
3: Nervous

"How did you know that?" I turned to him, it was impossible for him to know! He had just come today! How on earth could he know? I was sure not even my friends knew, was he some kind of spy?

He shrugged as he picked up the milkshake that Gigi had just placed for me.

"Don't worry," he pointed, "It's already paid for."

And he left, walking towards his table where his brothers and my friends were watching us closely.

I remained pensive, wondering who that boy truly was and why he knew several things about me that he shouldn't know. I mean, we had just met today, right? We had only just met today; it was impossible that we had seen each other before because if we had, believe me, I'd remember.

Alessa gestured for me to come over, so, hiding my nervousness, I walked over to where they were.

"What did he tell you, Afael?" Karina asked me in a whisper as I sat beside her.

"Tell us," urged Alessa. I glanced quickly at Afael, who was talking to one of his brothers, and as if sensing my gaze, he looked at me, curving his lips into a smile that only meant one thing: trouble.

"He just wanted to say hi," I lied, looking down at my hands.

"And what did Larry want?" Alessa insisted.

"We have a date," I replied casually, even I didn't believe those words, which were so strange to me. I felt weird in that moment.


Friday finally arrived, bringing with it a mix of excitement and nervousness. As I got ready for the date with Larry, doubts and questions filled my mind. What did I expect from all this? Was I dressed okay? Would my nerves be too obvious?

The sound of the doorbell made me jump. Larry was punctual at the door, with a contagious smile that managed to ease my nerves. I stepped out with a mix of excitement and anxiety, closing the door behind me, and we headed to the local park.

During the walk, Larry made a conscious effort to keep the conversation lively. We talked about music, movies, and our favorite hobbies. His attempts to break the ice were noticeable, but I still felt a bit uncomfortable.

In the distance, I saw Afael sitting on a bench. His eyes met mine for a moment, and a strange sensation came over me. How did he know exactly where we were?

"Everything okay?" asked Larry, noticing my distracted look.

"Yeah, just lost in thought," I tried to mask my concern.

Despite my confusion, Larry continued to make an effort to make the date enjoyable. His kindness allowed me to relax a bit and enjoy the moment, but I couldn't ignore Afael's unsettling presence at the back of my mind.

As we walked back home, Larry stopped and turned to me. "I hope you enjoyed the walk," he said with a kind smile.

"I did, thanks for inviting me," I replied sincerely, feeling a lump in my throat.

After saying goodbye, upon returning home, uncertainty clung to me. How did Afael know so much about me? What secrets was he hiding? My thoughts circled as I tried to fall asleep, longing for answers that didn't come.

I arrived home that night, feeling a weight on my shoulders and a mix of emotions that left me exhausted. The uncertainty about the date and Afael's disturbing presence had combined to drain my mind and spirit.

As I opened the door, a wave of fatigue hit me. I dropped my bag on the floor and, as I looked up, I was met with a surprising sight: Afael, sitting calmly on my couch as if it were his place.

I stood frozen, surprise written on my face. "What are you doing here?" I asked, trying to stay calm despite the confusion overwhelming me.

He looked up and smiled, a smile that seemed to carry an air of knowledge. "Just wanted to make sure you were okay," he said calmly.

"How did you get in?" I asked, my mind still trying to process what was happening.

He shrugged, as if it were trivial. "The door was open," he replied casually.

My emotions mixed between confusion and a slight hint of annoyance. "It's not normal for you to just come in like this," I said, trying to keep my voice steady despite the nervousness.

"Don't worry, Coralee. I was just making sure you were okay after that date," he explained, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

Discomfort washed over me. "What do you know about me?" I asked, a mix of curiosity and fear.

Afael stood up, approaching slowly. "I know enough to worry about you," he said with seriousness in his tone.

My heart raced as I struggled to understand the situation. How could he know so much? What was his purpose with this unexpected visit?

The tension in the room was palpable as I struggled to understand Afael's presence in my living room. "What are you doing here, Afael?" I asked, trying to hide my anxiety.

He moved with a calmness that baffled me, as if he were playing a game where only he knew the rules. "I was curious to know how it went," he replied, his eyes hiding secrets that troubled me.

I couldn't help pressing for answers. "How if you didn't know? Were you following me?" I asked with growing curiosity.

Afael sat on the edge of the sofa, his eyes fixed on mine. "Sometimes paths cross and bits of information are gathered," he said cryptically, avoiding any concrete details.

"What did you want to know with all this?" I inquired, desperately seeking some clue about his interest in me.

He smiled, but the smile didn't reach his eyes. "I just wanted to make sure you weren't getting involved in something that could hurt you," he replied, his calm tone contrasting with the seriousness of his words.

I felt trapped between intrigue and confusion. "Why me? Why do you care so much?" I insisted, desperately hoping to understand his connection to me.

Afael stood up with natural elegance. "Not everything is as it seems, Coralee. Sometimes, it's better not to know too much," he said enigmatically before heading to the door.

When he left, I was left alone with more questions than answers. Afael was an enigma that refused to reveal its secrets, leaving me with a mix of unease and curiosity about the mystery surrounding him and his strange connection with me.

Afael paused near the door, as if about to say something else. "Coralee, there's something I need you to understand," he began, his tone calm but firm.

I looked at him, expectant but confused by the direction the conversation was taking. "What's going on?" I asked, intrigue palpable in my voice.

He moved a little closer, his eyes reflecting a seriousness that surprised me. "I don't want you to date another guy," he said with a conviction that left my mind reeling.

My surprise was evident. "Why?" I asked, struggling to understand the logic behind that unexpected statement.

Afael took a deep breath before answering, as if carefully choosing his words. Here's the translation:

"There are things you don't know... things that could be dangerous for you," he vaguely explained, as if there were more at stake than he was willing to reveal.

My emotions were a mix of confusion and a sense of being controlled. "You can't just decide for me," I replied, trying to keep my voice firm despite the whirlwind of questions in my head.

"I know, and I'm not trying to control you," he assured quickly, his gaze conveying a strange mix of concern and determination. "I just want your safety."

The tension in the room became palpable as I struggled to absorb his words. Afael had introduced a new level of complication into my life, one that seemed wrapped in secrets and dangers that I could barely comprehend.

Afael remained silent for a moment, as if assessing whether he should say more. His eyes conveyed a mix of concern and determination that intrigued me but also left me more confused than before.

I tried to process his words, but uncertainty took hold of me. "I don't understand... what do you mean by dangerous?" I asked, desperately seeking more clarity.

He seemed to struggle internally for a moment before responding. "There are... people involved in complicated situations. I can't explain everything now," he said, his tone filled with reluctance.

My thoughts were chaotic as I tried to understand what Afael was implying. "And does that have something to do with my love life?" I asked, with growing nervousness.

Afael nodded slowly. "Yes, it could jeopardize more than just your heart," he said, his expression serious.

Concern reflected in my eyes as I tried to process Afael's warning. Who were those people? And how was he connected to all of this?

Before I could ask more questions, Afael seemed to decide that was enough for the moment. "Please, just... be careful," he said, his gaze seeking mine with a mix of urgency and care before leaving my house, leaving me with more questions than answers.

I stood there, dazed and worried about what I had just heard. Afael had introduced a mystery into my life that seemed related to something beyond my comprehension, something dangerous and unknown.

My steps echoed in the room, but my mind was elsewhere. Afael's words continued to echo in my head, a mixture of warning and mystery that made my heart beat rapidly.

I felt trapped in a whirlwind of emotions and unanswered questions. What did all this about not dating other guys mean? Who were those people he talked about? Confusion and intrigue entwined within me as I tried to decipher what Afael was hinting at.

With a sigh, I decided to stop dwelling on it for the moment. I needed clarity, time to process everything that had happened. I walked towards my room, longing for a break and some calmness.

The soft tinkling of my pajamas as I hung them in the closet broke the room's silence. I settled in, trying to push the complicated revelations of the night out of my mind. However, every attempt to clear my head only generated more unanswered questions.

Under the cloak of darkness, the stillness of the night became unsettling. Every rustle of the branches hitting the window resonated like an ominous echo in my room. The feeling of being watched took hold of me, sending shivers down my spine and making my skin crawl.

I tried to find comfort in the familiarity of my room, but the presence of something malevolent seemed to lurk from the shadows. Corners turned into accomplices of palpable tension, and every shadow seemed to take on a life of its own, toying with my mind in the dimness.

My eyes struggled to close, but the fear of the unknown kept me awake. Every sound, every out-of-place movement, plunged me deeper into a state of alertness I couldn't control.

I searched the room for a logical explanation for my fear, but I found only dancing shadows that fueled my worst fears. The whisper of the wind and the brush of the branches created a symphony of unease that echoed in my ears.

My heart beat strongly, as a sense of imminent danger took over me. Every fiber of my being urged me to seek refuge, but the fear of what I might encounter outside my room kept me still, trapped in the paralysis of fear.

Between fragmented sighs and the rapid beating of my heart, I plunged into a night of uncertainty and fear, desperately longing for the dawn that would bring the light to dissipate these dark shadows of the night.

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