
Chapter 14 - No resistance

“I have a favor to ask.” Zach says across from me. I look up at the Ms Swan our English teacher. She doesn’t like talkers in class. She has her back to us but everyone knows she has supernatural hearing.

She can tell you who’s talking without even seeing them. It’s like a mutant power, don’t understand what’s so important that Zach can’t wait until lunch. I give him a look to let him know I don’t want to talk right now.

He raises his brows at me in question and then he gives me a shoulder shrug. What’s wrong with this dude? Did he forget where we are? Miss Swan doesn’t play.

“No,” I say as quietly as possible. I want to tell him we can talk about this at lunch but that’s too many words and Ms Knight will definitely catch me talking if I say anything more than that.

“What do you mean no? You don’t even know what the favor is.” He says whispering back at me. Of ‘course he thinks I’m saying no to his request for a favor and not to talk in Ms Swan’s class.

I look at him hoping he can read my emotions in my face. Instead, he makes a face at me. Why are doing this right now? He could’ve easily texted me about this yesterday.

“What?” He says a little too loudly, I cringe knowing she heard that. Ms Knight turns around to look at the class. She scans the room with her intense stare, Zach and I pretend to do our work, but watching her every move.

He knows I can’t afford to go to detention but he decided to talk to me in her class. I say a small prayer, hoping she didn’t hear us. She starts to walk toward us still scanning the room. I hold my breath, my heart beating fast. If I get detention who will pick up Jon and Mina?

I mean they can get home by themselves and a lot of kids do but I want to be there so I can watch out for them. Please no detention!

She stops in front of us and looks from Zach to me. I swallow hard waiting for the words “You’re going to detention”.

“Why are you talking in my class?” She says directing her question at Zach. I see the fear in his face and I know we’re definitely going to detention today. Our first since we got to high school. Thanks, Zach for ruining my good track record.

“I had something important to ask him about our assignment. I’m sorry Ms Swan.” Zach says looking from me to her.  Why did he come up with such a weak excuse, she won’t buy that.

“You know I don’t like students talking in my class. If I hear another peep from you two, you’re off to detention. Do I make myself clear?” She says looking at me her cold stare sending a chill down my spine. You would think I committed a murder the way she’s looking at me.

“Yes, Ms Swan,” I say thankful she’s in a forgiving mood today. I give Zach a look and go back to my work. Ms Swan walks away from us and I let out the breath I’m holding in.

I know we got lucky, Ms Swan doesn’t like rule-breakers and she just let us off the hook. My luck must be improving or maybe Zach has transferred some of his luck to me.

I look up and find Golden looking at me.  We haven’t spoken in over two months. We bump into each other in the hallway and at the library but neither of us says anything.

She seems to be embracing her new single status. She spends a lot of time alone these days. She doesn’t even eat lunch with her friends anymore. I wonder what’s up with all of that.

Here I go again wondering about things I have no business wondering about.

I made a vow not to let her distract me from my goal and I’ve done well so far.  I avoid thinking about her, I don’t look at her when we’re at school and I definitely don’t talk about her with anyone. I have done a whole cleanse of Golden.

I think my plan works for the most part. I’ve been able to take all that energy and study for the upcoming test week I have stayed consistent with work and taking care of the kids and I feel a little more balanced now that I don’t spend hours thinking about her.

I’m sticking to my guns, not thinking about Golden.

But there are moments like this where she looks at me and I feel my heart ache to talk to her. I still feel something for her and now that I have spent a few days with her I’m curious to know more about her. The type of things she likes; music, food, movies. You know normal people stuff.

That being said I know I don’t have the luxury to dream about dates with a girl like Golden. Never mind that I can’t dream of anything with any girl. I don’t have the time, money, or energy for all of that.

I look away from her reminding myself of my plan. I need to stay focused, I say to myself in my head over and over. I need to stay in my lane.

At lunch

“About that favor,” Zach says bringing up the thing that almost got us into detention. I give him the eye, annoyed with him a little. “I know; I’m sorry.” He says reading my mind. “I’m having a little get-together for my birthday; it’s nothing big just a few people, good food, music and I would love for you to come.” He says smiling back.

I look at him already knowing what the answer is and always has been. I haven’t been to any of his birthdays since my Mina was born. We were eleven then.

“I don’t know man. I have to think about the kids.” I say looking for a way to disappoint him as kindly as possible.

“I knew you were going to say that and I have a solution.” He says that like he solved the world’s biggest problems.  He has this goofy smile on his face. He’s happy about this.

“What?” I ask curious what he would come up with.

“I am having a kid-friendly 18th birthday. My little cousins and neighborhood kids will be there too. I’m having float houses and all the things kids like to play with. I really want you to be there so I made sure that Jon and Mina can be there too. ” He says and I’m genuinely surprised, he really thought this through.

He’s looking at me expectantly; I don’t want to disappoint him. He made an effort.

“Okay but we won’t stay until late,” I say and he starts doing a whole dance.

“My man.” He says excitedly.

“Stop dancing people are looking,” I say when he catches the attention of the people around us. That makes him dance even more. Who knew a person could be so overjoyed about their friend coming to a birthday party.

“I can’t describe to you the joy I feel inside.” He says smiling at me. I laugh at his dance moves, he doesn’t care who’s watching. It’s amazing to see him doing something so attention-grabbing; he’s usually under the radar.

“I think your dance moves are all the description I need,” I say looking at him askance, I need some of the joy he’s feeling.

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