The Forbidden Pack Love

The Forbidden Pack Love

By:  Prince Louis Emmanuel  Ongoing
Language: English
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Freya and Andie's love is a forbidden one that threatens to tear apart their respective werewolf packs. Freya, from a neighboring pack, unexpectedly finds herself pregnant with Andie's child, the next in line to become alpha of his pack. Their relationship goes against the traditional laws of mating within their own pack, which is aimed at keeping their bloodlines pure. Andie's father, Harlock sees Freya as a threat to the purity of his pack and demands that Andie end their relationship. Andie is caught between his love for Freya and his duty to his pack, and he's forced to make a difficult decision. But Freya's hope and love keep him going, and they continue to make plans for their future together. Despite the challenges, Freya and Andie are determined to find a way to make their relationship work. They explore new ways to love and care for each other without going against the traditions of their packs. They hope to convince the pack elders to make an exception for their love and family outside of their pack. Their journey is filled with twists and turns as they navigate the challenges of forbidden love and the traditions and customs of their packs. Will their love be enough to overcome the obstacles, or will their families tear them apart? Follow Freya and Andie on their emotional journey to find a love beyond tradition in this heartwarming and inspiring story.

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28 Chapters
Chapter One
Freya was born into a pack of werewolves that lived deep in the heart of the forest. Her parents were both members of the pack, and they were beloved by everyone. They were respected for their strength, agility, and hunting skills, which were essential for survival in the wild.Freya's parents were a devoted couple, and they doted on their only child. They taught her everything they knew about the forest, and how to navigate it safely. They also taught her how to hunt, and how to fight off any threats that might come her way.However, when Freya was just a pup, tragedy struck. Her pack got into a battle with a rival pack over territory, and many werewolves were killed. Among the casualties were Freya's parents. It was a devastating blow to the pack, and especially to Freya, who was left alone and without anyone to turn to.reya was heartbroken after losing her parents. She had never felt so alone in her life. Her packmates tried their best to comfort her, but nothing could fill the vo
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Chapter Two
One night, while out on a solo hunt, Freya met Aiden, a strong and handsome werewolf from a neighboring pack. Aiden was intrigued by Freya's independence and strength, and he was drawn to her wild spirit. They quickly fell in love, and they started a passionate romance that would change Freya's life forever. Freya was equally smitten with Aiden, and they quickly hit it off. They spent the whole night talking and getting to know each other, and they felt a strong connection that neither of them had ever experienced before.As they got to know each other better, Freya and Aiden discovered that they had a lot in common. They both loved the thrill of the hunt, the freedom of running wild through the forest, and the feeling of being connected to nature. They spent many nights under the stars, hunting and exploring the forest together. They were inseparable and deeply in love.Their relationship was intense and passionate, and they quickly became inseparable. They spent many nights under th
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Chapter Three
Aiden had been struggling with the conflict between his love for Freya and his loyalty to his pack for some time. He had tried to reason with his father, but to no avail. As the night wore on, Aiden couldn't shake the feeling of guilt that he was causing Freya so much pain.He tossed and turned in his bed, his mind racing with thoughts of his father's disapproval and the fear of losing Freya. He knew that he couldn't continue to hide his relationship with Freya, and he knew that he needed to confront his father about it.Despite the late hour, Aiden rose from his bed and made his way to his father's quarters. He knocked softly on the door, and after a moment, his father's voice boomed through the wood."What is it, Aiden? It's late."Aiden took a deep breath and pushed the door open. His father was sitting at his desk, papers strewn about in front of him. He looked up as Aiden entered, his expression hardening at the sight of his son.Aiden sat on a chair besides his father’s table. T
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Chapter Four
Freya sat in Racheal's living room, her eyes red and puffy from crying. Racheal, a wise and comforting presence, sat beside her, offering her a cup of tea."I just can't believe he would do this to me," Freya said, her voice shaking with emotion. "I thought we had something special. I thought he loved me."Racheal placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "Oh, my dear, I'm so sorry. But you can't blame yourself for his actions. Aiden has been raised with certain traditions and beliefs that are hard to shake."Freya sniffled and wiped away a tear. "But what about me? What about our child? How can I do this alone?"Racheal's eyes softened with compassion. "You're not alone, my dear. I'm here for you, and you have other loved ones who care for you. As for the child, it's a blessing, and it will bring you great joy. You'll see."Freya nodded, taking a sip of her tea. "But what about Aiden? Do you think he'll come back to me?"Racheal hesitated for a moment before answering. "I can't say f
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Chapter Five
Aiden's heart sank as he heard the news. He knew his father would be angry, but he didn't expect him to find out so soon. He tried to calm his nerves as he made his way to his father's study, but he couldn't help the feeling of dread that settled in his stomach.As he walked into the room, he saw his father, Harlock, sitting behind his desk, his face twisted in anger. Aiden took a deep breath and prepared himself for what was to come.Aiden's heart was pounding as he stood in front of his father, Harlock, who was clearly fuming. He knew that the news of his continued relationship with Freya would not go down well with his father, but he had hoped to buy more time before facing his anger."What is the meaning of this, Aiden?" Harlock bellowed, his voice echoing through the large room. "I hear that you have been seeing that girl from the other pack again. After everything we've talked about, after everything we've done to try and keep our bloodlines strong."Aiden could feel his anger r
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Chapter Six
Freya's aunt, a skilled midwife and experienced healer, had been preparing for the delivery for weeks. She had gathered all the necessary herbs and supplies and had been training Freya on how to breathe and push during labor. As the day of the delivery approached, Freya felt both excited and nervous, knowing that the arrival of her and Andie's child would bring both joy and challenges.Freya had known that the day would come when she would give birth to Andie's child, but she had not expected it to be this soon. The contractions had started early in the morning, and she could feel the baby pushing down against her cervix. It was a feeling like no other, and she tried to stay calm and focused despite the pain. She took deep breaths, trying to remember the breathing techniques her aunt had taught her, and her aunt was by her side, holding her hand and encouraging her with each contraction.As the contractions continued, they grew more intense, and Freya's aunt could see the pain etched
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Chapter Seven
Aiden was on edge. The moment he heard the news about the guards coming to kill his newborn baby, he knew he had to act quickly. He could not let his own father be responsible for the death of his child. Without any second thought, he started to transform into his wolf form, his eyes blazing with anger and determination. When the guards arrived, they were taken aback by Aiden's sudden transformation. They had never seen their alpha in this form before. The lead guard hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do next. But then, he remembered his duty and the orders of their alpha. "We cannot disobey our alpha," the lead guard stated, his voice firm and resolute. "We were ordered to take the child and kill it. We have to carry out our duty." Aiden snarled, his hackles rising at the thought of anyone laying a hand on his child. "I won't let you touch my baby!" he growled, his teeth bared in a menacing snarl. "I won't let you or my father hurt him. I will protect him with my life." Th
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Chapter Eight
Harlock's anger dissipated as he took in the sight of his severely injured son lying on the ground. He had never been happy with the kind of relationship he had with Aiden, but he kept hoping that his son would come around and stop disappointing him, putting their pack at risk."Take him to my chambers," Harlock ordered the guards, his voice grave and solemn. "I need to attend to him personally. No one else is to enter until I say so."The guards bowed their heads in deference to their alpha and carefully lifted Aiden's limp form off the ground. They followed Harlock as he led them back to his quarters, their footsteps echoing in the empty hallways.As they entered Harlock's chambers, the guards gently laid Aiden on a large fur rug in the middle of the room. Harlock knelt down beside him, his large hand hovering above his son's forehead. He closed his eyes and focused, drawing on the ancient power within him to heal his son's wounds.Aiden's body was ravaged with bruises and cuts, and
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Chapter Nine
Freya was in a state of shock and confusion after the attack on her and her newborn by Harlock's guards. She felt that her safety and the safety of her baby were in jeopardy, and she needed someone to talk to. She decided to confide in her aunt Racheal, who had been with her throughout her pregnancy and delivery. As she made her way to her aunt's room, she couldn't help but feel anxious and scared. She wondered if she had made a mistake by choosing to be with Aiden, who seemed to be causing so much trouble for everyone, including her and their child. Her thoughts were interrupted by her aunt's warm embrace as she welcomed her into her home. "Freya, my child, what's wrong? You look pale and scared. What happened?" asked Racheal, her eyes filled with concern. Freya took a deep breath and began to recount the events that had transpired earlier in the day. She spoke of the attack on her and her baby, and how she felt that their safety was compromised. Racheal listened carefully, taking
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Chapter Ten
The anticipation for the Red Blood Moon Ceremony was mounting, and Aiden was swamped with preparations. As the upcoming ceremony drew closer, he found himself with less and less free time. He longed to see Freya, but couldn't sneak out of the pack to do so. He knew how important this event was for their pack, and as a member of the royal family, he had a duty to uphold. The ceremony was a historic occasion for their pack, as it symbolized the unity and strength of their forefathers when they first came together to form the pack. Despite the busyness of the preparations, Aiden's thoughts constantly drifted towards Freya and their baby. He hoped they were safe and well, and couldn't wait to see them once the ceremony was over. He had a nagging feeling that something was wrong, and he couldn't shake off the uneasiness that had been plaguing him since the incident with his father and the guards. As the day of the ceremony approached, Aiden's schedule became even more hectic. He spent lo
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