
The Forbidden Crown
The Forbidden Crown
Автор: Chiara

Chapter one

It was a day Elen had dreamed of for so long. Tomorrow, Prince Addison would finally claim the throne, and she could hardly contain her excitement at the thought of leaving the Duke of Windsor's house and breaking free from their suffocating manipulation. She yearned to be with her beloved prince, to finally breathe in the liberation she so desperately craved.

"Elen, can you make it a little faster?" Chiara said, her words laced with a mocking smile.

Chiara, the Duke of Windsor's only daughter, had always been treated with favoritism. Elen had once wished for the warm embrace of a family, but instead endured their cruel taunts and insincere kindness. Yet today, her heart raced with the anticipation of a new beginning.

"Yes, sister," Elen responded, quickly weaving her hair into a braid. She adorned herself in a simple purple gown, the fabric whispering of her anticipation as she readied herself to celebrate the ascension of her beloved Prince Addison.

Upon stepping outside her room, Elen's eyes fell upon Chiara, who was attired in a resplendent red gown adorned with glistening accessories. A pang of bitterness fluttered through Elen's heart as she beheld the stark contrast between their appearances. With their parents, they made their way to the carriage, the anticipation hanging thick in the air as they journeyed to the palace.

The palace was alive with a myriad of guests, comprising high-ranking nobles and dignitaries hailing from distant lands. Despite the grandeur of the occasion, Elen felt the weight of her anxiety deepen as she scanned the crowd, unable to catch a glimpse of Addison. The Duke of Windsor and Chiara wandered off to greet other nobles, leaving Elen feeling marooned in a sea of unfamiliar faces, her heart aching with the longing for her beloved prince.

Suddenly, a hush fell over the crowd as the doors to the great hall swung open. Prince Addison entered, resplendent in regal attire, his eyes searching the room until they locked onto Chiara. A wave of pain and confused washed over her as she felt his gaze pierce through the throng of nobles and land squarely on her sister.

"Maybe, I'm just overthinking. " Elen said to herself, and smile again. " Addison can't betrayed me," she whispered, and she don't want to spoil the event of her beloved prince.

Chiara, adorned in a lavish gown, seized the attention of the room as she danced and charmed her way through the nobles, a radiant facade concealing the cold emptiness that lay within. Elen watched from afar as her sister's laughter echoed through the hall, mingling with the soft strains of music.

The night wore on, and Elen's patience waned. She yearned to break free from the stifling confines of the palace and seek solace in the arms of her beloved prince. Finally, as the last notes of the music faded into the air, Elen saw Addison approaching the stage, his royal countenance a vision of strength and determination.

"My beloved people," he said, his voice cutting through the lingering echoes of the celebration. "I am here to announce my marriage with my beloved, now that she will be the mother of this empire."

Elen's heart raced with joy. She was over the moon at the thought of spending her life with her beloved. Everyone was eager to hear the name of the girl who would become the mother of this empire.

"Duke of Windsor," Addison said with a smile, exchanging nods with the Duke of Windsor as if seeking his blessing. Slowly, Addison made his way towards Elen, who beamed at him.

"Chiara Windsor, will you be the mother of this empire?" Addison asked, and everyone eagerly awaited Chiara's answer.

"Yes, his majesty," Chiara said, and everyone clapped for the joyous announcement.

Elen was taken aback by Addison's announcement. She couldn't fathom why Addison had chosen her sister over her. Confusion and hurt clouded her mind as she tried to process the sudden turn of events. As she made to approach Addison, the Duke of Windsor intervened, grasping her arm firmly and summoning a knight to escort her back to their residence.

"No, father. I must speak with Addison," Elen implored, the desperation evident in her voice.

"Enough, Elen. Return home this instant," the Duke of Windsor commanded. However, before he could call another knight, Elen dashed away from the palace.

She found herself in the hallway where she had first encountered Addison, her heart racing as she awaited his arrival. To her surprise and dismay, both Addison and Chiara appeared together, walking towards her with an air of familiarity that only served to magnify Elen's distress.

"You promised me, Addison," Elen's voice quivered with desperation as she addressed the prince.

"Promised you?" Addison's cold laughter filled the air, his eyes devoid of any shred of compassion. "Elen, you were never more than a pawn in my game."

Chiara's cruel smirk twisted her features as she added, "You actually believed he would marry you? How naive can one be?"

Elen's world crumbled around her, the betrayal sinking deep into her soul.

"I loved you," Elen's breathless admission hung in the air, laced with heartbreak and disbelief.

"Loved me?" Addison's voice dripped with scorn as he turned to Chiara. "Can you believe the audacity? A orphan daring to love a prince?"

Chiara's laughter echoed through the hallway, a chilling symphony of mockery that reverberated through Elen's being.

"Look at her, Addison," Chiara's voice was laced with venom. "This is what happens when peasants dare to dream above their station."

"You're nothing," Addison's words cut through Elen like a blade. "A mere distraction that has outlived its usefulness."

Chiara's eyes gleamed with malice as she added, "It's almost pitiful, really. How you clung to the delusion of a love that was never meant to be yours."

Amidst the chaos, Chiara's strength faltered, and she crumpled to the ground. In an instant, Addison's facade crumbled, replaced by panic as he rushed to her aid.

"Knights, seize Elen!" Addison's command reverberated through the hall, sealing Elen's fate. "Call the doctor immediately!"

As Elen was forcibly restrained, her desperate protests were drowned out by the cacophony of accusations and disbelief.

The doctor's urgent voice filled the hallway, revealing the sinister truth behind Chiara's sudden collapse. "There was poison in the fabric. It wasn't lethal, but the intent is clear."

"Elen, how could you poison your own sister!" the Duke of Windsor accused. "I distinctly recall seeing you heading towards Chiara's chamber earlier this evening."

"No, Father, I didn't," Elen protested. "Please, believe me!"

"Guards, detain her and confine her to the dungeon for attempting to harm the future empress," Addison declared, and the knights promptly led Elen away to imprisonment.

In the dimly lit chamber, Elen's heart pounded against her chest as she was led away by the knights. Her mind raced with disbelief and betrayal as she tried to comprehend the cruel twist of fate that had befallen her. She had loved Addison with all her heart, believing their bond to be unbreakable. But now, she was left with nothing but shattered dreams and a bitter taste of deceit.

As the knights escorted her through the labyrinthine corridors of the palace, Elen's gaze lingered on the ornate tapestries and grand chandeliers that adorned the halls. Once upon a time, she had admired these symbols of opulence, dreaming of the day when she would grace them as the future empress. But now, she felt nothing but contempt for the grandeur that surrounded her.

In the dungeon, Elen was thrown unceremoniously into a dark, dank cell. The stench of damp stone and mold filled her nostrils as she sank onto the cold, hard floor. Her heart ached with the pain of betrayal, and her eyes filled with tears as she realized the enormity of her loss.

Meanwhile, in the house of Adelstein, the bustling sounds of preparations filled the air as hundreds of horses snorted and whinnied, their presence crowding the cabin. Knights in shining silver armor moved about, their swords clanking softly against their sides as they readied themselves for the rebellion that loomed on the horizon. The air was electric with anticipation, and the tension in the cabin was almost palpable as the household made their final arrangements for the forthcoming clash at the coronation of the new emperor.

"Is everyone ready?" Lucas inquired, his gaze flickering from his sword to his aide, who stood nearby, a look of steely determination etched on his face.

"Yes, my lord," the aide affirmed with a nod. "The werewolves are in position as planned."

"Good," Lucas said, satisfaction evident in his tone, before striding purposefully toward the meeting room of the Adelstein household.

In the dimly lit meeting room, the grand duke, the resolute young lord, and the determined twins gathered in earnest discussion with the butler. The grand duke, his eyes ablaze with fervor, addressed the butler with an air of authority, "How goes the party, caleb?"

The butler, his features marked with a grave solemnity, reported, "Prince Addison has made an announcement. He intends to crown Chiara Windsor, the daughter of Dominic Windsor, as the empress."

Upon hearing this, Lucas arched an eyebrow as he sipped his tea, his mind racing with thoughts of Elen Windsor and her rumored powers, her unwavering loyalty to her family, and her purported status as a fairy. "And what about Elen Windsor? Is she to have no part in this?" Lucas queried, a sly smile tugging at the corners of his lips.

The butler shook his head. "No, my lord. It is to be Chiara Windsor who will ascend to the throne," he affirmed, his gaze unwavering.

A derisive chuckle escaped Lucas as he remarked, "Prince Addison's greed knows no bounds."

The grand duke fixed his steely gaze on Lucas, and in a voice heavy with resolve, he declared, "This is the moment we have all been waiting for. The moment to avenge the wrongs inflicted upon our family."

Max met his father's unwavering gaze and affirmed with unshakable determination, "Yes, father. The time has come to seek retribution for the injustices suffered by my mother and sister."

Chandler, the resolute young lord, nodded fiercely, his eyes ablaze with a fierce determination. "They will pay for what they have done," he vowed, his voice ringing with conviction.

Max and Elliot, the steadfast twins, mirrored their brother's sentiment. "It's time they faced the consequences of their actions," they intoned in unison, their voices a potent blend of resolve and determination.

As the weight of their shared resolve settled upon the room, the scene faded to black, leaving an air of tension and anticipation hanging heavy in the air. What awaited the Adelstein household on the morrow was a perilous journey fraught with danger and uncertainty, a destiny forged in the fires of their determination and the unwavering resolve that bound them together.

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