
Dinner with my family

I stood infront of my parents house with this deep spiral hole in my heart. Today is Friday, and every last Friday of the month, I am expected to have dinner with my family. When I say family, I mean my mum, my dad and my twin sister. Sometimes, I wish that she's not my twin. But wishes are not horses, I can't ride on them.

"Aren't you going in sis. Don't tell me you are afraid of been reminded, of all your childhood ugly memories." Julia my twin sister said in her very loud disgusting, annoying voice. She parked her car beside where I was standing, and came down from it.

"Hi Julia. Nice to see you again." I gave her a tight-lipped smile. 

She chewed on her bubble gum loudly, and it irks the hell out of me. She knows the effect the bubble gum has on me, and that's why she does it. "I don't know juliet, I really don't know if I can say the same for you. It's not nice seeing your fat ugly body on a very fine evening." 

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