
Chapter 47


" She should not have said those things. But that doesn't mean that you can just slap her. It is not right. I think that she's right. I think that you are using your husband's power to pick on my daughter!" He said.

I rolled my eyes at just how shameless these people can be.

"Just how shameless can you be?! I am not surprised that you raised adults who have a twisted mindset on what the world is supposed to look like! Your son thinks that it's okay to harass women at bars and your daughter thinks that it's okay for her to try to seduce people's husband and when she gets rejected by the man in question, it's okay for her to blame the wife of the man. You are all a family of crazy people and I think that all of you should go get checked in a hospital because all of you are mad!" I yelled.

"Mrs. Blackwood, I understand that you are mad but you don't get to say these things about me and my kids. I think that you are using abusing your power at this point."

"And so? And so
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