
The Mafia Lord’s Bride
The Mafia Lord’s Bride
Penulis: Jennybabie

Chapter 1

I should have worn a cardigan.

Over the month, the cold had only gotten worse than it was some weeks back. The raging storm makes it hard for physical classes to hold in the morning, which is an advantage to the students. I love attending classes—excluding morning classes. I’d rather the whole afternoon and evening attending classes than have a morning class.

I quiver in dread as I walk through the narrow street that leads to the shopping mall, the street was empty and only the distant music coming from the barbing shop can be heard from afar.

Both I and my roommate were running out of groceries and knowing how tight her schedule is, I offered to do the shopping alone. Actually, I am used to doing it alone; Sarah works as a part timer at the coffee shop heaps away from the college.

I should have been back at the dorm preparing for my eighteenth birthday. Actually, this is going to be the first birthday I would celebrate without the likes of my father and his friends—and it feels wholesome. It’s something I’ve been looking up to, being authorized and being able to make my own decisions. But then, I don’t ever think it will work for father.

Sometimes, I’d never consider him a father rather a guard that is only there to make things worse. With him, I never believe my life would ever be astounding. I wouldn’t say I hate him—but the more he shoves me to the fence, the more I feel like vanishing and never return.

I wish!

He’d find me—wherever I run off to. And I would get chastised for that.

I picked up my pace through the dark passage, hating myself more as I take that precise path. This is North American, the worse place for a normal human who doesn’t like to be involved in illicit comportment. It’s worse place for a woman my age or even older to be wandering around at that time or alone. A state dominated by the American-Italian mafia, a place of no mercy.

My father happens to be one of those Mafia front-runners, even though from my investigation, he is just building up his mafia empire from the scratch. Living under a mafia lord is not something I like but then I have no choice, it is my life and it is meant to be that way even though it mostly feels like hell having that kind of life.

Finally, I reached the huge pillar which behind it was the shopping mart. I once heard that the pillars were built for protection, but I never cared to find out more about it knowing how bad the city is.

“Hi,” I say as I waved my hand at the woman who works as the cashier. She happens to be a nice lady who would attend to you in a good manner and then offers you freebies. Sarah said never to trust anyone because they all live behind a mask. But I quote that maybe the woman might be different and exceptional.

“Jean,” she exclaimed as I come to her sight. “It’s so good to have you here again.” She added as she pulled me into a hug.

Not to my liking but I had to fall into her embrace. She is also among the people I trust in the city so far but only two knows of my actual identity. The more people know about me being a mafia lord’s daughter, the more risk I involve myself in.

I smiled at her. “Yeah.” It was the only thing I was able to mumble. I picked a cart and headed towards the aisles, the faster I get to it will determine when I leave this side of the city. I checked through my list to make sure I had gotten everything I needed, and then I remembered that I didn’t get the wine.

It would’ve been mind-numbing birthday party if I have forgotten the wines and beers. So, I got a small amount which will be enough for three people. Me, my boyfriend and Sarah. And that’s if her tight schedule allows her to stop by.

I paid off for the goods before leaving the premises. I stopped in track when I heard my name being called. I turned back to see the cashier woman running towards me. “Did I forget something?” I asked her as I look at her quizzically.

She nodded her head no before she handed me a wrap box. “Happy birthday Jean,” She said enthusiastically.

I was reluctant to get the gift. Firstly, I have no memories of telling her that my birthday was coming up and then today is not my birthday. I still have some hours to go before my birthday.“Don’t stress yourself trying to figure it out. I saw it on your F******k profile and since I won’t be able to attend the party tomorrow, I got you a gift.” She explained, a smile never left her face.

She handed me the gift when I didn’t seem to be ready to collect it and mumbled a thank you. It was actually so nice of her to get me a gift when she doesn’t have to. And then I like people that remember the little things in someone’s life. This time, I hastened my walk back to the dorm, it was getting late already and soon, Peter will make his appearance.

He had promised to check up on me when he is done with his classes. I met Peter some months back and I have to say, so far,he is the best thing that had ever happened to me after leaving far away from home.

He is so caring; he makes sure that I lack nothing and I’m continuously happy. At first, I had no purpose of dating him but Sarah gave me more than one thousand reasons to date him.

I heard some whispers behind me at the dorm gate but I paid no heed to it. To live longer in the town, you need to block your ears. I have been called this way countless times but I don’t pay attention to it. It will only waste my time and put in a hard situation.

In situations like that, I will only chant ‘I can do it’ to myself while I pick up my stride. It is the best thing to do—if you want to survive.

The house key jungled as I fidget to open it. My body was trembling due to the man whom I passed by the dorm gate. I heaved a sigh when I was inside the room and I made sure the door was locked. I can’t take any chances at this stage.

Hey love, I just got home. So, you can come over now.

I pressed send, before I moved to load some of the groceries in the kitchen.

Our dorm room consists of two bedrooms each with a bathroom, a handy living room and a kitchen.

After putting everything away, I decided to bake some cupcakes for Peter and Sarah. As Peter said, you can never have a bad day after taking sweets, which is meant to be facts but I am not sure if he is correct.

Sometimes too much sweets causes harm to the body system and most of us don’t want to believe. I in particular never wanted to believe until I got admission into the nursing department and learnt about the harms of taking sugar.

I measured all the necessary ingredients which I will need for my cupcakes, making sure I used the right amount of sugar. I don’t want anyone to end up being sick on my birthday after taking in some amount sugar.

Putting them in the oven, I smiled before I headed to my room. My room is the definition of simple, it was painted black with a touch of gold and I placed some motivational stickers to keep me going for the days—it always works.

“I wonder when you will stop being childish.” That was Sarah’s words after I got the stickers. But no, I was not being childish. I was only following my heart and it made a right choice for me.

I slip out of my clothes and wrapped my towel around my chest, ambled into the shower, turning the head of the tap in process. I let the hot water cascade down my body, forgetting the fact about how hot it is. It washed away all the strain and weariness.

I know that by the time I leave the shower, there will be hot burns on my back that will need to be treated with ointment but then, I don’t really care. I’ve gone through vilest case scenario.

I hopped out of the shower after a couple of minutes. My phone chimed and I hurried to find it. The last time I used it, it was in my back pocket.

I located the phone, seeing the name Peter with a red heart emojiflashing. I smiled knowing he has arrived. I made my way to the front door as I dried my hair with a small towel.

“Hey,” I said softly the moment I open the door. I looked at his handsome face and my eyes instantly sparkled and my tummy stirred with butterflies. That’s how he makes me feel—just by his appearance.

He was leaning on the door frame. He wore a black shirt that hugged his body perfectly and a tight jean which was currently on his waist. Even though he was a slim as me, he still looked dead handsome in them.

Possibly, it’s the reason why I fall in love with him all over again everyday—his logic of dressing.

“Are you done checking me out?” He wiggled his brows, which I shaved a little after our truth or Dare game night. It was still funny whenever I remember the moment it happened. How did I even talk him into shaving most of his brows?

“Oh, you wish I was.” I rolled my eyes, feeling the side of my cheeks burning. I always reacted to his voice, especially when he gets me checking him out, just like now.

I locked the door back, before turning to see Peter had already offered himself a couch. “I will get dressed then meet you back here. I made food and some cupcakes.” I added the last part, hearing him groan.

He doesn’t have to say it but I know he hates my cupcakes. To him, it’s just plain with no icy or even some sugar to make it better.

Well, everything doesn’t have to go the way we want them to.

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