
Chapter 36. Emma is jealous.

William Redd.

When I saw Albert was hugging Emma, ​​I almost lost my sanity. I wanted to kill him with my own hands. I wanted to satisfy this impetuous desire to break his face, since that fucking man could have had her all to himself for five years and I haven’t even been able to be alone with her for a moment.

Every day, this burden of having to hide from her that she is mine and that I need her so much with me becomes more unbearable. I don’t know how much longer I can take it. I sigh when I see my reality.

I shake off the thoughts and return to the now. Parker and I just figured out Harry’s next move.

“Emma, ​​you must get out of here. You must return to the mansion. If what we think is true, then Harry can attack you at any time.”

Parker tells her, “William’s right, babe. This is already becoming very dangerous. You are just awakening your magic, just like your wolf, you just met your mates... It’s been a lot, babe. I fear for your safety.”

I see how Emma nods silently while
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