


YEAR 1850. . .


A tall bulky man paced around in his Chambers – he was the Master vampire, known as Lord Edgar – he was aggravated, furious and bitter towards his son, Elbert. He couldn't believe that a mere human, a dirty slave was the one controlling his own son, the next Master vampire. It couldn't be heard in town, otherwise it'd serve as a mockery and a stain upon his name. 

Just a week ago his older brother based in Wales arrived Svetyland because news of his son entanglement with that dirty slave had gotten to him. He scowled as he remembered the huge sinister smile that graced his brothers face as he spoke of his son and that slave in absolute disgust. That was what made him fall through with the plan of killing Camille, so he sent one of his most trusted and ruthless vampire to annihilate her, only to hear the next day that Elbert had raised her up from death.

And that infuriated him. 

Pacing around in his Chambers, Elbert barged in through the doors. Fury was set in his hazel eyes and his face had gone more pale than it used to be. 

"Father!" He thundered at his father, surprising him with the magnitude of his voice. "You killed Camille. . ."

"She was never yours to begin with!" His father interrupted his speech, disheartened, at the same time furious with the tone his son had used in speaking to him. "She's just a slave brought from England to America. I fed her from my own pockets."

Elbert said nothing as he glared at his father. In all his years on Earth he had never yelled or exchanged words with his father, nor had he been rude to his father. Even on the day his father had insulted Camille in front of his friends, he didn't react. Instead, he left in annoyance. However, he couldn't bear it anymore so he decided to pour his heart out.

"Father," He said calmly. The glare in his eyes had softened as he stood opposite his father. "You know Camille is my love, I can't continue life without her. Please father let her be, she's part of us now. I turned her, isn't that enough for you to let her be?"

"Son," the bulky man placed a hand on his dear son's shoulder. His voice had toned down a notch. "Why? Why did you bring her back? I tried to take you away from the evil claws of that dirty human, but are you so mad in love that you can't see what she is trying to do to you?" 

"But she's part of us now, father. I turned her into a Vam--"

"Just shut it right there, Elbert!" His father moved away from him and moved towards the door. "She can't and will never be a part of us. Don't you get it, Elbert? A turned vampire can never be with an original. Do you want to tarnish the family image and reputation?"

"Father! You and mother can't dictate my life for me. I know that you are my parent and you want the best for me, but it's not your decision to tell me who I can marry." 

His father laughed. "Elbert, love has made you soft. I didn't raise you to be a puppet, I raised you to be ruthless. Just like me. Humans are purely food to us. . ."

"Stop it father!" Elbert hated to hear such words from his father's mouth.

If there was anything Lord Edgar hated more than werewolves, it was humans. Though he loved their blood.

Lord Edgar only saw humans as slaves and food for vampires. He saw them as livestock, which were made plainly for vampires hunting sake. Lord Edgar hated humans to his bones and he called them weaklings and a poltroonery, and he also hated the fact that humans were more in population than vampires. And because of that, vampires and other supernatural beings had to keep their existence a secret. Although his son, Elbert, saw things differently, it was all thanks to Camille. And because of Camille, he had a wish. A wish he knew would never come to pass.

"I never raised my voice at my father," Lord Edgar said, his voice holding a storming rage. "But you — Elbert, you raised your voice at me, all because of that filthy slave. That weak human."

Elbert ran his hands through his long blonde hair before releasing a deep sigh. "I'm so sorry for yelling at you, father. Please, I beg of you to let Camille be."

Lord Edgar was about to reply when a beautiful lady sauntered in gently. Her visage was impassive, and she walked towards her husband. She was Lady Elaine, the wife to Lord Edgar and mother to Elbert. She was an original Vampire who was also from England and apart from being a vampire, she was also a witch. In fact, she was the most powerful witch in town. 

"I hear voices," she stated, glancing at her son. "What is it?"

"Mother, please let father understand that I love Camille and I can't do without her."

His mother's lips stretched into a smile that didn't look sincere. "My dear Elbert, you know I have never interfered with you and Camille because I used to think she's just your food, but if you really do want to hear my opinion, then. . ."

"What mother? Don't trail off, speak mother, Please." Elbert begged, taking a step towards where his parents stood.

"I am sorry, Elbert, but I'm with your father on this. Humans are merely our food, and you can't be with Camille."

Elbert said nothing as he stared at his mother in disbelief. He at least thought she would understand, but she didn't. He nodded with a frown on his face, made his way to the doorway, opened the door and before he stepped out he stared at his parents one more time and said, "I guess I'll have to run away from home then."

"Then I guess I'll be having your daylight ring." His mother said before he closed the door, leaving her along with his father in the chamber.


To Be Continued. . .

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