
Chapter Five: Escape Attempt

Blade could still feel the curious stares following her every move. However, rather than feeling pressured and uneasy, Blade became arrogantly confident. She knew she deserved it. It's the result of her own effort.

"Damn! I heard you won against a main member of Parasite! How did you do it?!" Victorine burst out in surprise and nudged her. 

Blade looked at her with a grinning face. "How did I do it? Well, do you want my actual explanation? Sure!" 

"Damn you." Victorine cursed her.

Blade just laughed, wiping the sweat off her body. She then looked at the full moon that hung in the sky that was getting gloomy. Staring at it, Blade realized that it was a good time to execute her plan.

They walked inside the prisoner's dining area and ate. Blade is still aware of her actions. As much as possible, rather than attracting enemies, Blade wants to gain the prisoners' trust. If possible, they could use their force to escape and fight the Parasite. Blade, somehow wondering why that idea did not come to their mind. She is sure they are not dumb.

After they ate, they returned to their cell. When the guard exited, Blade revealed the knife she had hidden in her shorts. It seemed that the guard had forgotten to check them. Victorine called her, but Blade ignored her and just lay on the bed, thinking if she should return to the hole she had seen, and try to escape. But then, if there's really a hole in that area, someone would probably see it and escape, and yet there are still many prisoners. They are surely not dumb. But why are they not escaping. What's stopping them?

Blade's heart crumpled as her skin tingled. There's really something she's not aware of. Something that every prisoner here might probably know....

"What is it?" Blade mumbled in the tranquility of her cell.

She then realized that it was already midnight, and yet she was still awake and thoughts kept flooding her mind like a flood gashing in the rivers. She is shrouded in curiosity.

Maybe instead of an escape route, something lurked there.


"Hmm?" she replied.

"It seems that you haven't slept at all."

"Yes. I keep hearing you mumble. I'm curious if you're talking with a ghost."

"There's no ghost residing in this hellish place. "


Blade got up and leaned on the wall, looking at the small fire on Victorine's torch. She stared into the darkness.



"Do you not want to escape?"

"What bullshit are you spouting?"

I'm just asking you. C'mon, do you really want to rot here?"

"Of course, I want to. But it's impossible. "

"It's possible!"


"Trust me."

"Fuck you. You overestimate yourself. "

"I am not lying."

Victorine made a disagreeing sound. "C'mon, Blade. You still don't know what they can do."

Blade's head crumpled, getting curious. "What they can do?"

"Words couldn't be explained. Just discover it with yourself. "


"Why don't you try to flee so you know..."

Blade did not react, and somehow, it puzzled her  thought about escaping. A little hesitation suddenly enveloped her chest. She could make up her mind, and she did not notice the night getting deeper. She then heard Victorine's snoring loudly. Her fist clenched.

No, I should not be affected by them. Perhaps, they are trying to inflict fear on us so we stay here and don't dare escape. It's just a baseless threat. I'm going to escape here!

Blade got up from her bed and looked at the door. She then called the guard.

"What do you need?" The guard asked in a sleepy tone.

"I want to shit." 

The guard sneered and had no choice but to free her. She smirked. He seemed very sleepy, so he had no time to be alert. She farted loudly so she could avoid his suspicion.

"The hell! Go to the bathroom immediately!" 

The guard pushed her to the bathroom. Blade laughed. However, when she finally got inside, instead of taking a shit, Blade planned how she was going to escape. Then suddenly, a terrifying thunder pierced through the tranquility of the night. An idea popped in her head.

Blade peered out the door to look at the guard, and saw that he was already asleep and snoring. She easily grabbed that chance, and when the thunder boomed again, she ran stealthily, covering the faint sound of her feet in the sound of thunder. She continued doing it until she passed several guards. She was like an assassin in the middle of the night.

Blade finally got out successfully. There was no one outside, and they all seemed to be sleeping. Well, the night is already deep, plus the weather is dismal. A perfect time to be asleep under a soft blanket. The weather seemed to be on her side. 

Blade instantly ran under the rain, ignoring the cold rain and breeze. What is important to her is to escape this damn place. She would not let anyone dictate her life. She would do anything just to escape, even if they had chained her and locked her up.

She finally arrived at the cave without any problems. However, Blade stays alert and conscious. She still has to pay attention to her surroundings, especially in the dark, where everybody can lurk. When she arrived at the spot where she saw the hole, she quickly transformed into a wolf to push the chunk of stone. Blade only wanted to confirm what it was. If she saw an escape route, she would easily escape. If she discovered nothing, she would return to the cell and keep searching again.

However, when Blade pushed away the stone, her body immediately froze. Rather than an escape hole, Blade saw a place for a dead corpse. She was greeted by flesh-eating crows. She immediately returned the stone covering the large hole, shifted into human form, and wore her clothes again. Her heart was thumping really hard, and she could feel the terror shrouding her being. She stepped back cowardly, feeling chills. She knew it. Blade knew it.

It's a threat and a trap!

It was designed to lure the prisoners there and threaten them. It was really an escape hole. However, it's only meant death. In a nutshell, it's a message that she could only escape them through death!

Blade felt the overwhelming pressure outside the cave. Not only one, but almost the whole pack. She could hear their heavy steps and presence. Blade gritted her teeth. She knew she had no escape anymore. The pressure and nervousness are getting extreme. Blade wanted to run away and hide, but it would only worsen her situation. And after all, there is nowhere to hide. She could not just enter the hole, since it means she's choosing death. Blade took a heavy breath before she gathered her strength and decided to get out, welcoming the member of Parasite who was waiting for her with a deadly stare.

Blade's sharp eyes roamed, getting alerted. She could still feel the chill they gave, but there was nothing to do but to fight. They were all standing, and seemed ready to seize her. Blade doesn't know how they knew she escaped from the cell. The tension between them is extreme. Even the dismal weather could not hinder them. 

Medina lead the group, and take a step forward to her. Her cheerful expression was nowhere to be found, and a fierce lioness expression surfaced. Blade raised her head.

"Sadly, I am quite fond of you. You are one of the fiercest creatures I have ever met, and you prove to me that you deserve your arrogance. But you broke the rule. Our rule. I will praise you for your vigor, but you are nothing but a fool. You are a fool to think you can escape this place." Medina spoke with a coldness in her tone.

"A fool is better than a bitch. You're all scumbags of that bastard." Blade mocked.

"Your mouth is really sharp. Shall I cut that?"

"Sure. But your head is the payment."

Blade could hear the hostile reaction of Medina's colleagues, growling as if they wanted to rip her body apart. She knew that if they attacked once, she would be outnumbered. However, parasites are as prideful as she is. 

"Your dogs seemed to be angry." Blade smirked. "Are you all going to attack me? Sure. That only means I am strong."

Medina laughed, making a mocking expression. "No. I can capture you alone. I am enough."

"Then try-"

Before Blade could finish her words, Medina's fist was already an inch away from her face. She was shocked by her speed, and when she tried to avoid her fist, it already landed on her. 


Blade could feel how strong Medina's punch was. Compared to Bernadette, Medina has both speed and strength. She felt like she had been hit by a steel train. Her body hit the rough stone, causing her excruciating pain. She groaned in pain. Blade past injuries reopened. Her body is still not fully healed after her fight with Bernadette. Dealing with Medina will be her near-death experience. Blade barely stood up with shaky knees.

Medina smiled as she sat down, staring at her like a lowly ant. "Nice to meet you, Blade. I am the Second Elite Division Captain of Parasite. Let's fight. Captain vs. Captain, what do you think?

It made sense to Blade. Medina's strength is a bit superior to hers. And she did not know if she could win. If she did not fight Bernadette and save her energy, she might have won against Medina. However, her body is still aching from the injury she got from Bernadette, especially her injury. 

Blade wanted to transform into a wolf. Her wolf might be larger than her, but if she commits a mistake, her head will be the one she's going to lose. Fighting in human form will be more advantageous than in werewolf form, which means fighting to death.

Blade was lost in her thoughts, so she did not notice that Medina attacked her again. Blade has no choice but to attack her again. She was thankful that Medina did not let others intervene. However, Blade already knew she was at a disadvantage with her fight with Medina. The longer the fight gets, the more powerful Medina gets. And Blade could not see most of her attack. She had suffered a lot of injuries, making her speed and attacks dull. But Medina also got a lot of injuries from her, although her attacks were weak. Eventually, Blade's knees weakened and she knelt, Medina kicked her head, making her visions spin. Her mouth spluttered with blood. Medina just continued laughing while she kept kicking Blade's head.

"How does it feel, Blade?!" Medina keeps kicking her like a madman.

Blade was aware of her loss...

When Blade's body fell, her eyes landed on Victorine, who was smirking behind the watching crowds. Victorine muttered, "I told you. You cannot escape from them. "

Blade sneered, and gritted her teeth.

"So, you still have the strength to make an expression like that. What if I break your spine? Would you still wear that expression?"

Blade raised her head, wearing her insulting expression. "Only taking shit could make me change my expression. If you managed, then you are a shit. "

Medina seemed to have lost her cool. Blade laughed sarcastically, despite her blurred vision. But before Medina could trample her face to the ground, an incredibly powerful aura quickly shrouded the place, making everyone freeze in fear and intimidation.

"Don't. "


Blade had no strength to turn her head as her body was completely crushed by Medina, as well as her ego. Her body fell to the ground like a jelly, yet her heart is still raging with anger. Blade recognized the person who appeared out of nowhere.

"Take her to my place. I'll be the one to punish her. Take and tie her to my room."

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