entry* simone." I asked glaring daggers at him.

"Well, I just choose to ignore it." He replied smiling sweetly. Sometimes, I really do begin to think that simone is a gay. But he always denies it.

"Leave my office Simone, I don't have the time of the day for this." 

"Seriously, I took a minute out of my time, to ask my precious boss if she isn't going to get off work and all she has to tell me is this. Wow, just wow. I do not feel appreciated." 

I face palmed myself tiredly, then looked up at him. "Simone, please do me a favour and leave my office. I have work to do and you are distracting me. Please, leave!." 

He got up with a huff, "Fine I will leave. Since my presence is not wanted, I guess it's best that I leave anyway. Here is the bakery keys, since you would be leaving last I guess you will be the one locking up. Byeeee." He waved at me then left my office and probably the bakery.

Ugh, I should also leave now. At that moment, a call came through my office landline. I picked the phone up and answered it, "Hello." 

"Good evening, I would like to order a mulberry cake." The lady at the other side of the line said.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but we are close already." I said.

"Oh my, please is there nothing that can be done. Please I will really appreciate it." The lady begged.

I sighed, then stared at the clock. 7pm. "Okay, I guess I can squeeze in some time. Just tell me where your are located." 

"I'm at J and J limited, please bring the cake over there, and I wouldn't mind paying you double. I really appreciate."

"Sure, I will be there in just an hour." I replied her then hung up.

An hour later I was walking through the doors of J and J company, the company is a really big one. I was directed by one of the security I met on my way, to the top floor of the building. I began to wonder what was actually going on. Because I only came to deliver cake to an employee in the company. So why am I being taking to the top floor.

We got to the top floor, and the security made me pass through the elevator door and I ended up finding out that I was on the roof of the company building. I turned around ready to ask the security man some questions, but he wasn't there anymore. Okay.... What's going on?

Then suddenly, the light came on, jazz music started playing in the back ground and OMG, the place is a beauty and for the music, I totally love it.

"From your expression, I can tell that you like it." A voice I knew to well said from behind me. I turned around abruptly and yes, is no other other person but jason in the making.

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