
Battlefield Bound

It was the day after my birthday. For the second year in a row, I was preparing for a battle. This time, I knew what I was truly up against and the fight ahead of me. It wasn’t a last minute preparation, but one a year in the making.

The feeling in the compound was a mix of excitement and fear. A lot of the omega level and non-dominant shifters elected to stay and protect the families, children, and weaker species that couldn’t join the fight. No one faulted them for it.

We dominant members were made for this. Battle was in our blood. The demons were all chomping at the bit to get out there and do some damage.

I saw Garrett and Celia in the gathering area where people were saying goodbye to their loved ones. Tony and Gail were holding each other tightly. I knew she wasn’t going, even being a full demon, Gail was not a fighter.

Rena was kissing Rao and Indie goodbye. They each put a hand on her slightly bulging belly. Dennis gave her a bi

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Commentaires (2)
goodnovel comment avatar
‘Thia Anne
goodnovel comment avatar
why don't they just order the other demons to stop and fight with them? and then open the earth where the vampires are during the day problem solved no fighting

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