
The Devil Tree House
The Devil Tree House
Author: Aya Lyka C.

Chapter 1: Midnight

Midnight, in the dark part of the school.

"Ahhhhhhh .." cried a girl named samantha as she saw the souls approaching her.

She was inside an old school building. It's scary and terrifying when the night catches up with you in that place.

"Help ....! Help me ....! Help ....!"She shouts run so as not to be overtaken by the spirits following her. More and more souls suddenly appeared everywhere she looked.

She was already in tears in fear of those moments. In great fear, she did not realize that she was already bathed in sweat and tears dripping from her eyes.The souls were getting closer and closer to her as if they wanted to take her. Her knees were also weakening from running and she was chasing her breath. After a while she saw the gate of the school and she hurried to the gate to get out of the scary school but Sam suddenly fell.

"Ahhhhhh ...... mommy ..! Lola ....., ahhhhhh!" Sam shouted as the scary souls were already in front of her.

She suddenly covered her eyes with her hands out of sheer fear.

When she opened her eyes she noticed the noise from the telephone next to her bed. It was on top of a small table next to the lampshade on the side of the bed.

"Kriiiiiiiiiing ....! Kriiiiiiiiiing ......!" Phone ringing.

She picked up the phone and answered whoever called.

"Hello .... hello ... who's this?" She asked on the other line. She was surprised that no one answered and soon she heard a terrifying sound on the other line. She dropped the phone out of fear. Her eyes widened and her body began to numb until she was stunned to one side.

"What did I hear, scary?" She was stunned suddenly.

"Sam, ready for breakfast." Her mother's voice came from the door. She did not realize that the door opened because of what happened.

Her mother noticed the trace of fear on her face.

"What happened to you, sweety?" Her mother asked.

"Mom, there's a scary voice on the phone." She pointed to the phone.

Her mother approached the location of the phone and applied it to her mother's ear But no one heard what her mother's voice was.

"I haven't heard anything, maybe it's just hunger." Said her mother.

"I'm not hungry mom, i told you the truth, believe me." Sam said sadly.

"Ssshhh ... get ready and you might be hungry." Her mother said.

"Mom ....," Sam called her mom slightly.

"What?" Her mom asked.

"I have a nightmare, mom." She approached her mother and hugged her tightly.

"What did you dream?" Her mother asked her.

"Very creepy mommy." She looked into her mother's eyes and saw the trace of fear on Sam's face.

"When you have a bad dream again you just pray and then be strong sweetheart, okay. Don't be afraid." Her mother's hands were holding her beautiful and soft cheek. Sam get out of the mother's embrace.

"But ... mom." She said sadly to her mother.

"Sshhhh .... enough. Let's go to eat." Said the mother.

"Okay mom ..., I'll follow you later." Sam said.

She immediately straightened up and followed her mother.As she was on her way to the kitchen she suddenly felt someone caress her hair. She turned her back but saw no one. She felt nervous as suddenly the cold air blew to caress her white skin.

"Sam, are you okay?" Old woman's voice.

She was looking for where the voice came from and she saw her grandmother.

"I'm fine grandma." Sam replied.

"Hmm..why did you seem to see a ghost there." The old man smiled.

Sam put her arm around her grandmother.

"Grandma ....., please don't say it again." Sam pleaded with a smile.

She was happy while talking to her grandmother during those hours. Her grandmother was her frequent companion especially when her parents left to work and to look after their business. Sam has a brother who is studying abroad with their grandfather. Sam is the youngest of the siblings, she is also an artist in everything but she is a tender child and beautiful. Their family is known to be very wealthy in their area because of the businesses of her parents built.

"Sam, you eat first and we'll leave later." Said her grandmother.

"All right, grandma, you can eat too." Sam said to her grandma.

"I've already eaten and I still have work to do." Her grandmother said seriously.

"Okay grandma, you take care." Sam said.

The old man left and went to a room. Sam also went to the kitchen. She saw her mother cooking when she arrived. She was opposite the kitchen door when her mother noticed her.

"Oh .., hi sweety, you ate here." Her mother calls as she cooks pancakes.

"The smell of, what you're cooking mom. Is that a pancake?"

She approached her mother.

"Yes, sweetheart." Her mother replied to her.

Sam sat in the chair next to the table. As she sat and silently looked around the kitchen. She can feel when there is a spirit around. Her mother noticed her quietness.The mother handed the pancake placed on a plate.

"Mom, have you eaten yet?" Sam asked.

"Hmm ... I just drank coffee earlier." Her mom said.

"Mommy, you want some?" She offered to her mommy.

"No thank's sweety. Just eat there, ok." Her mom said and smiled.

Sam took the milk that was placed in the refrigerator. She started eating and after she ate her breakfast she said goodbye to her mother to go to her room.

" I finished eating." Sam said.

"Mom..., I'll just go to my room and I'll fix what I'm going to bring." Sam continued.

"Sure, sweety." Her mom smiled.

They will move to a place where Samantha will continue her education because Sam did not improve her education at the expensive school she attends.

"Wait a minute sweetheart, the things you're going to bring, go straight to the car and your daddy is already waiting there."

"Okay mom, I will." Sam said.

Sam left and went to her room. She arranges the things to take and then she takes a bath. When she finished taking a shower, she also chose what to wear.

"What is so beautiful to wear, that I will look like a princess." She was looking in her closet.

"Hmmmm ... i think this one." She picked up the dress and sandals that were at the bottom of the closet.

She was wearing blue and white sandals. She was very beautiful in her dress especially her brown long hair was loose. It is also banded in blue.

When she had finished arranging and packing, Sam went to the car where her father was waiting.

"Hi dad." She greeted her father when she saw him arranging their luggage in the back of the car.

"Oh, hi dear." Her father also greeted her.

"How are you sleeping?" Her dad asked.

"I slept well last night." She lied.

"It's good and you slept well." Her dad said.

Samantha's father is still busy arranging the luggage.

"Give me you're holding." Her dad said.

 Sam handed the bag she was holding to her father.

"Here daddy." Sam reached out to her father.

"You haven't left or forgotten anything because we will also stay in the new house and new place we will move to for a long time." Reminder of her father.

"Hmm ... nothing dad. I think I've brought everything I need." Sam smiled.

Her father ended up fixing what it was doing.

"Get in the car Samantha and we'll be leaving soon. I'm just waiting for your mommy and grandma."

Sam quietly obeyed her father and got into the car. She sat in the middle of the car. She just left the door of the car she passed open until she noticed her father leaving.

"Dad, where are you going?" Sam asked.

"Ah, I'll just call your mommy and your grandmother. I'll see if they're done getting ready."

" I don't want to be alone here." Sam said sadly.

"Nothing bad will happen to you there so wait for us there, ok." Her father turned and walked into their house.

Sam's face suddenly frowned.

"Hayyysss...., it's annoying. It'll take them a while to fix it, what else to do?" She was disgusted.

She noticed the silence around her.

"It's quiet here. I'm getting bored too." She was annoyed.

Sam couldn’t help but feel nervous the moments she was alone. Nor could the bad dream that had given her fear and nervousness be erased from her mind. She looked around outside and even inside the car. She was restless when she felt calm and was always scared and startled. She calmed down when she heard the voice of her parents with her grandmother going to the car where she was.

"Have we put all our belongings in the car, hon?" Her mother asked her father.

"Yeah, I've fixed the placement as well." Her father replied.

"You mom, maybe you forgot something." Her mother asked her grandma.

"I haven't forgotten anything." Gandma said.

Her parents were already close to where Sam was.

"Sam, are you okay? I'm sorry if your grandmother took us so long." Her mom said.

", I'm fine and it's ok with me even if you take a long time to fix it." She was lying.

"Oh Sam, that wasn't okay before." Her grandmother said to stand beside her.

Her parents also took the ride and her father will be the driver. Sam's father looked at her.

"What's wrong with you Samantha and you still seem to be lying to us that we thought you were okay?" Her dad asked.

"Nothing dad, ignore me and I'm really okay." She replied to her father.

Her grandmother put her arm around her and leaned on her shoulder. The car started moving and they left. Because the place they were going to was far away and they were going to travel far, the night overtook them on the road. Sam and her grandmother fell asleep. Her parents were awake those hours and while her father was driving in the middle of the night and suddenly an old woman with a black dress appeared in front of the car. It crosses to the other side. Her father stopped the car so Sam and her grandmother woke them up to feel the car they were riding in stop."What happened?" Sam asked his parents.

Her parents did not immediately respond. She just noticed that they were looking out of the car. They saw the old woman in black crossing so.

“Hon, why is there an old woman on this dark road?” Her mother wondered.

"Even I was wondering too." Her dad replied.

They waited for the old woman to cross to the other side but were shocked to see that it had disappeared.

"Ahhhhh ........" Sam and her mother shouted except for her grandmother and her father.

Everyone was trembling with fear because of what they had witnessed except her grandmother. Her father was stunned.

"Hon ..! Let's go! Start the car." Trembling her mother said.

Her father didn't hesitate and started their car to get stuck in that part. Sam's face showed the fear of those moments so she hugged her grandmother tightly.

"Grandma, you weren't scared before." Sam asked.

"Not Sam." Her grandma replied.

"Why aren't you scared?" Sam asked again.

"Because for me Sam, God is on my side so always pray to the lord. That's what you don't forget." Grandma said.

Sam was speechless and remembered what her grandmother had said. She never slept again and just waited to get to where they were going.

"We're close, but after we go to the new place we're moving, we'll go somewhere first." Her mom said.

"Honey, let's rest in the new house first." Her dad said.

"It's good that it looks like we need sleep now." Said her mom.

"Where are we going after we rest?" She asked her parents.

"You'll also know when we've been there." Her mom said.

"Grandma, will you come with us?" She asked her grandma.

She and her mother looked at her grandmother as she spoke.

"I'm not going with you. I'll stay with the new house we're moving to." Grandma replied to her.

As they continued along the dark road in the middle of the night. It was a dark road that they were treading and the distance between the road lights especially the huge trees were on the side of the road. There are very few houses to be seen and the distance between them is also long. Sam's mother and her grandmother felt drowsy. Sam and her father remained awake during those hours. It was four o'clock in the morning when they arrived at the new house. It has two floors and inside you can see the spacious living room. There are three bedrooms on the second floor.

"Sam, you and your grandmother have come down here." Her mom said.

"Okay ..." Sam replied.

"All right Sam, you go down first and I'll follow." Grandma said.

Sam went down first and her grandmother followed. Her parents parked the car on the side of the house. Sam looked at the look of the house. It is old and some parts have not been repaired. This is the house where her father grew up. Her father's parents had also long since passed away due to illness.

"Sam, let's go." Her grandma said.

Sam was surprised to hear her grandmother's voice.

"Ah..what is it, grandma? Sam asked.

"I said, let's go inside." Grandma said.

"Okay grandma, let's go." Sam smiled. She took her grandmother by the arm and they walked together.

They entered the house. Suddenly Sam's whole body went cold. She stared at the window curtains being blown away by the wind coming from outside. Sam stopped walking and so did her grandmother. She saw something through a window behind the curtain.

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