
Chapter 5

*Words and Meaning*

cazzo di inferno - fucking hell

merda - shit

adesso - now


Gerardo wasn't kidding when he said that everything would be ready by tonight. Everything I asked for was given to me; along with a private jet and he's letting us stay in the penthouse he owns in Miami, which is where we are headed to. Vincenzo is indeed a competent strategist; we came up with a strategy in just a matter of minutes.

The overall plan is to get this over with as soon as possible so I could do some more digging on Dwayne and that so-called uncle of mine. However, the strategy is pretty simple and harmless. Vincenzo and I argued about that; had he gotten his way, we'd be leaving behind a string of dead bodies.

We arrived in Miami last night and went right to bed. At the moment we are preparing to go out and find Gi. The whole operation depended on Mafalda and I. She's a quiet one, doesn't talk much but she gives off this distasteful feeling towards me. Our part in this is to get the owners of the houses to open the door to us, since we will be on the street where my old high school is.

That is where I saw the kid last, going into one of the houses but I cannot remember which. Once Mafalda and I are inside the house we are to keep the occupants busy while one of the guys comes in and explores the rooms. Once we find Gi, well, it's up to me to decide what happens to the people in that house.

"I fucking hate dresses." Mafalda mumbled as we strut down the street towards the first house. We are both in sundresses with ballerina flats but while I was wearing a ginger wig, she was wearing a blonde wig and we secured them with sunhats. The main goal was to look like foreigners. Not like our natural features wouldn't give it away but I can't let Dwayne know I'm back home.

"Okay girls. I need you both to focus okay. Got your guns?" Vincenzo's voice says into our ear. We all agreed on invisible earpieces.

"Yeah." I whispered back.

"Good, now the initial idea is that you girls hit the houses separately but I think we can do this faster if you two work together. So do that."

Mafalda and I look at each other and a mutual understanding passed between us.

"We got this, boss." she confirms and we walk up to the first porch.

The house looked nicely kept with a little garden and cute plants in pots. It seems unlikely but you never know. Looks can be deceiving. I knock on the door delicately and Mafalda looks at me as if I'm crazy.

"Follow my lead." I whisper and just then the door opens.

A bald-headed man with bright green eyes stood behind it. He wasn't by any means fat but he wasn't super thin either. He had a beer in his hand and on the vest he wore, a red stain had soiled it's white color.

"Good day, sir." I start using a posh English accent, "My sister and I are tourists from England and we will love to see the inside of an American home."

Mafalda smiled sultrily at him and he smirks, "Sure, you girls can come in."

He stepped aside and we entered sporting bright smiles.

"Wow, so clean." my partner commented with a Southern English accent.

I give her a subtle thumbs up and we begin looking around as if we were really interested in the house.

"My wife is out for the day," the man says, "Or else, I'd offer you nice girls some lunch. The most I got right now are some granola bars."

"It's fine sir. We're alright." I reply.

From the corner of my eye, I glimpse Dangelo stealthily jumping through one of the unlocked windows. He made sure to close it back this time. I giggle silently at that thought and turn my attention to a vase. It looked like it had been broken and put back together. Interesting.

"What went wrong with that vase?" I ask with genuine curiosity.

He waved it off, "My son broke it some time ago. Had him fix it back."

"You never mentioned you had a son, is he as handsome as you?" Mafalda compliments with smooth seduction.

"Enough, sister. You have enough admirers at home." I scold, playing the part.

She rolled her eyes, "Don't mind my sister. She can be very protective of me."

"Cazzo di inferno!" I hear Dangelo's voice curse, "Guys you wont believe what I found in his basement. Merda. He's in horrible condition. Restrain that man, adesso!"

I reach under my dress and pull out my gun immediately and aim it at him, "Hands in the air, fucktard!"

Mafalda did the same as me, only she aimed at his head, "Move and I'll blow that brain right out of that bald head of yours."

His eyes widened and he tries to step back. I waste no time aiming at his kneecap and pulling the trigger. He howled out a scream.

"Stuff is mouth, Miliani." my partner instructs.

I grab a chair cover from one of the couches and rip it in half. He thrashed around as I got close but Mafalda cocks her gun, letting him know she was not playing around.

I stuff his mouth with one piece and I tie his hands together with another piece. I left his legs untouched because it's not like he can get away.

"I'm heading to the basement. If he moves take out the next kneecap." I instruct as I run down the hall. Dangelo went down earlier.

I found the open door that had a stairway leading downstairs. I hurriedly went down, Dangelo's back being the first thing in my vision.

"What is it?" I ask and he points toward a huddled figure in the corner of the room.

His skin stuck to his bones and his eyes are wide and hollow. He looked awful. Then my eyes ran to his neck and I felt them sting. The exact mark from Gi's baby picture.

"We found him." I whisper with a tear-filled voice.

I make slow but deliberate steps toward him and his chest started heaving. Was he scared of me?

"Hey." I whisper soothingly, "It's alright."

He shook his head, "Don't.... hurt.... me please. Just... let me... out of here."

He spoke with deep breaths in between. That's not normal.

"How much time do you think he can survive on first aid." I ask Dangelo as I turn to look at him over my shoulder.

"He will probably last until we get back to Sicilia." he responds quickly.

"Then get that man ready for a long trip and get me some clothes to put on Gi."

He only grunts in acknowledgment and heads up the stairs.

"" I turn back to Gi to see him lean forward a little and squint at the piece of jewelry on my neck.

"Mom's locket." he whispers, "Mili?"

"Miliani. I'm your little sister. I came to save you." I whisper back. I tried getting closer and he let me. Let's get you fixed up a bit."


The ride back to Sicily was full of talk about our operation. It was easy.; too easy. The first house on the left of the street and I find Gi. I think of him sleeping in the bedroom at the back of the plane and sigh.

"You're thinking the same thing, right?" Vincenzo asks casually, "That operation was almost too perfect and I don't think it's because they didn't have use for your brother anymore."

"That man might not even be the real owner of that house. He's probably just a guard or something to watch over him." I reply, "It was probably a slip in judgement."

"No, I'm positive he's the guy. I better check him."

That said, he heads into the back. I get up and follow after him. I want to know for myself if this guy was purposefully trying to get caught. Vincenzo must have sensed me behind him or something because he takes a look over his shoulder and a smirk appears on his face.

"Unless you enjoy watching torture, I suggest you turn right around, young lady." he speaks coolly as we stop in front of the bathroom door.

I grit my teeth as my irritation spikes, "Do not underestimate me, Ravello. I may be a woman but I can stomach violence as much as any mob boss can."

The bite in my voice doesn't go unnoticed and he chuckles.

"Have you ever tortured anyone before, little girl? All you ever do is give orders."

"Open the door, Ravello. Let's find out if this guy has a tracker before we get back to Sicily."

He chuckles again as he twists the doorknob, "Oh so there's an us now?"

I click my tongue in annoyance and push past him. Angelo was standing on the other side of the room, looking very much like a dangerous killer and the vile man I shot was tied up in a chair with chains and locks.

It looked like Angelo already did a number on him much to my pleasure. It's always easier to extract information from a battered prisoner. I smiled sadistically as his disgusting green eyes met mine.

"What did you get out of him?" I ask Angelo, getting to the point.

My eyes never left the man's.

"He had a tracking device in his arm. I cut it out and destroyed it. Name's Paulo and he refuses to give me information on why he had Gi." he replies immediately.

I instantly realize that his voice is much more courser than his twin brother's. Another way to distinguish between them.

"Thank you, Angelo." I nod.

'Paulo' looked at me with disgust.

"You." he spits, "I've heard about you...."

"Everyone's heard about me," I say cutting him off with a taunting smile and kneeling in front of him, "What have you heard?"

"You order those who offend you dead. You torture your victims until they forget that they're even human. You would kill your own men if you thought they were betraying you. You had you're own aunt murdered and all of your brother's girlfriends..."

"That's enough." I laughed. I glance at Angelo, "Give me the sharpest knife you own."

He immediately heads over to what I assume is a medicine cabinet and grabs an ultra-thin knife with a bubbled handle. It looked like a custom-made one.

"This should be interesting." Vincenzo comments from behind me.

The amusement in his voice does not go unnoticed. Such an arrogant, stupid man. Angelo hands me the knife and I lightly touch the skin of Paulo's fingers with the sharp side. His eyes widened.

"Mr. Paulo, you must understand that I never ask. " I taunt with a straight face.

I press lightly on his fingers and they started to bleed. Hmm, such a sharp knife. I might have one made for myself.

"Tell me why you thought it was a good idea to kidnap the son of a mob boss." I demand.

He just glanced down at his fingers and back at me rapidly. So he doesn't want to talk, huh.

"I'll give you three seconds and then you say bye-bye to those sausages you call fingers. One...."

"I know nothing! I swear!."

"Pathetic! Two...."

"You fucking sadistic bit.....ahhhhhhhhh!" I didn't let him finish; his scream vibrated around the bathroom as four fingers fell to the ground. I stood up and smacked him across the face,

"You will tell me even if that means I kill you with my own two hands!"

Paulo just kept bawling his lungs out. I look at Angelo, who's looking at me in awe,

"What kind of knife is this?"

He blinked rapidly, coming back to his senses. "It's burn steel. Specifically made to cause as much pain with each cut."

I smirk and look back to Paulo, "I usually ask once but since I'm feeling generous, I'll give you one more chance before I order your death."

"Alright!! Alright!! I'll talk!!" he screams, writhing in agony.

I look back at a stunned Vincenzo. The moment he meets my gaze, however, he schools his features into a passive expression. Hah, too late pretty boy, I caught you being impressed.

"Speak." I order looking back at Paulo. He finally calms down and takes deep breaths. You can still tell that he's in pain, though.

"It was a man. He didn't....give me his name. He and a poor tattered little boy. They hired kidnap the boy and..... do whatever I please with him. I've been.....trying to beat him to death for many years now but the boy is.....too strong. They never wanted.....his mother to find him." he finally says.

A man huh? I wonder who that could be.

"Did he tell you his name?"

Paulo shook his head and began laughing, "Even if I did know his name, I will tell you nothing!"

Oh, that's it. I take the knife and plunge it into the thigh of his hurt leg. A loud howl escaped him and it satisfied me knowing he was in pain.

"Laugh all you want Paulo but you will tell me everything I need to know."

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