
Who Piled It Up?

Here is what happened last time on The Werewolf's Superiority

Roman and I walk around the room and look at the details on the wall. We get the photographer and videographer in the cave to start documenting the walls. I find a hidden wall where a pile of human remains is hidden. Dr. Cloe Addison really wants to get into the cave to start her research on human bones. I call Yasmin on my satellite phone and explain to her what I have found. She says that she will come here as soon as she can. Ethan, the photographer, shows me the writing on the walls and what it means. That is when I find out that there is a tomb in the room.

After talking to the crew outside to get e away into that tomb, I walk to Dr. Cloe Addison and start talking to her;

"If you can look but not touch anything, then you can follow me."

She nods as she says;

"I promise. I will look with my eyes and not my hands or fingers."

"Then, follow me."

I walk in with her behind me. I ask her;

"Do you want to see the design's on the walls, or do you want to go and see the bones first?"

"Always the bones first."

"Okay. Then follow me."

I lead her into the cave. She stops at the circular room where the photographer and videographer are busy documenting everything. She looks around the room and says;

"This is unbelievable."

I tell her;

"That is why I asked you what you wanted to see first. If you still want to see the bones are behind this wall over here."

She lights in the direction I am walking with her torch. As we get to the wall, she peeks around the corner and asks;

"Why a pile? Who piled it up? Did they die and climb on each other?"

I giggle at her question and say;

"I am not sure what happened here. I have asked the team outside to start looking at the images being sent to them to try and decipher what happened here. Come, see this part in the wall."

I walk to the section of the tomb. I light it with my torch and say;

"According to this section, there is a tomb below our feet."

She looks at the drawing, stunned. Dr. Addison points her flashlight to the floor and then back to the sketches. Not knowing what to say, she walks over to the wall and runs the tips of her finger over it, and says;

"It is amazing. What exactly have these people concealed down here?"

"I think it is a human or wolf. I am not sure which one is below us."

She slowly moves her hand across the image and asks me;

"What if it is both? What if it is some hybrid human?"

I smile and say;

"Well, to be honest. We will certainly find out once we get the floor open. But first, we need to catalog everything before we touch anything. I have a language expert on her way that will be arriving in two days. We should find out soon enough what is going on. I am actually waiting on an email from her to see if she can translate the text on the door."

She turns her head and tells me;

"Then we need to find out if she has replied to your email."

I nod and say;

"You read my mind. Let us go and see if Yasmin replied."

We walk outside to get Ethan's laptop. I see that there is one new email. I click on it and notice that it is from Yasmin. I smile and start reading the reply;

"Dr. Andrews.

I looked at the image. So, this is a language that I have never seen. Some of the smaller images look native, but I can not say for a fact. Now, there are a few that I do recognize. The one looks like a door, and the other symbol is the symbol of death. Put them together, and you have a Doorway to Death. I have sent the image to a friend that worked on ancient native languages. I am on my way there. Talk to you soon.


Dr. Cloe Addison slowly turns our heads to look at each other when we have read the message. I tell her;

"Doorway to Death? I wonder what they meant by it."

Dr. Cloe Addison says;

"It could mean the bodies and the bones that are on piles. But it still does not answer who put all the bones on piles. It could also be the body in the tomb."

I shake my head and say;

"Not sure. We will have to wait for those images to be cataloged. Maybe the answer will be somewhere on some of the walls in there."

Dr. Cloe Addison says;

"So, if the answers are in there, what are we still waiting for out here?"

"You read my mind."

As we make our way back to the cave's entrance, I ask the crew sitting by the table;

"Did you get some idea's on what is going on in that cave yet?"

"Not yet. Still looking, Dr. Andrews."

"Okay. Keep on trying to figure out what is going on in there, please. I need some answers."

"I will let you know if I find anything."

I look at Dr. Cloe Addison and say;

"So, let's go into the cave."

We walk back into the cave. I light the section of the tomb about the burial. We look for the part that the writings talk about death to see if we can figure it out. I see a section that could lead us to open up the floor. I tell Dr. Cloe Addison;

"Do you see that? It seems that they made a lever of some sort to push into a section of the wall."

"I see, but what do we have to stick in these holes in the wall? I do not see something like that around."

Suddenly, I think of the three locking mechanisms that we took out of the door. I tell Dr. Cloe Addison;

"There are three holes. I took three rods out of the door that they used to seal the door with."

Dr. Cloe Addison and I both start searching for the three holes in the walls. We quickly find them. I turn and ask Ethan;

"How far are you with the photographs?"

"I have completed one section. Three more to go."

I smile and say;

"Cause I think we just solved the clue of opening the floor. That is why I am asking you. But, continue taking photos as quickly as you can."


Dr. Cloe Addison looks at me and asks;

"Aren't you excited to see what is down there?"

I look at her confused and ask;

"Why would I not be excited? What gave you an idea like that?"

"Because you are not opening the tomb."

"I would like this place documented before we touch anything in here. I would also like to know what is down there before I open it."

She looks at me like I am craze and says;

"Whatever is down there is dead already. Nothing is going to jump out at you."

I start to get angry at her and say;

"I want this place documented first before we do anything else. I do not care what you say or what anyone else says. We are going to document this place no matter what before we start bothering with anything."

She shakes her head and says;

"Fine. We will wait. Maybe we can check the walls for more clues as to what is down there."

"Good idea."

Dr. Cloe Addison and I walk to the walls and start looking at the drawings. We need to find out why they build this cave and what is going on in that tomb.


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