
Chapter 11

Chapter 11

My heart dropped to the pit of my stomach as his words kept on replaying in my head. My heart went numb as the pain in my chest hasn't faltered since that time. It was already 7 days ago but the pain I felt didn't fade away. He had already apologized but I couldn't bring myself to accept his apology that instant. I am not mad at him, alright? I just... I don't precisely know what to feel.

I know I'm at fault, too, for not following what he told me to do. I didn't listened. I've even went beyond it. So I can't really blame him if he reacted that way.

But... his action made me agitated. He was exaggerating things. He doesn't want me to look at boys, let alone smile at them. He was damn possessive and it's kinda suffocating. 

Right now, I'm on the clearing with Ingrid beside me. Half naked men and sweated women were fighting hand to hand combats. Some were sword fighting. 

We were sitting on a log as we talked animatedly and laughed to our own silly jokes. But that quickly ended when I heard a low, warning growl from behind. 

My whole body went stiff.

“Katia.” Reui held my wrist and pulled me up.

I narrowed my eyes at him. “What is, again, wrong with you?” I said, not minding if his people might hear me blatantly disrespecting their alpha.

“I told you not to come here but you didn't listened to me!” he hissed, clearly not amused by me going here to watch his people's training.

“And why couldn't I come here? I am just sitting here with Ingrid—”

“Sitting?! Goodness, Katia! There are almost naked people here!” he yelled at me.

My face flushed in irritation. “And so, what?! I am not doing anything to them and so as them to me! I am not a kid, Reui! I am not your prisoner! Shut the fuck up and stop being so possessive! I haven't even accepted your apology and here you are, doing the same mistake again! I swear if you lock me up in the house again because of your stupid jealousy and paranoid, I will go back to my apartment and will never meet you ever again!” 

I pushed his chest and walked past him. I trotted my way towards the pack house few distance away from the clearing. I walked upstairs and slammed the door hard I bet the whole house shook. My whole body was trembling from the suppressed anger. 

“Katia, baby, please open the door.” I heard him knocking on the door. His voice has this pleading tone as if he's a tamed dog, where in fact, he's an obsessed beast beneath his softy appearance.

“Go away, Reui!”

“Please, baby, open it. I'm sorry. Please, let's talk,” he pleadingly said.


“Please?” he tried to coo me.


“Baby, watch your language. I'm sorry, okay? Please, let me make it up to you.”


“Are you on period, baby? Should I bring a sanitary pads for you—”

“NO! I'M NOT!”

“Are you sure? But you're being grumpy—”


“Then, let's not argue. Open the door and let's make it up,” he persisted.

I covered my face through the pillow and screamed, the sound was muffled by the poor pillow.

“Baby, you okay there?”


“I'm sorry...” he said dejectedly. “I just... I can't stop it. You're just so beautiful, and if I let you go wandering around the pack, many men will gonna see you. I am selfish, I know, but I don't want anyone to see what's mine.”

I gritted my teeth. 

“I hate you,” I said in a small voice, which I knew it didn't go unnoticed by him.

He sighed. “I'm really sorry. Please...”

I shut my eyes and didn't answered him. I turned my back on the door and lay sideways.

“I'm going to get in, okay?” 

I pursed my lips. He has a spare key of this room so I can't really push him that easy. The door gently open and I sensed him going in.

The bed dipped from behind as he sat down. “Baby, are you still mad?”

Yes. I am mad. We have just met and you're already acting like a jealous lover. We aren't even in a relationship!

“Baby, please talk to me...”

I won't talk to you, you dumbass shit! After you embarrassed me in front of your people, you'll pretend as if you didn't do anything wrong!

“Katia, baby, I know you're mad. I'm very sorry.”

I snorted. “What did you say? You are sorry? Tsk. Don't make me laugh, Reui. You are not sorry. You keep on apolozing but you always keep doing it. You know what? I really think we need to stop this right now. Being in this place—this pack— doesn't just suit on me. I am better alone in my apartment than to be here. You can make that Cathebitch to be your Luna because I have no interest about being one, anyway. Let me go and I won't bother you anymore.”

“No.” His voice was stern. “No one's leaving, and nope, I would rather choose not to have a Luna if it's not you. How many times do I need to tell you there is nothing going on between she and I?”

I chuckled sarcastically. “Yeah, and pigs can fly.”

He sighed in defeat. 

I turned to face him and sat up, bringing my knees to my chest as I stared at him through my misty eyes. 

“You're so unfair with me.” My voice nearly cracked.

His eyes softened.

“I understand if you were mad at me because I went to that bar and got drunk, I broke your rule. But you're over controlling! You're becoming obsessed with me day by day and it's not freaking healthy, Reui. It's creeping me out!” 

He looked down, ashamed.

“If you keep on doing this, I don't think this relationship will work. I used to be free. No one's controlling my life. No one's dictating me what, and what not to do. I always make a decision for myself, and then all of a sudden, you came and started acting as if I do belong to you—as if I'm a property you own.” I took a deep breathe. “Listen. I know we are mates and even if I want it or not, I have no choice but to get tied with you otherwise both of us will suffer if we separated. But... please, understand that you can't just possibly stop me from looking at other people, especially men. Not that I'm looking at them the same way I look at you. Stop forbidding me. I'm no prisoner.”

“You're not...” he murmured.

A long deafening silence swallowed the both of us. I wiped my own tears and gritted my teeth to stop my lips from trembling.

“I'm sorry...” 

He met my eyes and stared at me intently.

“I'm sorry if I became too possessive of you. I will try my best to stop it. I will not make you uncomfortable again. If ever I unintentionally did, tell me and I'll immediately stop. Please, give me a chance to change myself. Give me a chance to treat you right.”

I stared at him back and saw the sincerity in his silver eyes. It tells nothing but truth. My heart took a leap.

He patiently waited for me to respond.

After a few minutes of thinking, I nodded my head. “Fine... but will you promise not to get mad again?”

He pursed his lips. “I can't promise that. Except if it has a valid reason.”

“Okay, that's fine with me. Another thing,” I continued, “stop forbidding me from interacting with other people. I thought you want me to interact with them? Why now are you prohibiting me?”

He suddenly pouted his lips. “Because I get mad when I saw those men looking at you. I don't want to get mad.”

I arched a brow. “That's it?”

He sighed. “When I came to the bar to fetch you, countless of preying eyes were looking at you. I want rip off their heads in instant. They're looking at you and they totally forgot that you are mine. They should not look at you like that.”

“You're exaggerating. I bet they're just looking at me that night because I was the most noisy.”

That's true though. I received some weird looks from people. I tried to ask the bartender and Ingrid why, and they told me it was because I was loud. Everyone knew who I am that day because before Reui left, he mindlinked to everyone that their Luna was here and men should not look at her. My face was unfamiliar to them, therefore, they got the hint that the person they're looking was no other than what their alpha mentioned before he left. No one's looking at me in a sensual way. For God's sake.

Reui spoke, “Either way, I don't like it when they look at you.”

I rolled my eyes.

“Why are you so insecure, huh? I am not planning to flirt with anyone.”

He suddenly avoided my gaze. I noticed him going silent all of a sudden. I pursed my lips, noticing there is something behind all of this.

“Reui,” I called his name.

He shook his head. “I'm not insecure. I just... I'm perturbed because I haven't marked you yet and if you decided to reject me, I can't do anything. I want you, as much as possible, to be mine and mine alone.”

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