
Chapter 2.

I woke up to the most annoying sound ringing away on my bedside table.

I dug my head out from underneath the covers and groaned while reaching over for my phone.

I grabbed it and with hazy eyes, I clicked on snooze, multiple times, but seeing as my phone is close to broken, it wouldn't work. So instead I grabbed it and threw it onto a wall.

”At least that shut you up,” I mumbled to myself and laid back down on the pillow.

I stared up at the ceiling, dreading the day ahead. They had called me yesterday and told me that I was a finalist and needed to come in for one more interview. It was between me and three other girls, one of them I knew from school. She was a great fit but I hated her guts.

With how I was feeling right now I wanted to call and cancel the interview, willingly give it to someone else. But I couldn’t, no matter how badly I wanted to prevent the drama or keep from seeing Ashton, I needed to do this, for them.

After a few more moments of wallowing in self-pity, I got up and jumped in the shower.

I grabbed some clothes from the closet and decided to go with a pair of flared suit pants and a white buttoned-down shirt.

Professional and cute. I wore my hair half down and half up in a high ponytail. I didn't want it to get in my face but I also didn't want to look too office-like.

”Perfect,” I said to myself as I stared into the full-body mirror.


The Uber driver had stoped outside of the building, and he was waiting for me to get out.

”Ms, we’re here,” He said for the perhaps third time. We had been sitting here for ten minutes.

I didn't have it in me to walk in there.

To face him.

A part of me knew that this job would only bring pain and suffering, drama and mess. All of the things that I had fought so hard to avoid.

The driver cleared his throat and I knew that he wouldn't let me sit here for much longer.

I threw my bag over my shoulder and thanked him before exiting the car.

As I was walking towards the office building, my nerves started acting up. My stomach turned and I felt my palms getting sweatier and sweatier. My heart rate was accelerating and I felt as though I was about to pass out any moment.

I reached over and grabbed the handle of the door, pushing It open.

”Hello, may I help you?” A kind voice asked me from the reception desk. I turned her way and saw a beautiful older woman standing by the desk, wearing a glistening smile.

I can't remember the last time I smiled like that.

’Stop is Elena, you’re here for a job.’ I scolded myself.

I shook my head and walked up to her. Her hair was short and curly, blonde with dark highlights and she looked to be in her mid-forties.

”Yes, I am here for an interview regarding the internship?” I told the women.

She bobbed her head and checked some things on her computer.

” the thirteenth floor, the other girls are already there. You just take a right turn over there and then press number six.” She said kindly.

”Thank you,” I said and then started walking towards the elevators.

There were five elevators and a panel in the middle with sixteen buttons on it.

I pressed thirteen and waited for my ride.


I had just passed floor ten and was making my way up, wearing my heart in my throat. In moments like these, I have a tendency to question everything. My clothes, my hair, my future, and my entire life.

A ding was heard and I knew I had reached my floor.

I stepped out and like a slap to the face, I realized that questioning my clothes was a smart move. All the other girls were wearing short mini skirts or short dresses. They looked like they belonged on a street corner rather than in an office.

I gulped down and walked over to the seating area, taking a seat next to the girl I went to school with. As much as I tried to ignore them, I could feel the stares and hear the giggles that were going on.

I internally rolled my eyes and tried to not let them affect my already wrecking nerves.

”Mr. Carlson is ready for you,” The woman from yesterday, Anna, said.

I looked at her frantically when I saw all the girls standing up at once.

”Wait all of us?” I asked her. Anna looked at me with a smile.

”Yes, did you not get the information? It should have been distributed to you via an email yesterday.” She said questionably.

I sighed and felt my jaw click. I hadn't received any email with that information.

”No, I haven't gotten one,” I said, trying to sound nice.

”Oh well perhaps a mistake was made. Are you okay with this?” She asked me. Pity was noticeable in her eyes. I plastered on a smile and nodded my head, standing up and walking past her.

There had been no mistake made, it was all Ashton.

I walked into the office and saw the girls sitting straight on the stools that had been placed out. Batting their eyelashes and pushing up their breasts while looking at the boss.

I also noticed how there were only three chairs but we were four people.

”Excuse me, where should I sit?” I asked and directed the question to Ashton.

He turned his head to me slowly and smirked.

’Oh fuck.’ I thought to myself. But I wouldn't let him see that it bothered me. I kept the smile on my face and straightened my back, even more, holding my head high.

”Get Ms.Shaw a chair, would you Pazzi,” Ashton told the guy standing behind him. I wasn't quite sure, but he looked Italian, he was quite handsome.

Pazzi nodded and walked over to bring a chair from the corner of the room, only the chair, was a stool. He placed the stool next to the others and I tried to remain the unbothered look on my face.

I walked over and sat down on the very uncomfortable stool.

”Is everyone comfortable?” Ashtons asked and I saw how his lip jerked up as he scanned the other girls.

”Yes very,” They all said in the sweetest voices.

Ashton turned to me, and so did everyone else.

”Better than ever,” I said with a smile.

I saw how a dark shade crossed Ashton's eyes, making me smile bigger.

”Great, then let’s get on with the meeting. As you may know, we asked for you all to be gathered here together so that we can see how you perform under pressure. See each other as motivation,”

Spoken like a true boss.

”Let’s start with you Ms.Sailor,” Ms.Sailor’s first name is Maja.

Maja perked up and looked at Ashton with such admiration and horny-ness that it couldn't be missed by even a blind guy.

”Why do you want this internship?” He asked her.

”I think it would be an honor to work in such close proximity with someone so successful and brilliant as yourself.” I scoffed at her words and quickly covered my mouth with my hand.

Coughing a little to cover up the respect less, albeit accurate, mistake.

”I’m sorry, my throat was itching,” I said, regaining my composure.

Maja looked at me with eyes that could burn the devil, but I didn't faze me, not much did these days.

”Thank you, Ms.Sailor. Ms.Arsen, your turn,” Her name was Jasmine, another kiss ass.

”Well I see it as a great merit to carry on my resume and perhaps an internship could lead to a long-lasting job at your company. As well as working with someone of your intellect would do much good in the enhancement of my own,” She purred, biting her lip.

I felt like was at an interview for a porn movie.

”Thank you very much, Ms.Simmons?” And then the girl from school.

Pazzi was watching me as the other girls were speaking and ogling at Ashton.

His eyes were crystal blue and his body was well built. He had muscles, not like Ashtons but they were nice.

He was smiling at me, and something about his face spoke to me. His eyes looked as if they had a story to tell.

”Ms.Shaw?!” A voice boomed and I was ripped from my thoughts about Pazzi. I turned my focus to Ashton who was looking between me and Pazzi, his eyes holding anything but happiness.

”Is there something more important than the internship Ms.Shaw?” He asked me.

I shook my head.

”No sir, I'm sorry.” I said and straightened my back.

Ashton looked back at his friend and a smirk grew on his face once again.

”Well then why don't you tell me, what makes you stand out from the other girls?”

”What? That’s not the question that they were asked?”

”But it is the question that I am asking you,”


”Answer me,” He said. His voice low and cold. I felt every pair of eyes burning into my face.

He’s toying with me.

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