
The Serial Bachelor: Finding Love
The Serial Bachelor: Finding Love
Penulis: Lace

Chapter 1

Finally! Friday, Alec thinks as he sits on the patio watching the sunset over the countryside.

He came outside to clear his mind, but it was no use. 

The loneliness is eating away at him.

His heart feels lost.

And when he spots a pair of deer a few yards away going at it, the stag shivering with ecstasy, he cannot help to think: "Lucky devils."

It doesn't take long for his mind to start wandering.

He starts to think of Anne, and immediately his lower body comes to life.

Their time together was short. Far too short ...                                                                            They met on a dating site. Thinking back now, he realizes that his need for someone special in his life is precisely what led him to try dating sites.

Alec would not call his time with Anne a relationship, but rather a short-lived sex adventure, And it was fantastic!

She is a teacher in a nearby town. She is 14 years his senior, divorced, and loved to use him as her own personal boy toy. She was breathtaking, with Red hair, green eyes, and a body that would send any man's libido flying.

After a few weeks of fun they both, however, realized that the age difference and their diverse interests would catch up to them.

Besides, he thought he is way too young for that kind of relationship.

Alec realized once again that his love life was a disaster.                                                               He has one short-lived relationship after another, leaving him with little to no confidence in love.

It is not that he has a shortage of female interest.

On the contrary.

It's just, sex has become everything to him.

To him sex is LOVE.

 And not all girls are accepting of it. One after the other they choose to leave in search of 'more'.

Then, there are those women who just can’t get enough.

Even married women.

Their husbands become impotent and needing release they turn to Alec to become their boy toy, bed bug, and sheet chauffeur.

Not that he can complain, it was thanks to these women that at the age of 26 Alec had perfected the art of foreplay.

The sex is great, but lately, without a permanent partner on his side, the loneliness has become overwhelming.

Alec knows, that any one of the single women in town would marry him in an instant, but from what he's seen of married women and their infidelity dampens his enthusiasm.

The fear of infidelity has almost permanently deterred him from getting married.

Take Michelle for instance, the pharmacist's wife. She is the most beautiful being on two legs.

God alone knows why He created such a perfect woman.

Surely, she cannot be meant for just one man.                                                                            After all, Alec is just one of her many friends with benefits.

And though her husband treats her like a Queen, Michelle is still out there looking for sex, where and when she wants ... with Alec, and he can only guess who else.

You see, the problem is, Michelle, rocks the world of every man she seduces into bed.

Every human being has the urge to love and with that the need to be possessive towards the one they love.

In that sense, Michelle is the kind of woman that can drive men towards murderous thoughts, a real Delilah.

Enough of that.

Tonight Alec will get another chance, and this time with none other than the Reverend's daughter, Mia Evans.

She is a beautiful girl with tick luscious black hair, tanned skin, and a pair of breasts and legs that would put Mariah Carey to shame.

Mia is the local gym's in-house physiotherapist, she is shy, withdrawn, and does not talk much.

She is also not a big party animal and therefore not very popular among the young men.     A fact, which has only made Alec more determined to conquer her.

It has taken Alec about eight months to persuade Mia to come and stay with him for a weekend, and she has finally agreed!

Mia still lives with her parents, and Alec knows the Reverend does not trust him, least of all with his daughter.

But the Reverend is away on holiday and as they say, when the cat’s away…

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