
Chapter 240

That was too much.

Way too much.

“Is breakfast ready?”

“Yes. I’ll go get Xander.” Sarah was immediately reminded of her original intention. She was supposed to get Xander after waking James.

With that, she turned and left.

Just as she took one step forward, she recalled James’ sudden whimsical delinquency. “James, when will you ever change?”

“Never.” James recalled the courting handbook he read last night, feeling sure of himself. He must kiss her every so often so that she would be habitualized with him. That way she would not be able to tolerate other guys kissing her.

In the end, she would only be able to marry him.

Turning this into a habit was the best tactic he had at his disposal to subdue her.

“You…” Sarah was aggravated.

Unfortunately, the man lying lazily in bed was nonchalantly looking at her while resting his head on his arms.

She suddenly detected an abnormal scent.

It was commonly said that guys were more easily turned on in the morning.

She had better take her leave.

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