
Chapter 4: Marry him

Belle's POV:

I am at work again. Not having a secretary is hard, seeing her working for her new boss in front of you harder. I prefer that she gets fired. She being at the company it's on my nerve. The fact that she was nice to me the day before acting like a bitch is so cool. Guess I am like my mother, we both suck at knowing people.

Currently I am in the elevator with Dante, on our way to conference room.

"What the fuck!" He growls. Cause the  elevator stops dead in it tracks.

Dante pressed some buttons but it didn't work. Great I am stuck in the elevator with him. I seat leaning my head against elevators mirror. Dante is still pressing buttons and  the noise of it is getting on my nerves.

"You know pressing buttons won't help." I say.

"Yeah right seating will." He says.

"I am saving energy. This is a very old, damaged elevator." I say.

"Great. A huge company doesn't have a safe, working elevator. You hate me for buying your share of the company. If you love your company buy a good elevator for it instead of hating me." He replies.

"Yeah I was about to but now there is no point. Now it's your responsibility. You have bigger share, you can go around and change rules sure fixing an elevator is nothing for you." I reply.

"Give me your phone." He orders.

"Here." I pretend to search my pocket and files.

"Oops seems like I don't have it on me. Mr genius we were going to the conference room why should I bring my phone for an hour conference." I reply.

"Wow so funny. I don't know Belle maybe cause the girls like you are usually cling to their phone." He says.

"Girls like me?" I ask.

"Rich, using their father's money." He says. He is acting like he hasn't took a penny from his father. If any of us is a rich brat I am sure is him.

"Well I am not a phone person sorry." I reply. It's true I am not a phone person. I mean no family no friends. What's the point? He seats next tom me.

"Where is yours?" I ask.

"In my room. Mine was dead so I left it there." He replies.

"If it makes you feel better I have to say that the main elevators are fine." I say. We didn't use the main elevators cause they are usually crowded.

"Great to know thanks." He replies sarcastically.

The files were on my lap and I was fidgeting with them. Should I take a nap?

"The meeting will start in fifteen minutes." He sighs.

"Don't worry hopefully they will realize that we are lost so they will search for us and fix the elevator." I say.

"How about our clients? We are acting disorganized. You know your lovely company is disorderly." He replies.

"You can sell it back to me instead of complaining all the time." I say.

"How would you buy it back? It seems like your father needs his money right now so you can't do anything about it." He says with a smirk.

"No shit Sherlock. We both know that you were bluffing. You are too greedy to let my company go." I say.

"Well I have my goals." He says.

"And you have to reach them by destroying other people goals." I say.

"I didn't force them." He says.

"Well giving offers to them in their desperate time or to their fathers seem forcing to me." I say.

"Believe me they were all willing to sell just like your father." He says.

"Tell me Dante who are you?" I ask him.

"Oh come on now you are interested?" Asks rising a brow.

"I am curious and bored. Really want to know about your mob business." I say.

"How are you so sure that I am related to mafia?" He asks.

"Come on Dante. Knowing about my father, going around throwing threats, so sure about yourself, confident and powerful you have assurance for sure." I say.

"Impressive you sure did a great analysis. My uncle is a mob boss.

I ran his business for a while few years ago." He says.

"He must be famous." I say.

"Ask your father." He says.

"I rather not. I am sure he is a antagonist. My father was so mad around you guys." I say.

"He is actually. Your father must be so desperate to sell your share to us." He says.

"He is planning something big." I say.

"What is he planning?" He asks with a serious expression.

"I don't know. He doesn't explain about his business to me." I say he nods. He was about to ask something but Lia's voice didn't let him.

"Sir are you in there? Are you ok? They are working on getting you out of there." Lia says.

"We are fine. Ok do it as fast as you can." He says.

"Ok." She replies. I roll my eyes.

"Jealous?" He asks with a smirk.

"Yesss please Dante work with me, make me your secretary." I say sarcastically, leaning toward him staring at his handsome feature.

"Sure be a good girl and I will think about it." He says with a smirk.

"I just don't like her ok?" I say.

"Why?" He asks.

"It's simple she is rude and stupid." I say.

"She..." I was about to explain but her stupid voice comes again.

"Sir you will be out in a few minutes." She says. I roll my eyes again mocking her with my face expressions.

"How old are you?" He asks with an amused expression. I rolled my eyes.

The elevator starts working in a minute. We stand getting ready to leave.

"Sir are you alright? I controlled the situation as best as I can. I noticed you weren't at the conf..." She was explaining not caring that I am there but I cut her off.

"Well good job. Here take this as your reward and stop blabbering." I say giving her a small candy from my pocket.

She was glaring at me and my candy and Dante was amused. I know that I am acting rude but she is annoying me. She didn't take the candy and was still glaring with a shock expression.

"Or don't take it your loss." I shrug leaving and eating the candy my self.

I was in my office getting ready to leave seems like our meeting was delay to next week. My father wanted me home soon. May odds be in my favor. I arrived home thirty minutes later.

"Bella go get ready, dress up, look pretty and happy we have guests." My father says. I did as I was told.

Currently we were all sitting behind the dining table. His guests were a boy around my age, a man around his age and a woman in his age. They were all talking and eating but I was quiet like always.

"Bella we want to announce you and Alfonzo engages. You will marry him in two month." He says like it isn't a big deal. I am shocked but nod as always. Suddenly the food doesn't seem pleasant to me.

After an hour they left. Alfonzo is a 23 years old businessman. He has a company smaller than ours. I am sure that his father is also a mob boss.

Such a great day. Ruining my childhood wasn't enough now he wants to ruin the rest. I can't take this anymore it's getting harder and harder.

I don't want this a bit but of course being the scared Belle I just stay quiet about it.

"Bella ruin this and I will kill you." My father says before leaving me. Maybe death isn't that bad. At this point I don't care if anything happens to me.

I sleep thinking about my life. I wake up and get ready. Going to work wasn't as pleasant as before. Nothing is. I arrive at the same time with Dante.

"Hi." I say as we were going to the elevator. The main one this time.

"Hi." He replies. He is wearing a black suit. He looks handsome like the other days. He presses the bottom of our floor.

I feel dizzy. I stumble a little holding the bar of the elevator to gain my balance.

"Are you ok?" Dante asks. I nod.

We got out of the elevator. I stumble again but Dante catches me on time.

What's wrong with me?

"Hi sir." It's Lia. Dante nods in response.

"What's wrong with her?" She asks.

"I don't know." He replies.

He helps me to my room holding my waist as I lean on him.

"Here." He helps me to seat on my couch and calls Lia to bring some water. I drink and lean on the couch closing my eyes.

"Thanks." I whisper. He nods and leave. I am so tired and even unable to go to my desk let alone work. I close my eyes again falling asleep.

"Wake up it's launch time." Someone shakes me and says. I open my eyes seeing Dante looking at me.

"What's wrong with you?" He asks.

"I don't know." I reply.

"Come on stand up." He helps me up.

"No let me sleep." I say in a small voice. At least in my dreams I don't have any problem. In my dreams people love me and I have a family that adores me. If I didn't have nightmares the sleep could be the best cure for me. But I am lucky to announce that my nightmares are less than my dreams, finally a good thing for me.

"You didn't sleep last night?" He asks looking at me.

"I slept for twelve hours but I can still enjoy some more." I reply looking back he was still holding me. I slept at seven pm waking up at seven am.

"Seventeen. You slept for five hours on your couch in the same exact position I left you in." He says. I slept from eight to one. Great Belle well done.

"Guess I am just tired." I say.

"I don't think so." He says.

Funny how two days ago at the exact same time at the exact same place we were arguing. Now he is helping me and I won't complain cause I don't have anyone else.

We were taking steps together. He was helping me again.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To eat and if you didn't get any better we will go to a hospital." He says.

"I am f-fine." I stutter a little. There is a thing about me. After all the childhood trauma I wasn't able to lie anymore. Every time that I lie I stutter.

"What's wrong with you? Two days ago you were shouting at everyone and right now you act like a little submissive girl and I know that you are far from that." He says.

"You know Dante a lot can happen in an hour let alone two days." I say with a smile. Yes yesterday's event ruined me. I am all broken again lost in my own world.

"And what happened to you?" He asks.

"N-nothing I a-am just t-tired." I say.

"You stutter when you lie don't you?" He asks.

"N-n-no." I reply.

"You do. That's bad and good at the same time." He says. I am cold. I start trembling. Feeling cold and dizzy at the same wasn't what I needed for today.

"Why are you trembling?" He asks with confused expression.

"It's cold." I say.

"Here." He gives me his suit jacket.

"Thanks." I say.

"I think you should really go to the hospital. You don't look fine to me." He says I nod.

What a sight to see, me leaning on him with his jacket around me and him helping me with his hands around my waist.

"You look pale. Are you dying on me? Is this your revenge for buying your share?" He asks with a raise brow.

"M-maybe." I say. If this is death I am more than happy to embrace it. Such a great idea.

"I don't want to eat or go the hospital can you please help me back to my room?" I ask. Well I still need his help the dizziness it's worse, it's like when you are drunk and you can barely walk you stumble and you want to sleep it feels like that.

"Are you insane? I see what you are trying to do." He says. He picks me up bridal style.

"Dante put me down now." I say. He didn't listen. Instead he goes straight to the elevator. He puts me down in the parking after lots of protests. He was about to open the door of his car for me but I turn around and decide to leave. I take a step but I felt my head spinning. Took me a second to pass out. I felt someone catching me before falling to the ground.

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