
Chapter Four


I watched her walk out of her room and towards me, looking so delicate and so fragile. Seeing her like that made me want to protect her and punish whoever had hurt her so bad that made her consider suicide.

“Our mate is so beautiful. I want to claim her immediately” Xeros my wolf howled.

I smiled. I knew what Xeros was trying to do. He doesn’t want this one to slip from his fingers again. 

“Kiss her”

“What? No I won’t. That will only make her too uncomfortable”

“Says who? She’s our mate. A kiss will only strengthen the bond between us. Just do it or I will take control and finish it on your behalf”

I could feel Xeros becoming impatient. What was so important about this kiss anyway?

“I can’t. She’ll think that I’m a pervert. She has been here for just two days and you already want me to jump on her? Nope, I won’t. I want to make each physical contact very memorable for her”

I could have sworn that Xeros howled in laughter. “Don’t make her think that you’re impotent”

“What?? I am very okay as a male. My stuff works perfectly normal too”

“You shouldn’t be explaining that to me. I don’t care. There’s a beautiful woman walking towards you. OUR MATE. Just do it. You know you want to”

She finally got to me and flashed me a big smile.

Now I know why Xeros wanted this so bad. Kira was like a masterpiece of a limited edition sculpture. Whichever maid that had attended to her took a great deal of care to dress her up.

The off-the-shoulder floral dress that she wore accentuated her already flattering figure. Her hair was let down to her shoulders in waves. Her once gloomy hazy eyes now looked bright and alert. Her lips were a light pink colour and I had this great urge to pull her to me and kiss her senseless until she moans my name. I found myself swallowing hard as my eyes traveled down to her chest and rested on her cleavage.

“Just do it already and stop making me think of possible things that I want us to do with her” Xeros howled, trying to take control

“Are you alright?” her voice snapped me out of my fantasies

I cleared my throat and nodded. “Uh, yes. I was trying to mind-link my beta to sort out some issues in the pack. Did you sleep okay?”

“Yes” She smiled. “And the food was really delicious too”

“Well”, I shrugged. “I try to make my cooking a little palatable”

Her eyes widened in pleasant surprise and I must confess, it made me feel good. Or perhaps, my ego was stroked a little bit. “You made the food?”

“Yes. A little something for my mate won’t hurt anyone. Right?” 

Colour rose to her cheeks and she gently bit her lower lip. It was like that singular act broke a little bit of restrain in me. I ground down on my teeth and tried my best to control Xeros who was ready to take control.

“That is a very dangerous move”, I muttered

“What?” she asked

“Do you want to take a walk around the garden? The evening breeze might do us good”

It will especially do me good to release these pent up tensions that she had caused. 

“Yes. That will be great”

“So what else can you do? Aside cooking up a storm?”

“Well, I have a knack for stealing people’s heart and keeping them in a jar”

She laughed. “Is that even allowed?”

“By me. And you seem to have beaten me to my game”

“How do you mean?”

“You already stole my heart”

I came to a halt, plucked a Lily and handed it over to her. “The difference is that you didn’t store it in a jar. I’m still breathing”

She took the Lily and smiled. “You certainly have a way with words that makes me feel special. Thank you”

“My job is to make you smile always. And maybe whenever you feel you’re ready, you can tell me why you decided to jump into that river”

“I don’t really want to—“

I gently placed my index finger on her lips. “Shhh. You don’t need to say anything now. I’ll wait”

I stood there, lost in her hazy brown eyes. This woman might really be the death of me because this crazy attraction towards her is something that I cannot explain. Does she feel the emotions warring in me right now? The budding urge to take her and mark her as mine and mine alone? My eyes traveled down to her lips once more. Those lips that makes me want to promise the whole world to her.

No, this is not an appropriate behavior for an alpha. I should tone it down a little bit. I am not this soft.

“Thank you”, she said, lightly touching my arm.

Here goes my initial termination to tone things down. Does she not know what that touch does to me?

“I know that I’ve not been here for long but you have treated me better than I have been in years and for that I am grateful” she said, licking her lower lip.

“Don’t ever do that again or I might not be able to stop myself” I said, swallowing hard.

She bit her lip. “Do what?” 

“Exactly what you just did” I said and pulled her close to my body

I took a deep breath and rested my forehead on hers, long enough to calm my raging hormones and Xeros as well

“The next time you bite your lip that way, I will not hold myself back from taking you. So you should probably be careful doing that around me”

I released her and walked back into the house before I could change my mind and bury myself deep inside of her.

“Do not let her meet the same fate. I wouldn’t want to lose this one as well.” Xeros said.

“She’ll be alright. I just have to make sure that she doesn’t get pregnant at all.”

I brought out the ground herbs in my pocket and smiled. “I think that it’s better to start off the process earlier so the same thing doesn’t happen again”

Comments (1)
goodnovel comment avatar
Chinenye Benjamin
But she is already pregnant or did she abort? Why are they two for one woman?

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