
Chapter Three


I felt it on my cheek. The tingling pain that made my eyes water involuntarily. Before I could understand what had happened, I felt it again. My mate who was supposed to be my lifetime happiness had slapped me so hard that I was seeing stars.


“What do you think you are? The moon goddess? The fact that you had the privilege to experience the pleasures from an alpha gives you no right to spew nonsense before me, mutt”

His right hand connected with my throat.”I could easily end your miserable life for the stupid, audacious attitude but that would be too generous of me”.

I thrashed wildly with my hands, trying to release his death grip from my throat. From the corner of my eye, I saw my best friend, Ella, smiling at the display with a victorious glint in her eyes. “Jake… P-please…. You’re hurting me”

He released his hand and pushed me to the floor. “The next time I hear such blasphemous thing from you again, I might be forced to kill you myself. Get out and don’t ever show your miserable face before me again”

 Not recognizing the person in front of me anymore, I scurried away from him, not knowing how I can go about my life again with the stares that people gave me.

I ran out of the room into the woods. I could barely see because of the tears that flooded my eyes. I could not take this pain. I wanted to end it all. I wanted the pain to stop. I stopped just enough to catch my breath when I got to a cliff. 

“Does he even care that I might be dying right now?” I asked myself, trying to find reasons why I should not go on with my plan. 

“If he finds out that I died, will he be sad? For all I know, he might be jubilating at the idea that I left without causing any fuss. No. I will not waste my tears on someone who does not even care about me”.

I climbed to the edge of the cliff, ready to end my misery. I looked down and shivered. It will be a long fall but it will be a quick pain compared to what I am feeling right now. He wants me to disappear and that is what I am going to do.

I took another step, took a deep breath, closed my eyes, and then let myself go. Just before my body hit the wavy waters beneath me, I opened my eyes and saw the most beautiful emerald eyes I’ve ever seen in my life.


“How can she possibly be my mate”?

“Stop it Xeros. I barely know her. And look, she looks like a rogue wolf. What if she is dangerous? I only saved her because I couldn’t bear to see anyone take their life in such a manner”.

I stirred as the voice hit me. My eyes opened and I saw blurry images of grey walls. As my senses slowly returned, I found myself lying on a soft comfortable bed, in a room that is unfamiliar to me.

Where am I? Is this some kind of afterlife for dead omegas? I breathed in the sweet scent of lavender. If this was the afterlife, then I don’t mind staying in it forever. My eyes focused and fell on the most mesmerizing eyes ever. I recognized them. I recognized that voice. I finally realized that this was not the afterlife. I was in a strange room with perhaps the most mysteriously handsome stranger I had ever seen.

“You are awake”, the voice said again.

I turned my head to look at the face very well. How does someone look so much like an angel? Or is he? His artistically sculptured face made me want to never tear my eyes away from him. His eyes are something I can totally drown myself in without thinking twice. I watched as his brows furrowed while he examined my face.

I felt my weak mate jump ecstatically when his hands connected with my face. What! How did Keren suddenly become so energetic?

“Shush. You are really dumb Kira. This is our mate. We finally found our mate” My wolf said.

What did she mean by our mate? My mate had already rejected me. Jake rejected me. A tear fell from my eye as I relieved the memory all over again.

I struggled to recall how I had gotten here. I remembered the cliff and how I had tried to jump into the sea. Panic set in as I tried to sit up but strong hands gently pushed me back down.

“Don’t try to move. You need to rest” he told me in a deep reassuring voice. I noticed a strange tingling sensation wash over me as our eyes met. It was a feeling that I could not ignore but couldn’t quite put my finger on what exactly it was.

“Where am I? Why did you save me? I wanted to die” I asked, coughing weakly as I did so.

 “Why did you try to kill yourself? Do you have any idea that suicide is a taboo with the moon goddess?” he asked

I laughed hysterically. “Moon goddess? You must be joking. Where was the moon goddess when everyone was pushing me to my death? Where was she when my m-“

I broke off in tears as I couldn’t continue anymore.

“Alpha, I think she is still in shock. It might be best to let her rest”, a woman said beside him.

Alpha? The handsome stranger is the Alpha? What pack is this? Are they going to use me as a slave? Is that why he saved me?

“Who are you?” I asked weakly.

“My name is Xavier and you are in my home. I am an alpha, one of the most powerful ones in existence and you, are my mate” he replied, his eyes never leaving mine.

 A million and one questions ran through my mind as I slowly slipped back into darkness.

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Chinenye Benjamin
Hmmmmmm.Things are unfolding.

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