The Rogue Warlock's Twin Flame

The Rogue Warlock's Twin Flame

By:  Elena Parks  Ongoing
Language: English
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A Rebel Witch... Bonded to a Rogue Warlock... There are Magickals (magickal bloodlines), and then there are Mundanes (non-magickals). Chiara Ravensworth is a witch. She has a Magickal mother and a Mundane father who divorced when she was twelve as her mother has duties to the Magickal Council that can't involve a Mundane family. She lives with her father but from time to time, and meets with her mother for council work under the older woman's watchful eye. Otherwise, her parents remain crazy in love with each other. Gideon Swan grew up an orphan and never knew about his Magickal roots. Street-smart and compassionate, he navigates the mundane world using his 'psychic' abilities. Acquiring wealth as a financial genius, he remains alone until he meets the woman he bonds with in his steamy dreams. She… is real. And not only that. Gideon is struggling to contain his powers, manifesting in natural disasters. When she came, she begins to anchor him. Unbeknownst to them both, they are a twin flame to each other, a very rare occurrence, both dangerous and opportune. And when twins meet… the flame can destroy evil--if they don’t destroy each other first. And as danger peeks in the horizon, they need to be strong to save both the magickal and the mundane territories…

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The Rogue Warlock's Twin Flame is a fantasy novel by Elena Parks. It tells a story about a Rebel Witch bonded to a rogue warlock. The main character is Chiara Ravensworth, a witch with a mundane father and a magical mother. The witch meets with her mother from time to time. Another character in the story is Gideon Swan, an orphan who knew about the magical roots. Gideon navigates the mundane world and acquires wealth as a financial genius. Then, he meets the woman of his dreams and struggles to contain his powers. If you love fantasy novels, The Rogue Warlock's Twin Flame will keep you at the end of your seat.

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18 Chapters
CHIARA“Will you be at home for dinner tonight, Chiara?” Dad asks me over breakfast.I am scanning the morning paper as I eat my grapefruit and bagel with cream cheese. My father and I make+ it a habit to eat breakfast together as often as possible despite our busy work lives. He owns a law firm and I work as a senior editor in a rather prestigious publishing company. But we try to make our time together generally undisturbed by our professional lives. I glance up at him. My father is a very attractive man in his fifties, and he has an innate grace I admire and adore. But I did not get my more prominent physical looks from him but from my mother. I got his chin, though. My mother is a lovely woman, but I love my chin.I am often told my character and mannerisms are reminiscent of both parents. I would like to think I could be as solid and as strong as my father when I aged because while growing up, I exhibited more of my mother’s wariness, quirkiness, and fierceness.I shake my head.
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CHIARAMY mother is always in flight, on witchy jobs as a junior elder of the Council of Magick.Her missions are dangerous she can't be found lingering in the mundane world or living with non-Magickal loved ones.She divorced my father to protect him from enemies his wealth could never protect him from.When I was asked in all honesty where I wanted to live, my father was floored that I chose to be here.I was thirteen. They never made me feel I was choosing one over the other. I love my mother to death and I share a strong bond with her.But when it came for me to decide whom I would live with, I spoke very intensely about my wish to live with my father so it would be clear to everyone.Mom told me she was grateful I made the decision I did. That I understood what her life is going to be like after the divorce and I chose accordingly to adjust gave her the freedom to do her job without guilt. I am one other person she doesn't have to worry about while she goes on her missions. and th
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CHIARA WHEN we reach the restaurant, my driver pulls up directly in front of the doors and helps me out of the car.“Thanks, William. I’ll let you know when I’m ready to leave.” He will wait for my call somewhere else, probably in the pub we have passed on the way here. He tips his hat to me in agreement and then he is off. Meanwhile, I walk up to the entrance of the restaurant.I do not recall having eaten here previously. The outside is elegant and modern, and the interiors look intimate and cozy.But most essentially, the smells emanating from the place are delicious.I can see through the windows that almost all the tables are occupied.So how come I have never heard of this restaurant before?It doesn’t seem to be a family-oriented place though, since there are no children in sight. The patrons that are seated and eating dinner have their faces up and turned towards... me?Interesting.I frown. That’s confusing.They are all really looking at me, watching me. Why the hell are t
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CHIARA “BUT this is something that you must do. There’s no choice.”“There’s always a choice!” I protested.“I hope you really think about it this time.” And… she’s using her adult voice this time. “There’s a man you need to find and bring before the Council. I wish I can do it but I am swamped. If I don’t finish my own assignment, I can’t be with you and your father after your birthday because I’ll have to go straight to my next assignment. There, okay? It’s not a surprise, anyway, that I’m going to be there. But I’m hoping to at least stay for a week after your birthday, darling.”I rolled my eyes because we both know this is grand manipulation!But it’s the kind I like.“I’m in.”She giggles and shakes her head, looking a little guilty, before she pulls me into her hug.“Why? What did this man do?” I ask as I recover the wine glass from the table. “What’s wrong with him?”“He hasn’t done anything… yet.” She frowns. “Why do you always think that when the Council wants a Magickal bro
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CHIARA “MOTHER, we’ll have to do something so I can take off from work for me to fly to where this guy is,” I say.But she just waves her hand dismissively. “Consider it all done. We have a cover ready for you, and you’ll not have to lift a finger.”“Yes… though I wish you’d given me a proper warning. I’ll have to make sure my writers are taken care of.”“Darling, it’s not like you’ll be leaving for a whole year. It’s just going to be a day or two.”“Oh.” I blink. “Okay. I guess we can manage that.” I am frowning a little, because I am expecting it will take a longer time to talk to someone with a name like Gideon Swan, who is a notorious hermit billionaire, about Magickals, and that he is one.My mother is still talking, adding a few more details, then I hear something that catches me.“Nooo,” I wail. “I’m not going to Louisiana! You know how much I hate the humidity there!”“It won’t be so bad this time of year,” she soothes, brushing aside my refueled objections. “Your birthday is
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GIDEON I stare out the window of my Mystical Grove mansion the following evening.Something big is coming, I think as I look out at the waning light.The day is almost over, but since it’s been raining since the morning, it looks like twilight the whole day. Well, maybe not that big, but definitely something important, and I’m maybe not going to like it.I wonder if this has anything to do with the woman I keep dreaming about lately.A beautiful woman with titian hair and exotic green eyes turns up in my dreams almost every night and on on my mind a lot during my waking hours, too.In my dreams, I search for her, call out for her, desperately trying to tell her something.I can hear my voice begging.But I can never make out what I was saying.Okay, so I can… see.Like I can glimpse a clue of the future by seeing something significant in my environment, signs that no one else can parse or connect but this different brain of mine, and I can dream dreams that warn me of impending event
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GIDEON SO is this my punishment for hurting James and all the others before him due to my ignorance?I ran away from the first family that took me in, and then three foster homes, because I was different.During the time, I was just a freak, the kind that scares regular people. Others—kids and grown-ups—know there is something unusual about me. They never talked about it, because they probably feel afraid others would think they are crazy.I was the freak and I have power over them because of it, and I could feel it even as a child, how scared they are of me. How I make every moment they spend with me hellish.Someone would invariably start acting cruelly because of this terror, or just because somebody’s stupid. I got into fistfights. I never started a fight. But I end up un-punished.Because the adults knew.Or, sometimes, in the case of the foolish, I end up hurting someone.In a way, I was chained and battered. Even as a child, I knew I’m a good person.It’s because I keep wanti
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GIDEON BUT how I love storms.There is something majestic about them even when they are the most uncontrollable phenomena on earth.Or maybe it is exactly because of this that I find them so fascinating.Uncontrollable. Powerful. Something like that the power that is inside me.Maybe it is exactly the reason why I like watching storms, because they might show me something that I need to control this storm within me.I took control of my life—a difficult undertaking being alone at the age of fourteen—but I was able to. I eluded the system until I was of legal age.By that time, I have already acquired a significant amount of money by gambling here and there to get me through school and then through college, without having to ask for a student loan that will surely put me in the system for years.Then I discovered the stock market and acquired my first million before I graduated.I took up serious investing in real estate, bought companies to rescue from greedy, unfeeling banks, and m
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CHIARA AS I watch the gorgeous man in front of me, I feel strange.In a bit of a quandary.Unbelievable.But in my first glimpse of him, giddiness and pure lust slammed into me.I’m a virgin, for pity’s sake. I’ve never felt anything like this for any man, even the sexually magnetic men I have encountered in my life as my father’s heiress. Or those beautiful men who modeled in shoots of some of the projects I undertook for my publisher.Never.I have dated but I never had a boyfriend.I had lusted, but never felt the desire to jump to bed with the man who triggered the yearning like this. I need something more. I need to know the man, need more time.Nothing like this.This is pure, undiluted lust, for a stranger.And it doesn’t make any sense.So I know it is the magick that’s doing this.And I know, without him saying, that he was Gideon Swan.He is the awakened warlock.And Jesus H. Christ… he is potent.It is all I can do to stay calm.I try to imagine what my mother will do in th
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CHIARA GIDEON does not lie. There is a warm, cozy fire blazing in the elegant fireplace in his spacious living room where huge rugs scatter on the wooden floor that gives it a homey feel.I lead him towards the biggest couch that happens to be nearest the fireplace, and after settling him down there, I asked him where I can get a blanket and medicine for him.“There’s a blanket inside that door. It’s the den. I sometimes fall asleep there when working during the night and—”“I’ll get it. It’s not locked, right?”He shakes his head. My goodness, he is shivering all over now!I hasten as fast as I can. I see several blankets folded neatly inside a huge cabinet that has several throw pillows in there, too. I bring a thick blanket and a pillow with me and I go back to the living room.“Are you alone here?” I ask as I put the pillow under his head and the blanket over him after helping him lie down. He clutches at it right away to his chest. “There must be servants?”“She just went home be
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