
Chapter 3: What A Rough Day

“I can’t give you this book, my cousin instructed me to buy this specifically. Just like you said, there are alternative books similar to this one, I’m sure you could find an alternative.” He smirked, “Next in line please.” He turned his head in front before He steals a glance at her.

He strolled at the cashier passing her infuriated figure, seemingly unaffected by her heated grimace.

“Cheeky bastard!” Veins popped on her forehead and jaw from sheer anger when she watched him take his wallet inside his blue blazer and gave the money to the cashier woman.

He walks past her like she wasn’t even there and left the store, “I want to strangle him to death with a rope and throw his carcass in a drum full of acid and then dig a hole 6 feet deep, I’m sure the police wouldn’t notice if I put a dead animal above his body right?”

She was oozing with animosity while glaring at the door where he came out not noticing the trembling girl on her left, “W-what did you just say?” the girl stammered, taking a few steps back away from her.

Valencia shakes her head frantically, “No! No! No! No! No! I’m just joking, I swear. I would never have the guts to do such a thing, I….I’m afraid when I see blood! I mean how could you kill a person if you’re afraid of blood, haha….ha.” The frightened girl wasn’t convinced by her words and only cowers in fear while gripping the book tightly on her chest.

“Is there something wrong over there?” They both turned their head at the voice, it was the cashier woman who had a confused expression apparent on her, the girl pointed her quivering right finger at her and said, “S-she was planning to Mur-“

“Planning to create a small clay statue of Murrey, you know the guy that sacrificed his life for the freedom of our country.” Unfortunately, Valencia had to cut her off before she could even finish the statement. She’s already facing multiple problems and she doesn’t want another one that would put her in the police interrogating office.

“Alright? but please tone down your voices, there are people trying to read.” The cashier woman instructed.

“Yes, I’m very sorry about that,” Valencia replied with an apologetic smile.

She swift her eyes back at the frightened girl and said, “I’m really sorry you have to hear those, But if you need a therapist after this, you could visit Dr Ana Verlice, just mention my name and you’ll get a 40% discount.” She scurried to the door and left the store leaving the poor traumatized girl in her spot.

“What did they even see from that man? Charming gentleman, Yeah right!” she kicked the pebble on the ground, ignoring the strange looks she receives from the crowd. “Where on earth am I supposed to find that Damn book?” she placed her hands on her hips as she stares at the cemented ground intently.

Valencia sighed as she squats on the ground with a dejected face, “I should have been more attentive.” She had a distant look in her eyes, unsure if she should abandon plan A.

A shadow suddenly loomed over her figure, she looks up to see who was blocking her to shoo them away, “Valencia?” the voice of a woman said.

She tilted her head, “Umm, Do I know you perhaps?” she furrowed.

“It’s me, Melissa, you helped me pass my defence when Mr Coy told me that I won’t graduate if I failed for the 2nd time.” Melissa said, trying to help Valencia remember a fragmented memory of her college years.

“Oh! I remember you, you were the girl who was crying in the bathroom, I almost thought it was a weeping ghost at first.” Valencia giggled, almost forgetting the events that happened in the bookstore.

Melissa chuckled along with her before she spoke, “Yeah, that’s totally me.”

“Here take my hand, you shouldn’t be sitting in the middle of the street.” She extended her right arm to help Valencia stand, she took her hand and Melissa immediately pulled her up by taking a few steps back.

“What are you doing here though? Do you even know how hot it is today? You should be shading yourself with a hat or putting some sunscreen lotion on. It’s not good if you get sunburns, believe it or not, sunburns are the worst.” she ranted.

“Well, long story short, I was trying to find a book called The Golden Success in Jenna’s Libiria, but they told me that they were already sold out and I have to wait for 3 months,” Valencia answered.

Melissa was surprised before she uttered, “So you’re starting a business? What about your father’s?”

“My Older Brother, Edmund was chosen instead of me, that’s why I’m planning on starting my own Company instead, I won’t waste my efforts and time on someone who won’t acknowledge it, and I’ll only look like a fool.” She crossed her arms, upset about her father’s decision in selecting him as an heir for the business.

“I’m so sorry to hear that.” There was a sentimental tone visible in Melissa’s voice when she listened to her reason.

“You shouldn’t be, the one who’s supposed to apologize is him. He made me hope for nothing.” She folded her arms on her chest as she move her eyes to the left, plastering an upset look.

Valencia felt a hand sit on top of her right shoulder, she looked at Melissa who was smiling at her with genuine warmth emitting from her grin.

“Listen Valencia, I know it’s frustrating and discouraging when people can’t appreciate or acknowledge our hard work, I’ve been there before, especially when we hope for them to notice our efforts. You made a good decision in stopping yourself from continuing to pursue the position as an heir because if you did, the people witnessing it will only laugh and mock you. I’m proud of what you did.”

Valencia was speechless after what Melissa said, it made her feel like all the anger kept in her chest evaporated when someone finally understood her problem which may seem like it’s not a big deal for some people.

“Just keep your chin up and never let your Father or your older brother hinder your plans in starting your business.” Melissa added.

Valencia bobs her head earnestly like a child following her mother’s instruction keenly, “I appreciate your words, I was waiting for someone to tell me those exact statements.”

Melissa grinned softly, “No problem, I just wanted to repay you for helping me graduate from college, if it weren’t for you, then I wouldn’t get my dream job as a Flight Stewardess.”

“Well, It’s time for me to go I have a flight to catch tonight. Oh! I almost forgot to give you my number.”

She opens her brown leather sling bag and pulled out a green card, “Here you can text and call me if you ever need some help or someone to talk to.” Valencia grabs the cards and reads the text written on the paper.

“I’ll surely save this number in my phone.” Valencia replied.

“Thank you, Valencia. I’m glad that I was able to meet you in the most unexpected situation.” They both let out a chortle, “I’m Happy that you achieved your dreams, Melissa.” Melissa Bid her goodbye as she parted ways, “Have a safe trip!” Valencia exclaimed.

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