

Lee chuckled. "You are really out of it today. Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, I'm just…I quit my job this morning."

"Did they hassle you?"

"No, it actually went pretty smooth."

"Good. I wouldn't want to have to pay them a visit. I can do a lot of damage with my cane." Tory smiled and then reached for his hand and held it. "So, do you want to go ring shopping?"

She forced herself to put her past behind her where maybe she could bury it again. She smiled at her man. "Hell yeah! Let's go ring shopping!"

They found their rings that very day and were told that they would be ready for pick up in about a week. They scheduled their final doctor's appointment for the same day and then after the check up and the ring pick up, the plan was to visit the restaurant and show them off to the family. Lee had already called everyone to a gathering and Tory suspected that he was going to propose again but this time present her with the engagement ring. She was becoming spoiled at his attention bec
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