

"How long has it been since I tried to have fun?" Cass asked herself when she got free time after the show.

As usual, it was a success, and all people who watched were satisfied to see the collection of Arturia.

Her quirk of using weird styles as patterns for her clothes caught the interest of fashion enthusiasts.

Let's add to the fray her employer who likes to decide on the spot on which model should wear the clothes.

Their combo made their business prosper in a few years. 

"Who knows? You were busy in college. Now that you decided to stop, you can go out and play wild. Whatever you want." Arturia says while eating a lollipop.

They are currently strolling around Paris to see the famous places, and Cass is trying to remember the time when she had come here to stroll around. Some of the establishments weren't there during that time.


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