
Together Again

Disseus hesitated.

They were all inviting him to climb atop Aardix.

Though he would be in bird form, it didn’t particularly change how Disseus felt about it. The idea of mounting another man’s back, even in the shape of an animal, was a bit more than he could tolerate. “No need.”

No chance in hell, I’m doing that.

“You’ll fly?” Nim turned to him.

He nodded slowly. “I’m well-behaved as long as your near.”

I hope. He felt more connected to his monster form now than he ever did before. More confident that he could control the Dark Harbinger’s thirst for blood. Even in that shape, all I wanted was to protect her.

The Dark Harbinger was no longer some terrifyingly unpredictable creature. It was just another part of him that would look after her.

At least it seems that way. He was willing to give it another try and find out.

Nim would protect them if I get out of line. The Dar

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