
The Hate And More
The Hate And More
Author: Psycho Writer

Chapter 1

The Hate AND More (BL Version)

Flynn Ryder’s story


“I am sorry Flynn but we have to relieve you of your duties. Please drop your gun and badge on the table before leaving.” Sheriff Matthew said as Flynn chuckled a bit and said,

“Sheriff, that was quite a joke. You almost got me, now tell me why did you really call for me? I have an undercover mission I have to get back to.” Flynn said sitting very well on the sofa as Sheriff Matthew sipped his coffee and placed his mug on the table and said,

“It is just like I said. You are relieved of your duties, effective immediately.” Matthew said as Flynn stood up in shock as the sofa behind him toppled over but neither man paid attention to it at the moment, far more important things were at risk.

“Excuse me?” Flynn said blinking his eyes hoping he was just having an awful dream and he would soon wake up, or still the sheriff would burst out laughing and people would just come out of their hiding places and congratulate him on his new position…..what Man got to dream also.

“I beg your pardon? Is there anything that you need excuse with? Matthew asked as Flynn nodded his head and asked,

“Did you just say I am fired? For what reason?” He asked again as Matthew quickly looked down, a bit embarrassment as the rest of the officers were looking at them but Flynn couldn’t care less at the moment.

“Well for a lot of reason but mostly failing in your job to catch XD. I don’t know what your obsession with this XD is but it is scary, just stop looking for him and focus on other people who are easier to woo.” Matthew said as Flynn squeezed his hand tightly saying,

“You can’t be serious. I have put in three months of my time solely into this and…” He was caught rudely by the sheriff who replied,

“And you have given us nothing but failures. Everyone there is desperate to see you leave. And you aren’t making this any easier. Leave me alone.”

Flynn was shocked when he heard this. He quickly disarmed his gun and dropped it on the table and said,

“I see…so they want me gone before I failed to get XD? I will leave then.” Flynn said as he turned to leave as Matthew wanted to say something as he felt bad also,

“Listen Flynn, I am sorry things turned out things turned out this way but…”

His words were cut off, “I don’t want to hear it. Leave me alone.” Flynn said as he walked out banging the door hard. He walked back to his cubicle as he brought out a brown box and started shoving everything that was his on the table inside. He had to leave this place. He could feel the sympathetic looks of his partners on him but he ignored them all. After all they had been part of the scheme.

“Listen man, there is something you should know about your mum.” One of the police officers came forward to tell him but Flynn just brushed him aside and left the building. He got to the garage where his car had been parked and pulled off the covering and opened his boot, dumping everything inside. Then he made his way to the front seat and sat down closing the door. That was when the tears came spilling from his eyes. He banged hard on his steering wheel, as he cleaned his tears and looked up to his car roof. Where was he headed now? Where was he going to go?

He needed some place to crash. He brought out his phone and dialed his boyfriend’s line. He lived in the next town, so he could stay there and be consoled by someonbe he loved and he knew loved him. But the phone wasn’t connecting. Maybe he is busy.

There was no need, he would just meet him at home. He switched on the ignition and drove off, heading to his boyfriend’s house.


Flynn stopped the car as he got out of the car and made his way to the house. He walked up the small fleet of stairs and wanted to knock on the door but to his surprise, his door was open.

Was there a robbery going on in place? He quickly reached for his gun as part of his policeman’s reflexes but realized that he was no longer a cop, as the gun holster wasn’t there anymore.

He took a deep breath and walked inside, he could see a mess, as clothes were strewn on the floor, as if someone was looking for something. He was also hearing muffled groans. Were they beating him up? He quickly ran up the stairs to the bedroom to help when he opened the door and saw the unthinkable.

He saw his boyfriend being screwed by his best friend and they both seemed lost in their little fantasy to realize they had been caught.

“What the hell is going on here? He yelled as Jeremy his boyfriend quickly got up as Chase his best friend reached for the duvet to cover his thing.

“Babe when did you come back?” Jeremy said walking forward to kiss Flynn on the cheek but Flynn stepped back with a furrowed eyebrows and said,

“That isn’t the problem here. Why are you screwing my best friend?” He asked looking at Chase who raked his hair and bitting his lips out of embarrassment.

“Listen man, its not you but we realized that we were in love with each other and you have been AWOL for three months so we decided to fuck it and just do it.” Chase said it so brazenly as Jeremy looked at each other and nodded his head.

“So now you are screwing him now? Because I have been AWOL for months?!” Flynn directed his question at Jeremy who nodded his head and said,

“Yes… I am sorry this had to happen but I love Chase and…

“You are fucking shitting me right now. I can’t… I can’t listen to this.” He said in stutters, as he turned and left as his ex boyfriend shouted after him,

“Once again, I am very sorry about your mum?” But Flynn didn’t even care to listen as he drove out of there to lodged himself in a motel.

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