
Maybe one day

Chapter Five

The voice that came on next was the most melodious I've ever heard. The intense undisguised passion underneath his tone made my eyes water. I was still drooling when Pete called me again, this time, shaking my shoulders a little.

"What's wrong with you Aurora?" He asked with a stern face and a very low voice that I could barely hear.

"I don't understand Pete, what are you trying to say?" I asked with all innocence. Next thing I knew, I was being dragged out of the hall like a child, and with my super uncomfortable heels, I struggled to maintain my balance when he finally let go.

"What's the meaning of this, Pete?" I asked with anger written all over my face. As far as I was concerned, the only thing I did wrong was admiring a hot guy with a nice voice which was not wrong at all compared to what Pete did the ladies on campus.

"You slut! How dare you embarrass me in front of everybody." Pete snapped angrily. The right response eluded me and I stood staring helplessly and letting a few unguarded tears drop.

"Not a word? Suddenly got a cat in your throat I assume." He said in a mocking tone

"I'm sorry, Pete. I didn't mean to." Those were the words I managed to mutter after a few minutes of prolonged Silence.

Pete burst out laughing and I suddenly felt very stupid.

"Of course, you didn't mean to, sweet innocent Aurora." He stepped closer, held my face in his hands, and caressed my cheeks softly with his thumb while looking deeply into my eyes.

My heart softened for a moment. I couldn't blame Pete for reacting the way he did. I knew for sure that if the tables were turned, I would most probably reacted worse than Pete did.

"Listen Pete, I am so sorry that I humiliated you, just that the guy was someone I've met before and I was so surprised seeing him again. There's nothing more to it, honestly." I replied with my face cast down and totally avoiding his gaze.

"That's it? All that reaction was just for someone you met earlier? You seriously expect me to believe that crap Aurora. Wait, you think I'm dumb or something?" He was continuously ranting and I knew I needed to stop him but I wasn't thinking straight when I shouted...

"Stop it already, Pete! Why are you acting like a child?" The words were already out before I realized what I said and all I could see was the fury in his eyes. He paced round in anger then started advancing towards me while I consistently took steps backward. He looked scary, like a monster about to devour it's prey.

I felt the slap before I saw it. It cut across one corner of my face to the other and I lost balance and fell. Before I could say "jack," he was done. His retreating figure moving so fast as if in a hurry.I didn't care about the ruining my mascara and Catherine's hardwork. I let the tears flow freely and didn't for one moment bother to pick myself up from where I was sprawled on the floor. A group of ladies walked by me, they were whispering things I could barely hear and their mocking laughter trailed behind them as they walked passed me.

I was already blaming myself for my lack of discipline which contributed greatly to this particular misunderstanding. I didn't care that my sobs were getting louder and a small crowd was beginning to gather round.

A firm hand tapped me gently at the back and I shrugged it off...

"Not now Cathy." I said amidst my sobs. There was no reply from the other and that was pretty weird because the Catherine I knew would definitely be creating a mini scene already.

"Whatever it is, you can always talk about it but for now, let's find somewhere else to go. There are already too many eyes here."

No! No! No! There's no way it is... I looked up and as soon as our eyes met, more tears dropped. Next thing I knew, he was pulling me up from the ground and when I was about staggering, he held me close. So tight I couldn't help but fall deeper into his arms and cry it all out.

He caressed me gently and whispered encouraging words into my ears. I was practically melting or maybe my emotions were playing the bigger game on me. But my sanity came back in an instant and I hurriedly pushed him away, picked my purse from the floor and hurriedly dashed out from the spot. I just fell into the arms of the same man who contributed to the issues I was having right now.

I ran back into the hall and eventually started looking around for Catherine. After a long and futile search, I retired to the road in a quest to find a ride home. A few taxi's passed and before I could get to them, another group would always beat me to it. So I walked, a purse in one hand, heels in the other, no clear destination in mind. All I wanted was just to leave that location totally.

I was still sobbing and blaming myself for everything that had happened. If I didn't lack self control, I would have dragged my newly mended relationship with Pete into this mess. This time, I was certain that everything was completely over.

I noticed a car slowly trailing behind me. The driver was apparently trying to get my attention but I didn't even giving the slightest side glance. A face peeked out from the window and called out my name. I recognized the voice and increased my pace. I heard a car door slam shut, quick footsteps and then the familiar face stood in front of me. I tried to move past him but he succedded in grabbing my arm and holding it tight.

"Let me go!" I screamed, I didn't know why I was always meeting him anytime only when in a terrible shape especially after having riffs with Pete.

"What's wrong with you, Aurora. Why are you pushing me off?" He asked with the same deep calm voice I remember. I was about asking how he managed to know my name but quickly thought against it. Who wouldn't know the popular girl on campus that was always having riffs with her boyfriend especially on weekends.

"I don't want to talk to anyone right now, especially not you." I answered calmly

"But why?" He asked with genuine concern written all over his face.

I wanted to scream it all out and tell him how his irresistible hot abbs cost me my relationship. I wanted to ask him why he always appears only when things go south with me and Pete. I had lots of things to say but as soon as I opened my mouth, the tears began to pour. He pulled me into a hug and gently moved me to the car shortly after I became a bit calm.

"Why are you being nice to me?" I asked after a few minutes of sitting beside him in total silence.

He didn't answer at first, but shortly after he turned towards me, caressed my cheek with his thumb, held my gaze for a while and then replied...

"I have been watching you for a while now and I need you to trust me." He paused and looked away.

"Trust you? How? Why?" I didn't quite understand what he meant and I didn't delay in making that known.

"I want to help you, Aurora."

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