


I stared at him in disbelief, his words echoed in my head. It had to be a trick or a cruel joke. Maybe he was a weirdo who thought it would be fun to get a laugh by pulling a prank on me.

"Look," I sniffled, my voice quivering as I spoke. "I don't know who you think you are but I'm not falling for your games."

"I mean every word. It's not a game." He said as he went down on one knee. Our eyes met and his gaze held mine in a magnetic pull that set my heart racing.

The sincerity In his eyes bothered me. Surely he couldn't mean what he had said. What would he gain out of helping a stranger? There had to be a catch somewhere.

...If you agree to be my Luna for a year...

His words resonated deep within me. It was starting to make sense now. He wanted something in return after all. But becoming his luna— that means he's the—

"Who are you?" I asked, my eyes searched for answers in his eyes.

I could see he was weighing his options. He hesitated long enough and then he said, "I'm Jasper."

Jasper. I know I've heard that name before. And then it hit me.

"The son of Alpha Leo," I said, completing what I knew he was about to say.

The look in his eyes was all the confirmation I needed. Why was the Alpha's son offering to help pay off my sister's bills with the condition I become his Luna? He could have any woman he wanted just by snapping his fingers. My brain was in a whirlwind of thoughts that troubled me.

"Since you know who I am now then you know I'm not playing around." He said calmly. "I will settle your sister's bills if you will be my Luna for a year." He paused and added in a choked voice. "I need this."

There was one question that bothered me. I knew I had to get an answer before I could even think of considering his offer. Taking a deep breath, I said, "I don't understand why you need this. You're the Alpha's heir. You can have any woman you want."

He waited till I was done talking and then laughed bitterly. There was a cold empty look in his eyes as he responded. "This way is easier. It will also help me get the throne faster."

What he said made sense to me but I had a feeling there was more to it. The look in his eyes didn't match his aura. There was sadness and pain in his eyes.

"There's something you're not telling me," I said, raising a brow.

He studied me for a moment. I felt the weight of his scrutinizing gaze press down on me. And then just when I thought I was going to be crushed to fine powder under his glare, he sighed. "I had a fallout with my girlfriend. She dumped me publicly when I was about to name her as my Luna and now it's the only thing everyone talks about. Going along with this will get their minds off it faster."

His sincerity touched me deeply and I could see he had poured out his soul. I hadn't expected him to open up to me since I was a stranger but he did.

"I'm sorry about that," I said for lack of a better thing to say.

He didn't say a word. He just nodded.

I knew there was no other way I could get the money I needed to help my sister. This was the moon goddess answering me. If I let go of this offer then I also forfeit my sister's life. She was more important to me than my pride.

"Okay," I muttered. "I'll accept your offer."

He gave a half smile and I could tell he was sincerely pleased with my response. He rose up towering tall and majestic above me. I felt small in his presence. It was an overwhelming feeling and yet it felt good.

"Come with me." He said offering his hand.

I normally wouldn't accept the hand of a stranger but I found myself leaning into his. His hand felt soft but there was a firmness in his grip. It was the touch of a man.

"Where are we going?" I gasped, my breath caught at the back of my throat.

"Do you trust me?" He asked. There was a hint of mischief in his voice.

I shook my head as I said, "No. No I don't."

His eyes glowed as he smiled. It was a sinister teasing smile. "That's a good answer."

I followed him to his car too enthralled by his overwhelming aura to speak. We stopped by a car that I guessed was his. He opened the passenger door gracefully and stepped aside for me to get in. Entering a stranger's car was something I'd never try in a million years yet I was doing it so effortlessly.

"I'll be back in a minute." He said with an apologetic smile. "I have to pick up my cousin. He's the reason I came here in the first place."

I told him it was fine and I'd wait but immediately he left, my brain began to function once again and I realized what I was doing.

His offer was ridiculous but I understood why he needed it. He had gone out of his way to make sure I wasn't left in the dark. It seemed almost too good to be true. I apologized to the moon goddess and said a silent thanks to her for the help.

He returned some minutes later with a young man with heavy bandaging on both arms. His cousin entered the backseat while he turned around to seat in front of the wheels of his luxury car.

"Whoa." His cousin gasped. "Jasper my man! You don't waste time, do you? I always knew you were a bonifide bad ass even with all that Romeo act you've been pulling off effortlessly if I might add. But this," he blew a low whistle. "This is top bar shit."

"It's not like that Chester." He sighed as he put the car in motion.

"Yeah, right." His cousin scoffed. "Well, hi there."

I turned around to see his smiling face and scrutinizing gaze. There was a softness in his eyes as he looked at me trying to figure out who I was.

"Chester stop it." Jasper chided his cousin.

He raised his bandages arms in the arm in a retreating gesture. "Sorry man. I'll back away from your—paramore."

Jasper sneered at him and then looked at me apologetically. "I'm so sorry." He said in a low voice. "Chester can be an idiot but he means well."

"I understand." I replied with a weak smile.

I still had no idea where we were going and it made me a bit uneasy so I took a deep breath and then I asked, "Where are we going?"

He kept his eyes on the road as he said, "The contract. We have to get the contract for you to sign."

My heart raced as I realized we were going ahead with the crazy plan. It felt like a dream and as the beautiful scene flashed past us I realized it was a dream I wasn't waking up from anytime soon.

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