
Chapter 3

I woke up to the sun shining into my bedroom I open my eyes and thought back to last night. Dinner wasn't too bad Matt and Mr Black seem like nice people if you put the fact that they are mafia to the side. A knock on my door had me pulled from my thoughts I got up and opened the door. Matt was standing there in workout clothes staring down at me. He is really tall at 6 ft and I am a mere 5 ft 2. I look up at him and lift any eyebrow at him. He shakes his head at me and say.

"Come on Skylar it's time for your training."

"I'll just get dressed and meet you downstairs." i replied and he nodded and walked down the hall.

I got dressed in a sportsbra and legging with my trainers. Putting my hair up in a messy bun. I make my way downstairs to the gym. Matt had told me last night that we would be training in the gym that's in the basement. I make my way downstairs to the gym and see Matt punching a bag. He turns when I step closer and looks me up and down again. What the fuck is with this guy looking at me?

"You need to put on some muscle so you can protect yourself. I will help you with fighting and later Tess will help you with the dancing part. Father wants you on a mission in a month to see what you are capable of. So lets begin." I didn't know what to say so I just nodded at him.

Matt showed me how to fight and how to use the gym equipment. We trained for 4 hours and my body was aching everywhere. Muscles I didn't know I had was sore but I did get a punch in on him as well and that made me happy. A knock on the door had us both turn and in stepped a woamn with fiery red hair and blue eyes. She wore a long coat and high heel boots.

"Hi I'm Tess you must be Skylar my new trainee?" She says her voice is so seductive I thought.

"Yes I am nice to meet you." i reply feeling a little weird at the moment.

"I will leave you two alone. Show her all that she needs to know she has a mission in a month." Matt tells Tess and she nods.

"We will begin with the pole dancing and then once you have that under control we will move on to the rest." I nodded at her. She stepped to the radio and put on a seductive song to dance to and made her way to a pole I didn't even realize was there. She took off her coat and my jaw dropped she was wearing nothing but lingerie. Her body was stunning and I instantly felt self-conscious.

I wasn't fat but I had curves not skinny like Tess. I had big breasts and a butt with a small waist. Were all strippers skinny like her I thought. She must have felt me staring cause she turns around and gives me a smirk.

"So lets begin I will show you how to move around the pole in a seductive way. You won't be getting naked when you go on a mission you will always have something on and you will have a mask so no one recognizes you." she say and I nod at her.

Tess shows me how to move my body around the pole and I must say I have some rhythm and i didn't even know. With all the dancing moves she's showing me I started to losen up and dare I say it I actually had some fun. Which is weird because of why I'm doing this.

We danced for three hours and my body was tired. Tess said that we will be doing this daily and I must admit I felt excited about it. I liked the way I could move my body and feel free as I poured my emotions into the dance. Tess said I was a natural whether that was a compliment I don't know. I mean really I was a natural at being a stripper it just sounded weird to my ears.

I make my way towards my room to have a shower after a long day of training. My body ached everywhere and I'm sure I will have some bruises covering my body by tomorrow. I step into the shower and the warm water cascading on me feels like heaven. I wsh my hairand body and get dressed in some loose fitting clothes. A knock on my door had me rushing towards it. Mr Black was standing there with a tray in his hand.

"I brought you some food you must be starving after the day you had." He says while making his way toward the table and chair in my room.

"I am thank you Mr Black." i reply as i take a seat opposite him.

"You can call me Tyler. I know everything is new to you here but I hear you are a natural Tess and Matt said good things about the training and it's been your first day. I have a mission for you in a month there's a guy that's a regular at the strip club who owes me money all you have to do is get him to a VIP area and slip something in his drink so my men can grab him." he says this in such a calm voice and I wonder how many times has he had someone do this for him.

" What exactly should I do to get him in a VIP area?" I ask a little confused.

"Well that's where your dancing training comes in you will seduce him with your dancing and he will ask for you to escort him to a VIP area so you can give him a lap dance as soon as you see he isn't paying attention to his drink you will slip a drug into his drink so when he drinks it it will make him pass out and my men will escort you and him out without anyone seeing you." he tells me.

I stare at him as if he had two heads a lap dance? I will use my body to get what this man wants. I don't feel comfortable about this but do I have a choice he already made it perfectly clear that he will end my life if I say no or run away. So instead of asking more questions which the answers I didn't want to know I just nodded and dug into my food.

After Tyler ate with me and enlightened me with his plan i got into bed. I didn't know how to feel about the situation I am in. Tyler didn't treat me bad but what he expects from me was just a little out of my comfort zone. But I know I have to do this or I'm dead. So instead of pondering over it I closed my eyes and let sleep take over me.

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